Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1975: Who pits who

Thousands of evil kingdom masters shouted at two of them: "Xiao Bao, Qin Yan, don't panic, it's so dangerous here, let's take care of them together."

Then, he chased up towards Qin Yan and Xiaobao.

Qin Yan frowned: "Aren't you going to find the control core of the Star God's Boat?"

Xiaobao also nodded: "Yeah, look for it, and follow us."

"I wanted to find it, but now there is no direction. Forget it, don't look for it, maybe the Star God's Boat has nothing to do with me. I decided to follow you first, after all, it's too dangerous, I and you Together, they can protect you, too. "The Qianxie Lord is completely shameless and has no idea what it is to hit his own face.

Qin Yan smiled and protected us?

Just now I do n’t know who heard that he killed the Bonewing State Lord.

Xiaobao shook his head, but it was a little heart-beating. A bodyguard fell from the sky. Is their safety more secure?

"Rest assured that the presence of me will not allow anyone to hurt you a hair." Qianxie Guo continued to promise, saying it is protection, you will be killed in a while.

Well, I'm so bad. When you die, you didn't kill me, and Xianxian Academy can't blame me on my head.

Although Qin Yan was very reluctant to work with the thousands of evil nationals, he saw that the thousands of evil nationals depended on them, apparently trying to find an opportunity to plot against them.

You have to follow, right? I don't know who is going to die.

Qin Yan had an idea in his heart, and smiled, "Well, let's have three of us together, or we can take care of it."

The Emperor of the Evil Kingdom suddenly rejoiced that he was not a successful invader into the enemy.

Xiaobao was also a little happy, and they all laughed and laughed. For a while, they didn't know how good the relationship was.

The three began to search for treasures. It was not difficult to find Xiaobao, but watching Xiaobao find a treasure, the eyes of the thousand evil kingdom masters were all green.

He also saw that this little treasure has a very powerful treasure hunting ability.

"It's been almost a day since it was time to eat. It's considered that I haven't eaten since the last war with the Patriarch." Xiaobao said, and took out his own pot. The pot is a first-level eternal magic weapon, and the eyes of the thousand evil kingdom masters are greener.

He still only has a first-level eternal magic weapon, and it is still very impractical.

Following Xiaobao, he took out his spatula, or the first-level eternal magic weapon, and the spoon he took out. This turned out to be an intermediate-level eternal magic weapon.

At this moment, the Emperor of the Evil Kingdom really wants to kill Qin Yan and Xiaobao now, and use eternal magic to cook. This is where the prodigal son came from.

Qin Yan is also terrified on one side, this little treasure's net worth is ah.

Looking at Xiaobao planting a sixth-order spiritual plant, a seventh-order spiritual plant, or even an eight-order spiritual plant, the potion of the evil evil master is hurting.

In particular, he saw that the eighth-order Lingzhi was given to Xiaobao by himself, which made him even more sad.

After waiting for a long time, all the pot of Lingzhi boiled soup came out.

"Come and taste."

Xiaobao filled Qin Yan and Qian Xie Guozhu with a large bowl. Looking at the clear soup, there was no appetite at all and they didn't know what soup. Qin Yan and Qian Xie Guozhu made the same decision.


No matter how bad it is, drink it.

This soup contains a huge amount of energy, and whoever doesn't drink is a fool.

Qin Yan had already condensed the masses of thirty-two worlds, and absorbed some of the remaining power of true blood along the way. The mass of the world has reached as many as thirty-five.

But who knows that this bowl of soup goes down, he has once again condensed a large world, reaching 36 large worlds.

The lord of a thousand evil nations has condensed the strength of 560 worlds. This bowl of soup has also allowed him to consolidate a third of the world.

After all, Qin Yan is the **** king, he is the supreme god, and it is much more difficult to condense the energy and mass of a large world than Qin Yan, but this is already shocking.

This pot of soup is all energy, and when he looks into the pot, there should be as many bowls.


He couldn't help swallowing and drooling, and Qin Yan was the same. This way of improving cultivation is really not too cool.


He and Qin Yan made the same decision. They both picked up a spoon and filled themselves with a bowl. As to whether it is difficult or not, who cares about it.

The sachet was drinking himself, and he didn't seem to notice how unpleasant the soup tasted.

Watching Qin Yan rush to serve the soup, he was very excited: "I just said, only the high-end ingredients can make the best soup. Look, they like to drink more of my soup."

Hearing Xiaobao's words, Qin Yan and Qianxie Guohe are all haha.

It's delicious, the soup is bitter and astringent. You drink it so well, can't you really taste it?

The two lives were afraid that the other would drink the soup. They rushed to drink up a pot of soup. Qin Yan drank a total of four bowls, condensing the energy masses of the four thousand worlds. Now the energy mass has reached 39. Each.

The Lord of the Thousand Evils drank five bowls, condensing the energy mass of a half and a thousand worlds, and now has reached a world mass of 561 and a half.

Even though this soup is hard to drink, it's worth drinking.

"Xiao Bao, don't you make a pot again?" Qian Xie, the landlord smiled, if he can continue to improve this way, it is not far to reach the limit of 599 worlds.

"No, there is no more material." Xiaobao thought for a while, "And they are full, what else do they want to eat?"

Qin Yan didn't say anything, so let's continue to search for treasures.

After finding Ling Zhi, if Xiao Bao used to make soup, he wouldn't say anything.

It seemed that there was a voice coming.

The Thousand Evil Lord also felt something, and quickly stood up: "Something is approaching quickly, be careful."

Qin Yan naturally knew that if it was a ferocious beast, if there were anyone else, he would be in danger.

Xiaobao sniffed carefully, then a little scared, "This smell is the smell of bugs, there are bugs."


The Qianxie Lord and Qin Yan didn't know what Xiaobao said, but then they saw six Zerg warriors flying like beetles and holding spears.


Thousands of evil kingdom stunned, there was even a team of Zerg warriors.

"Zerg Warrior at the highest level?"

Qin Yan felt the breath of the Zerg warrior and his face changed slightly.

To create a Zerg warrior of the highest **** level, the zerg mother emperor must be at least the highest god's cultivation state, and it is more likely to be the universe **** state.

"Unfortunately, the Zerg Warriors are a group or even a Zerg army as soon as they come out." The Thousand Evil Lord scolded him, worried, but his eyes turned brighter. This is a good opportunity. Maybe Can take the opportunity to pit Qin Yan and Xiaobao, and then harvest a lot of treasures.

As for the six Zerg fighters, he should not be threatened yet.

After all, although these Zerg warriors have been repaired, their strength is very ordinary, and there is almost nothing magical.

"Qin Yan, Xiaobao, you have to protect yourself. This Zerg warrior must have smelled the treasures on your body." Said the Lord of the Evil Clan, saying that the treasures are very heavy. He knows that these Zerg are They are wise, they know that Qin Yan and Xiaobao have treasures on their bodies, will they let them go, and they will surely kill them.

Hehe, after the Zerg Mother Emperor killed the two, they robbed and ran away.

These six Zerg warriors can't stop themselves, of course, if they dare to stop them, kill them together.

Qin Yan immediately understood that the thousand evil nationals wanted to pit themselves.

Acting, who won't.

He seemed a little surprised: "Treasures, what treasures, Lord Lord, aren't all the treasures on you?"

Xiaobao also stunned: "What treasure does he say, do we have it?"

Xiaobao didn't feel that those things he found were treasures, and he was very aggressive at the moment.

Both were very innocent, letting all the Zerg fighters lock their eyes on the lord of a thousand evil spirits.

"I'm going, you can play very well, how many treasures you found along the way, these Zerg warriors must have been attracted to you." Qianxie Guozhang gritted his teeth, how did it feel a little bad at this moment, the two seemed as shameless as themselves , But also want to harm themselves in turn.

Xiaobao is confused. I didn't know what treasure was found along the way.

Qin Yan smiled bitterly: "Master, do n’t pretend. One of us has just broken through to the realm of God King, and the other has just broken through to the highest realm of God. In yours, you have more than five hundred world masses. In the presence of the Supreme God, can we keep the treasure even if we find the treasure. Or do you think these Zerg warriors are fools, and the Zerg mother behind them is also a fool? "

"not good!"

The Lord of the Thousand Evils felt that all six Zerg warriors followed him.

Yes, he is the strongest in this. He has forgotten this. He always feels that since Qin Yan can kill the bone wings, Qin Yan is the strongest.

Qin Yan is just the **** king.

"You killed ..."

"Kingdom, don't be acting at this time, let's run away at this moment."

With that said, Qin Yan and Xiaobao flew towards the distance quickly.

He didn't dare to give Qian Xie the Lord another chance to explain. At this time, he fled, and who these Zerg fighters would follow, it must be Qian Xie.


As soon as Qin Yan and the two men ran, five Zerg warriors surrounded the thousands of evil kingdom masters.

Thousands of evil national masters themselves are aggressive, why he overturned the boat in the gutter, this Qin Yan has mastered the pitman's peerless, stable and accurate.

Qin Yan took Xiaobao all the way, only to find that a Zerg warrior was caught up behind him.

"Xiao Bao, aren't you the Supreme God, isn't it difficult to deal with a Zerg warrior with the first-level Supreme God strength?"

"I haven't fought."

Xiaobao was a little bit grieved. He didn't really have a fight, so he faked a fight with Qian Xieguo last time.

Fighting Zerg fighters in the same realm, he is faint.

Qin Yan was speechless, wouldn't the two be finished, this Zerg warrior, they couldn't handle it.

"Aren't you able to kill Bone Wing, just like the last trick to beat the bug down." Xiaobao said, but pinned hope on Qin Yan.

"I can't play such a trick." Qin Yan sighed, and the Zerg warrior got closer and closer, and finally caught up with them.

Xiaobao is dumbfounded and can't play, what should I do?

Qin Yan breathed a deep breath: "The two of us are not as fast as him. They can't run, and they can only fight one another."

Xiaobao wants to cry, I really don't want to fight.

However, the Zerg warrior did not give the two people a chance, and rushed straight up, and came straight to Xiaobao. Whoever made his repair the most powerful, Qin Yan, a small shrimp, he did not look at it.

Xiaobao was frightened and turned into particles to avoid him. He had just condensed and the Zerg warrior rushed up again.

Qin Yan has low strength and can only harass Zerg fighters on one side.

On the other side, the Thousand Evil Lord was entangled by five Zerg warriors, and he couldn't even run away. He was really furious.

"You guys are endless, get out of here!"

"Kill you and dedicate it to the empress."

Several Zerg warriors said that they are exactly the same as dead men, but this is the case. These Zerg warriors were born for fighting, and there is no concept of death at all.

Thousands of evil kingdoms are furious, are you killing yourself?

He no longer keeps his hands, no matter which Zerg mother emperor is behind him, he doesn't want to die, he can only kill these Zerg fighters.

A sword appeared in the hands of the lord of a thousand evil nations.

This sword is an early-level eternal weapon ~ ~ and his only magic weapon, powerful.

A blade of light flashed through, and one Zerg warrior's body was cut open, while other Zerg warriors took the opportunity to pounce on the Lord of the Evil Clan.


The knife light permeated the void, forming a knife net, and the four Zerg warriors covered by the knife net were chopped into several segments and fell from the void.

These Zerg fighters died, and their internal storage space exploded, dropping a treasure.

There are four strains of the eighth-order spiritual plant, and many seventh-order spiritual beads, as well as mountain-like materials.

The Lord of the Thousands of Evil Kingdoms shook his head, and this is not a hair issue. Did he kill the leader of a Zerg warrior?

He looked at his chest, and just when he was doing his best move, he was caught by a Zerg warrior and a piece of meat seemed to be nothing at the moment.


"No way, I can't hold it anymore." Qin Yan gritted his teeth. At the moment he was not badly injured, but Xiaobao was not injured, but kept turning into particles, and then transformed back. He was exhausted. Panting at the moment.

"Xiao Xie." Xiao Bao smelled something and looked in one direction. At this time, the hidden Qian Xie Lord appeared.

However, the Emperor of the Evil Kingdom is completely indifferent. He is telling himself that when two people die, he can send another wave.

Qin Yan froze, looking at Qian Xie, it seemed that only Qian Xie could save himself.

But Qian Xie obviously was unwilling to save them.

How to do?

Qin Yan suddenly thought of something, and was a little surprised: "You, the Lord of Thousands of Evil, wouldn't you have killed all five Zerg warriors of the Lord of the Scorpions?"

Lord of the Scorpion, what Lord of the Scorpion?

Qian Xie trembled, his face suddenly changed, did these Zerg warriors killed by themselves, the mother emperor behind them is the Lord of the Scorpions.

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