Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1979: Robbing Star Fruit

He hurriedly began to urge his own power to resist, but that was his kingdom of the kingdom of God. He resisted too fiercely and would only hurt his kingdom of God.

After some trials, he couldn't stop the little star tree from stealing his power at all.

"My Nima, fight!"

He gritted his teeth, watching forty-nine thousand worlds to be taken away by Qin Yan. He gritted his teeth and picked up a knife toward Qin Yan, and then gestured toward his palm.

This is to chop Qin Yan, or chop his own hand.

When Xiaobao saw the intention of Qianxie Guozhu, he threatened: "If you dare to kill Qin Yan, I will let Teacher Qin Yu kill them."

The body of a thousand evil nations trembled, and he had no doubt about Xiaobao's words.

He really killed Qin Yan. Qin Yu and others will surely chase themselves to death. Coupled with the immortal college and at least two universe gods, this is more dangerous than offending the Lord of the Scorpions.

He looked at Qin Yan and did not dare to cut it down. He couldn't afford the consequences.

Can't cut Qin Yan, then you can only cut yourself, anyway, get rid of this weird little star tree first.

He felt that another forty-nine thousand worlds were dragged by the root system of the little star tree, and were dragging outward.

"I **** do it myself."

He really regretted it. He had thought that he could capture the core of the control of the ship of the star god, but it seemed that he ignored this thing.

He guessed that he should not have the true blood of the Star God, so he did not have the qualification to recognize the core of the Lord's control.

Raising the knife, he chopped down towards his wrist. The knife was very sharp, and his palm was cut off directly from the wrist.

At this time he finally got rid of the control of the little star tree and quickly backed away, but at this moment he was still worried.

The situation just now is really terrible. If it is absorbed by Qin Yan like this, his cultivation will certainly be plundered by Qin Yan at that time.

This control core is too weird.

Xiaobao watched with admiration on the side, and he was so fierce with his sword. The lord of a thousand evils is also a fierce character. How could he not see it before?

Seeing Xiaobao's look, Qianxie Lord revealed a big white eye. What are you doing with such admiration, if you change it to your Xiuwei so plundered, you will kill yourself.

The cut off palm slowly seemed to melt, and was absorbed by the little star tree, and finally turned into energy and entered Qin Yan's kingdom of God.

In the world of Qin Yan's kingdom of God, there are now a total of ninety large worlds.

Reaching a hundred, that's the middle rank of God King.

Two hundred, that is the high rank of God King.

Three hundred can break through to the highest **** realm.

Originally, even if an immortality broke through to the realm of God King, it would take at least a million years to have the mass of a hundred worlds.

But Qin Yan's many adventures made him soon enter the middle rank of God King.

Maybe, he may not have to wait until he leaves the astral plane, because the remaining real blood power in his body should be able to support him to break through to the middle level of the **** king.

At this moment, Qin Yan is still immersed in the memory of Xingshen.

After the Lord of the Wild's death, the Star God traced the cause of the Lord of the Wild's death, what should have been discovered, and danger came.

Qin Yan saw that the Star God was surrounded by five Cosmic Gods who couldn't see the faces at all. Even if he was very powerful, he was still no match for the five.

Xingshen was injured and blood dripped. He knew he was going to die soon.

"Hide and hide, let me see who you are!"

Star God roared, he had seen something, these five were not aliens at all.

Qin Yan can also understand that if he is an alien, he will not hide his face at all.

The Star God rushed towards one of them, a long sword pierced into the man's body, and the sword awn also ripped off the man's camouflage.

Star God felt the breath of the man, and he showed a terrifying look: "The master of slavery is you!"

Star God roared, but at this moment, a silver light flashed in the void, Star God only felt that the soul was broken, and the whole person fell towards endless darkness.

Someone shot in secret.

Qin Yan froze, who was the last person to take the shot, and it felt good.

The star god's body fell on the earth and the body appeared. Just as these people were about to destroy his body, someone arrived.

At this time, the picture is completely over.

Qin Yan turned back and took a breath.

How could it be that one of those who shot against Star God that year turned out to be the master of slavery.

The master of slavery, it is estimated that no one thought that he would be one of the murderers who killed the star god.

Who was the last person to take the shot? That person seemed very strong and even killed Star God in one shot.


Or the League of Gods?

Later, the death place of Star God was transformed into what it is now. Was it done by those who shot it later, or was it made by Star God's own remaining power.

Star God directed everyone to come here, is it just to tell you all this?

Qin Yan was even more confused, and things at that time were really confusing.

The enslaved master and the star **** are completely two people who do not join the Karma, but the enslaved master kills the star **** with others, and in the end, someone secretly shot.

"Qin Yan, are you okay?"

Xiaobao saw Qin Yan's eyes change, knowing that Qin Yan must have turned around.

Qin Yan looked at Xiaobao and shook his head.

He didn't have anything, but was shocked by these things. Is this the truth that Lingzu was looking for?

These are not things he can solve now. After he returns, he can only tell this honest obituary to Wang Xing, and see what Wang Xing will do.

"Well, my cultivation seems to have improved a lot, and the mass of Daqian World has also increased to as many as ninety. I did not expect that the control core was refined, and there are still such benefits." Qin Yan finally found himself I was a bit surprised at the changes, and immediately I can see that I can break through to the middle rank of God King.

Unexpected joy!

Xiaobao Machinery nodded, and also felt that Qin Yan was too lucky, and it was really fast to improve.

Only the Qianxie Lord secretly wiped away tears, it was all his own divine power, so Qin Yan was all cheaper.

"Qian Xie, why is your breath much weaker?" Qin Yan looked at Qian Xie and found out that he was wrong. "Did you get hurt? It feels like your cultivation has fallen a lot. cut."

"Maybe it's hurt." Qian Xie Guoqiang accompany the smiley face and lost so much cultivation, but the client does not seem to know the "good thing" he did.

But it ’s better not to know, otherwise you will definitely have to turn your face.

Xiaobao hummed at this moment: "Why did he hurt himself ..."

But before he finished speaking, he heard the voice of the Thousand Evil Lord.

"An eighth-order spirit plant, you don't know anything."

"Two plants!"

"The deal."

The Emperor of the Evil Kingdom gritted his teeth. If he was hated by Qin Yan, he would not have any good fruit to eat.

In particular, Qin Yan has now refined the control core, which makes him even more irritating.

Speaking of the core of control, the Lord of the Thousand Evil Kingdom hurriedly said, "Qin Yan, can you control the Star God's Boat now?"

Qin Yan groaned for a moment. Now the little star tree has disappeared. This is not disappearing, but entered into his arm, forming a tattoo.

He tried to communicate, and in front of him was presented a huge hologram of the Star God Boat.

His consciousness entered into it, only feeling that the entire Star God's boat was covered by his own God's knowledge. The ferocious beast above the Star God's boat, as well as many Supreme Gods, could not hide his eyes.

He also has some understanding of the power of the Star God's Boat.

However, he found that his cultivation was very low, and the authority he could exercise was limited, and the limited authority also required his own authentication.

"It can only be controlled easily, and it also requires me to perform some certifications."

Qin Yan said, and looked at Xiaobao and the Thousand Evil Lord: "You help me protect the law, I must first obtain the permissions of the Astral Ship, so that I can really manipulate the Astral Ship and get the above Some of the benefits. "

Qian Xieguo's face blindly patted his chest to protect the law for Qin Yan, but Xiaobao was indifferent.

Now the Supreme Gods have entered the astral world, and they are absolutely safe here.


Star Tomb.

With the million heads of beasts being hunted, Xingyuanguo really has to mature.

Everyone is waiting for this moment. As soon as Xingyuanguo matures, they will snatch.

"Qin Yu, the two of us restrained the others, and you ran away from Xingyuanguo as soon as possible." Che Houyin groaned. "This is outside Shenhe. After you run out, as long as you return to the college Range, no one dares to embarrass you any more. "

"OK." Qin Yu nodded.

other places.

"Staff, you have already incorporated real blood, so I'd better give it to Xing Yuanguo." Sword God smiled.

"I want to be beautiful." But Sheng Sheng said coldly, "depending on your ability, if you grab the Xingyuan fruit, I will give you a break after that time."

"Okay, you grabbed it, and I'll give it to you afterwards." Sword God nodded, both of them had a tacit understanding and knew what to do.


"Blood God, what will you do?" Asa whispered.

"At the same time, whoever robbed it was counted." The blood **** faintly said, but he didn't panic at all, it seemed to have some confidence.


Shi Yan and Ju Yuan looked at the Xingyuan fruit, and they were also moved.

They have been unable to break through, and with this star fruit, they can almost break through.

"Two uncles, be careful." Yan Yue said, knowing that she had no hope of competing for Xing Yuanguo, and she could merge a drop of real blood, thanks to the care of Shi Yan and Ju Yan.

"Xingyuan fruit must make us." Shi Yan grinned, but that row of teeth reached the back of his head, it was really scary.


Time went on, three days later.

The star source fruit glowed a dazzling red light, and all the energy began to gather towards the star source fruit.

"Mature, Xingyuan fruit is ripe."

At this time, all I saw was the star fruit continually solidified, the blood on it disappeared, and a crystal clear fruit appeared.

Then, the star tree seemed to have completed its mission, and slowly began to break down.

Can't wait any longer, everyone gathered their divine power and headed straight for Xing Yuanguo.

Qin Yu also shot the first time.

"Get away!"

Shi Yan shouted, turned into the body, and bite directly towards Xingyuanguo.

Everyone was horrified. With such a big mouth, if it were to swallow the tree of stars, would it be a rogue.

Others avoided it.

But at this time, the boundless sea of ​​blood shrouded hundreds of millions of miles, and Xingyuanguo was also wrapped in it.

Qin Yu froze, only feeling that he could see nothing in front of him. He immediately opened up the power of the new universe and went in the direction of Xing Yuanguo.

At the same time, several pairs of big hands grabbed Xingyuanguo.

The palms of the hands collided with each other, and they were entangled, but at this time, they only saw the star source fruit hit by the power of several people and flew out.

An alien tribe was so proud that this star source turned out to be directed at him.

He grabbed Xing Yuanguo with one hand, and was so excited that he turned away, but at this moment, the knife flashed, and he saw that his arm holding Xing Yuanguo was cut off.

He screamed, desperately trying to catch Xing Yuanguo, but a spear stabbed him again, punching through his head.

This last shot was Qin Yu, who didn't mind killing a stranger.

"Xingyuanguo ~ ~ mine."

The blood **** roared. After he cut off the arm of the alien man, a divine power entangled Xingyuanguo.

Xing Yuan Guo flew towards him.

"Get away!"

Asa sighed, but punched the blood **** with a punch.

The blood **** originally wanted to capture Xing Yuanguo, but was flew out by this force.

"I want it."

Asa gave a loud sigh, and the other Supreme Gods approached him.

But at this time, an axe fell from the void, Asa felt that the spirits were locked by the axe, and fled away in a fright, no matter where he dared to control any star source.

Xing Yuanguo continued to fall, followed by falling straight into the blood witch's hand, the blood witch was also surprised, in fact, he had no hope at all.

He grabbed his hand and caught Xingyuanguo in his hand.

"Give it up or kill you!"

A voice came from Shi Yan, who was not polite to the blood witch.

The blood witch originally wanted to run, but at this moment he was surrounded by heavy obstacles and couldn't run away at all. It was really annoying at this moment.

I grabbed it myself, and I can't take it away.

"give me."

Blood God coldly whispered, but it was killing.

Others are similar.

The blood witch hated himself a little. If he had the strength of the blood **** and others, if he grabbed the Xingyuan fruit and escaped with the Xingyuan fruit, it would be very likely.

Now let yourself grab the Xingyuan fruit, and still be in this heavy siege, isn't this hurting yourself?

I want to pick up leaks, but this is not the idea!

But to whom, he gritted his teeth, but threw it into the sky: "Whoever grabs it is who."

Everyone froze, but some did not respond.

And at this time, a figure appeared in the void, turned out to be the **** of the ancestral religion.

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