Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1963: Arrival of the Spirit Race

Gradually, Xiaobao and Qianxie Guoshu completely stayed away from the battlefield.

"Okay, don't fight."

Thousands of evil country lords groaned, looking at Xiaobao's eyes suddenly cold.

He moved his heart and really wanted to kill Xiaobao.

Now is a good opportunity. After killing Xiaobao, even if he leaves, no one can catch up with him.

Xiaobao didn't know it yet, and he was simply terrible: "Quick, eighth-order spirit plant for me."

Thinking of the eighth-order Ling Zhi, he was drooling.

Qianxie Guozhu squinted his eyes, and took out a purple half-meter-high Lingzhi in his hand, which had blossoming snow-white flowers.

At the same time, a black dagger was hidden in his other hand.

"Really eighth-order Ling Zhi."

Xiaobao was so agitated that her figure disappeared, and then she appeared strangely in front of the Thousand Evil Lord.

Thousands of evil nations trembled, what happened?

How did this guy come back?

He hadn't responded yet, and the eighth-order spirit plant in his hand was gone.

"What the hell, this guy is weird!"

Thousands of evil country masters are a bit horrified, what is this ability.

He immediately understood why the people of Qin Yu didn't follow him. It turned out that they didn't worry about Xiaobao's safety at all.

At this time he had to weigh it.

If he killed Xiaobao, he wouldn't be pleased on both sides. Will the people of Xianxian Academy let him go.

He took a long sigh and gave up his thoughts on Xiaobao's shot, and the short sword closed up immediately.

Don't let yourself die again.

"I'll give you something, and I'll go first."

The Emperor of the Evil Kingdom laughed, but in fact he felt a bit lucky, and just now, if he did n’t leave, there was a real danger of falling.

The three teachers of Xianxian College, together with Xu Ri and Quark, although it is not said that they can be killed, but it is definitely not difficult to kill three or five.

Leave now, at least to ensure that you can survive.

An eighth-order spirit plant is also worth it.

"Wait, you just called me two fat fat guys. If you scold me like this, you must give me two seventh-order Lingzhis."

Xiaobao blocked the way of the Qianxie Guozhu, and even dared to scold himself like this, thinking about it.

Thousands of evil country leaders are silent, what the **** is telling me the truth, aren't you fat? How can this be called you?


"You don't give it, this time you run away, next time I meet you, I let Teacher Qin Yu kill them."

"You also threaten people."

Thousands of evil kingdom masters are stunned, this dead fat man looks stupid, why is his head suddenly bright at this moment.

"Can I give it?"

The Emperor of the Evil Kingdom gritted his teeth and was even blackmailed.

However, an eighth-order Lingzhi was given, what is the value of two seventh-order Lingzhi.


Seeing that the Emperor of the Evil Kingdom took out two seventh-order spirit plants again, Xiaobao was so excited that there were still such silly people. He just scared him. He actually gave himself two second-order spirit plants plant.

Qianxie Guozhu gave Xiaobao a deep look, and said nothing and turned into a streamer and left.

Xiaobao had a lot of gains, and ran away his dirty mess, and then ran back. This was a big victory.

"Little treasure!"

Che Houxuan noticed Xiaobao and shouted immediately.

Xiaobao was proud at the moment: "Thousand evil host is not my opponent at all. He was seriously injured and escaped."

After listening, everyone was speechless.

You know what the other party ’s name is. You have to say that you two do n’t have a secret deal, who believes.

It's so shameless.

At this time, a loud drink came, and only saw Quark smashing the supreme head of a League of Nations.


The head was cracked and the spirit inside was destroyed.

The League of Nations has fallen to another Supreme God.

"The Lord of Luohe!"

Seeing this scene, Bingyi's face turned blue.

But he was distracted, and Qin Yu pierced his shoulder with a shot.


The skeletal lord was very angry when he seized Qin Yu's spear.

Regardless of Qin Yu, the spear shook again, directly smashing the arm of the bone-winged lord.

"Haha, die."

Che Houyi's side, his Ding Yuanzhu also shot again, broke the siege of several people, and killed a supreme horn.

One after another, the two Supremes fell.

The situation is increasingly detrimental to aliens and the League of Nations.


Quark said, madly motivating the universe's original law system.

Qin Yu is also the force that spurs the new universe. Today it is bound to kill several more.

Xu Ri looks big, these people are very killing, especially this quark, it is simply killing pleasure.

"A bunch of lunatics!"

This is the time and space, the rapid sound of breaking through the air.


As soon as the skeletal lord of the wing was dying, so was Qin Yu.

It should be the spirit people who got rid of the flying snake and rushed over.

If the spirits choose to help the League of Nations, the situation will be reversed again.

Xu Ri and others also changed their face slightly. If they leave now, they still have time.

But there were a few people in Qin Yu who obviously didn't mean to escape.

Over there, Linghuang flew all the way.

But when she saw the situation before, she was completely dumbfounded.

"The three teachers of Xianxian College, and two more, one seems to be a virtual day rebelled by the ancestors, and the other is a little strange. How did these five people be trapped by the League of Nations and aliens?" Big head, didn't the bone-winged kingdom go first ~ ~ What is the chaotic scene now?

"It doesn't look like the five nations are besieging the five people, but the five people are besieging the allies and the aliens." The Lingnan University official's eyes were sharp, and he immediately saw the situation on the field. How did you practice with the League of Nations? "

Ling Huang also didn't understand, but the strength of Qin Yu's three people made her tremble.

She once heard Ling Zu say that Qin Yu was very strong, but she did not expect that Qin Yu could be so strong. One person fighting four members of the League of Nations and two aliens did not fall into the wind at all.

In addition to Qin Yu, the other two teachers of Xianxian College are also terrible, especially Pangu. They can even compete with the giants of the Giant Protoss.

As for Xuri and Quark, both of them feel the same to her, they are the top powerful among the Supreme Gods.

These five are far more powerful than everyone in the League of Nations combined.

"Linghuang, what should we do?" Shen University official Shen said, at this time he didn't know who to help.

Helping the League of Nations, isn't that working with aliens against the Immortal Academy?

They can't do it.

Help Xianxian College, then their agreement with the League of Nations will not be abolished, but this is a helper they have invited.

"Stop them first, this is not the time for internal consumption." Ling Huang groaned and said coldly, "Stop it!"

"What about the spirit emperor, stop first and see what she wants." Qin Yu frowned and motioned for Che Hou and Pan Gu to stop. After all, there are eighteen Lings at the highest level. At this time, you still need to give the spirit emperor some face. Otherwise, the spirit clan stepped in, maybe they would deal with them first.

Che Houzhen and Pan Gu stopped one after the other, and Xu Ri also immediately stopped. In the end, the quark was helpless and had to stop.

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