Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1977: Star source fruit appears

The others were silent, the Star God was dead, all this was a thing of the past.

Even the death of Xingshen is still unknown.

"Since the body of the Star God is here, the star source fruit must also be here." Yana groaned. "But the entire star tree is so large, where will the star source fruit bred?"

At least until now, they haven't seen where the star fruit is.

Everyone unconsciously looked at the Spirit Emperor. Will the Spirit Emperor know some **** kings.

"Don't look at me, you must be here. How can I find it? I can't help it." With that said, the spirit emperor walked towards the tree of stars, and others did not dare to delay, and immediately followed.

The people of the Ling ethnic group all looked serious and solemn at this moment.

The star god, the second universe **** of the spirit tribe, is the guardian of the spirit tribe, but the star **** is dead, and the position of the spirit tribe in the universe at the time also dropped rapidly.

Later, many spirit people were hunted, and most of them started from this time.

If it wasn't for the Lingzu to force the eight forces and the League of God to make them promise not to start against the Ling people, the Ling people today may be even worse.

The spirit family suffered too much suffering because of the death of the star god.

"Linghuang, the Lingjian you are looking for is also here?" Qin Yu suddenly heard a message at this time. He knew that the purpose of Linghuang's arrival this time was not for Xingyuangu, but only for Lingjian. Pivotal.

Ling Huang knew that this was Qin Yu's voice, but he was not surprised.

If there was no coercion by the Bingyi Kingdom leader, and now Xianxian Academy is also their ally, it would be much easier for him to get a spiritual lesson this time.

Although there are only three people in Xianxian College, there is a virtual day in foreign aid that can almost block the strength of the master, and there are quarks that are not weaker than those of the Blood God. This strength is stronger than the League of Nations.

It is the League of Nations, because as soon as it came in, it was the enemy of Immortal College. Five of the twenty-one Supreme Gods died, and now there are only sixteen.

These sixteen people are dominated by the innocent kingdom. For their spiritual clan, the help they can exert has been greatly reduced.

"Ling Jian may be here." Ling Huang didn't hide it, and then she thought about it and said, "Mr. Qin Yu, Xing Yuan Guo is a very special kind of **** fruit. You can't find it if you look for it. In fact, I am not It is not recommended that you go to Xingyuanguo. The best thing for you now is to leave here, so that you may avoid many unnecessary sacrifices. "

Xingyuan fruit, a special **** fruit?

Qin Yan didn't understand what he meant. He recalled the records of the Star Tree, as if there was really no description of what the star source fruit looked like.

Xing Yuanguo seems to be a bit unusual.

However, Qin Yu came to break through the realm of the universe, and everyone else was running for this purpose. At this time, who would give up, it is impossible for anyone to give up.

Next, a group of people searched for something on the tree of stars, but after searching for three days, they found nothing.

In these three days, Che Houyi, Pangu, Xuri, and Quark came over.

Shi Yan and Ju Yan also all came over.

Many other high gods from outside also followed the entrance and came in.

The tree of stars is full of people, too many people, everyone is looking for the star source fruit, looking for the Lingjian.

But no, nothing.

"Damn, believe it or not, I cut the dead tree."

Someone roared, but he was going to cut down the tree, and the Emperor Ling was unwilling. An academic officer of the Ling clan immediately shot and stopped the person.

This person also had a bad temper. When he saw it, he was just an ordinary ancestor of the ancestors.

"Blasphemy the Star God, look for death!"

The Ling family academic officer screamed angrily, cut a void with an intermediate-level eternal sword in his hand, and directly cut off the arm of the Supreme God.

Just now this person was using this arm to cut down the Star Tree.

The man screamed, terrified his courage, and immediately backed away, and at this time, noticed that the Supreme Gods were all stunned.

What did they see.

The arm that was cut off, and the blood that spilled, were all absorbed by the tree of stars at this moment.

The stems of the stars all emit dazzling white light, and then these white lights begin to gather, and a ghost of a fruit is slowly formed.

"Xingyuan Fruit!"

Some people were so shocked that they immediately rushed up, others didn't dare to delay and joined the queue to grab the source of Xing Yuanguo.

The opportunity to become the God of the universe, the title of the Lord, no one does not mind.

Even Qin Yu is the same, but Qin Yu still hold back. He felt wrong, how could the star source fruit appear so simple, and the energy breath on that star source fruit was too weak, let alone let it be the highest It is impossible for God to break through to the universe and God's realm.

This star fruit is weird.

Sure enough, after the first person picked the star source fruit, they found something wrong.

"Don't do it, it's fake, this is not Xing Yuanguo at all!"

He also realized the danger at this moment, at least ten people killed him, and he couldn't stop it.

But where would anyone else listen? At this moment, I was seduced by Xing Yuanguo. I just wanted to kill this person to capture Xing Yuanguo.


Blood splattered. This first person who captured Xing Yuanguo did not have any enthusiasm and was killed by ten people.

His body is broken, the kingdom of God is broken, the soul is broken.

But at this time, the light of the star tree was even more intense. All these broken deities, kingdoms, and even spirits, all gathered together toward the source of the stars.

At this time, the picked fruit also appeared on the branches of Xingyuan fruit again, but it was obvious that the fruit was now more solid.

Everyone is trembling at the moment, what are they thinking, is this the star fruit?

The so-called star source fruit may be ready-made at all, but they need them as nutrients before they can be bred.

Xing Yuanguo is actually their own power in the final analysis.

If this is the case, how many people will they have to die to conceive a star fruit, which is forcing them to kill each other.

At this time, Qin Yu also understood why the Emperor did not want Xingyuan fruit, not really not wanting it, but that the Xingyuan fruit must be stained with blood, and she was not willing to contaminate these.

Others looked at each other and some were incredible.

"What is it? It turns out that Xingyuanguo is no different from the sacrifices of other races. Only enough sacrifices can be bred." Quark muttered, feeling that he had been dumped.

But even so, more people are still excited.

Regardless of how the Xingyuanguo comes, as long as you can break through to the realm of the universe, who cares so much.

When the Emperor Ling knew it at this time, he couldn't hide it, but said helplessly: "The star source fruit was actually called the blood source fruit at the earliest time. After the death of the star tree, the dead branches can absorb all the energy, and then gather these energy out Finally, a fruit is produced. The amount of energy that this fruit can contain is related to the realm of the star tree before its death. After the death of the star tree of the highest **** level, it can breed the star source fruit of the highest **** level, and the universe The god-level star source fruit can conceive the star power fruit of the universe **** energy level. Therefore, the star source fruit bred after the death of the star **** can make the Supreme God break through to the universe **** realm, and it is not a rumor. "

Qin Yu sighed, but wanted to gather enough cosmic-level energy, how many Supreme Gods to die.


Totally impossible!

Twenty, thirty, or even a hundred are possible.

All people are nervous at this moment, and no one wants to be sacrificed by others.

Qin Yu is also the same. Since there is absolutely no good stubborn to come here, no one has left now to explain everything.

Xing Yuan Guo needs energy, right, some people want to kill others in order to provide Xing Yuan Guo with energy.

Shi Yan laughed at this moment: "What's the problem? There are 29 people in the alien race and 19 people in the Dark God Organization. This adds up to 48 people. Kill them all. Xingyuan Fruit is almost the same. Will be born. "

The Orc Alliance is one of the eight forces, and the Dark God Organization and the alien race are the enemies of the eight forces.

Killing the enemy to breed Xing Yuanguo is justified.

After listening, many people moved in, after all, they were very dominant in number.

The eight major forces, plus some other forces, have close to one hundred and fifty people, and forty-eight people are completely overwhelming.

The blood **** has felt the danger, he knows that this guy is not kidding, obviously he really intends to do so.

He groaned and smiled: "Whoever dares to do it, we will kill whoever first. We still have forty-eight people. We can fight to death and kill one or two forces."

Someone who was interested in something frowned.

It is good to kill the sacrifice of the alien and the dark **** organization, but it is necessary to kill one side of yourself, and even if you get the Xing Yuanguo, what use is it? It is not a wedding dress for others.

Shi Yan saw his word of blood destroy his plan, and was a little displeased.

"Don't do it, then everyone is watching here?" Quark laughed at this time. "Anyway, when Xing Yuanguo is mature, you must fight for your life. By then, the dead are dead. It ’s better for the **** to let him now. died."

Everyone was speechless.

The truth is this truth, but it's not the same thing at all.

Xingyuan fruit is not mature yet!

Who died?

The situation came to a stalemate for a while, and what Yan Yue thought of at this time, slowly said: "The tree of stars conceives the star fruit, it should not necessarily require our energy, and the star beast certainly can. Since everyone is unwilling to It ’s better for other people to go hunting the stars and beasts, and use the beasts to breed the stars.

Star Beast?

Everyone was stunned, which is a good idea.

Even if he died in the Star Beast, it is better than somehow killed here.

"I agree."

The blood **** said first, as long as he didn't move towards their secret **** organization.

Asa then agreed.

They are the weaker side and agreeing to the plan is everyone's expectation.

"Well, let's do that." Stick Saint waved his hand. "But those star gods have only the first level of the Supreme God, even the peak of the **** king. The energy contained in it is certainly not much. How many heads to kill. In order to gather together the energy of a cosmic god. "

"I don't know, but a rough estimate is that it will take tens of thousands of stars and beasts." Someone figured it out, although it was only an approximate figure, but everyone took a breath of air.

Thousands, that's almost equivalent to killing fifty fierce beasts alone.

This is not difficult.

Especially fierce beasts are hordes, which is not easy to start at all.

"Our spirit clan is not interested in Xingyuanguo, you don't count our spirit clan when you kill Xingbei." Linghuang said indifferently, this meaning is even more obvious, whoever you are willing to compete for Xingyuanguo, who will kill Star Beast, anyway, our spirit clan will not go. "And, I would like to remind you that killing the Star Beast must also be within the envelope of the Star Tree to kill. It is useful to kill the corpse outside. Come here, useless. "

At this time, everyone was looking up.

It is useless to kill outside, that is to say that they want to kill and bring in a corpse.

You must catch it and kill it here.

This difficulty is multiplied again and very difficult to handle.

"Everyone who wants to compete for Xingyuan Fruit, according to the number of people, each of them will bring back ten Star Beasts ~ ~. It is not enough to say." Sword God smiled at this time, "This is the time to pay the ticket. When robbing Xing Yuanguo for a while, only those who have completed the mission can grab it. Whoever dared to grab it will kill him first. "

Although this is a threat, no one dares to take it seriously.

Next, no objections were seen. Obviously everyone agreed with the plan.

"let's start."

Shi Yan said, everyone went to deal with the star beast.

After Qin Yu and everyone left, they approached the Spirit Emperor Road: "The Star God has a good plan. These Star Beasts cannot be tamed after the death of the Star God. Once released, it will definitely bring disaster to the entire universe, so the Star God deliberately One of the reasons for leaving this astral world is to ask everyone to solve the problem of the beast left by him after his death. "

There are always ways for a group of supreme gods to kill so many stupid stars and beasts.

Before everyone was busy coming in to **** the treasures, so I didn't want to entangle with the star beasts, but at this moment, if they are hunting and killing the star beasts, these star beasts are not opponents at all.

It is not difficult to kill fifty beasts by one person, as long as the method is proper, of course, there must be danger in it, and the death and injury are also south of the place.

Linghuang smiled: "You don't say, I really didn't think of this."

Qin Yu hehe, but he did not believe it.

"Where is the Lingjian yet to be found?"

Qin Yu groaned a bit. In fact, if he had the chance, he would be very willing to help the Ling tribe to find the Lingjian.

Linghuang nodded, she could feel that Lingjian was here, but she couldn't find it.

"Be careful, I just noticed that some people's eyes are not right. I think some people didn't come at Xingyuanguo, but at Lingjian." Qin Yu groaned, reminding Linghuangdao, "It's other people, if you are hopeless for the source of Xing Yuanguo, you will also capture the spiritual reference."

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