Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1985: Assigned task

Many other forces also arranged for people to go there.

Because it is the promotion feast of the Cosmic God, most of these forces have taken out a considerable number of people, at least they have also been supreme gods, and they are more powerful among their respective forces.

Immortal College, the residence of Zhang Zhou.

This is a huge floating island with a radius of more than three million miles.

Above the island are a series of mountain peaks, many of which are millions of feet high and extremely steep, like a sword inserted into the void.

Above the mountain peaks, there is greenery, and the entire floating island looks like a big green mushroom.

Take a closer look at these green plants, it is a large tree with a huge height, of which this tree is dominated by two types.

A kind of star tree is a giant wood made of steel.

This tree grows among the rocks and does not require soil and water, as long as it can contact the rocks and cosmic energy to survive.

The centuries-old star tree can grow as high as a thousand feet, and its hardness is comparable to that of a Tier III force weapon.

The 10,000-year-old star tree can grow to a height of ten feet, and its hardness is comparable to that of a Tier VI force weapon.

Million-year-old star tree can grow up to 100,000 feet high, and its hardness is comparable to that of a Tier 9 force weapon.

These star trees on Zhangzhou Island are all over 100,000 feet tall, and their years are more than a million years old.

In fact, it's much more than that.

The second type of giant tree is called Star Vine, and this kind of tree can grow up to ten feet.

However, after the ten thousand feet, Star Vine will not continue to grow, but will grow out of thick vines.

Star vines that are more than a million years old are not tall, but the vines are over 100,000 long.

The star vine is harder than the star tree. Because its vines can tightly lock the material and energy of a planet, it is often used to strengthen the planet.

These two giant trees intersect, intertwine, and intersect on the island of Zhang Zhou, which makes his island vibrant and green.


A roar came from among the islands, shaking the heavens and the earth, and even a slight fluctuation in space appeared.

In the direction of that roar, I saw only a huge star tree that was knocked down by something. Many spirit birds staying on the tree were scattered and scared away at this moment.

"I said don't destroy things on the island, do you have a long memory?"

Zhang Zhou's voice came, and then he saw a black whip falling from the void, bringing up ripples in the space.


The whip was drawn on a beast, and the beast slumped to the ground in shock, and shivered.

This giant beast is the star beast.

The star beast with the first-level combat power of the Supreme God is in front of Zhang Zhou, the first-level **** king, as if the mouse encountered a cat.

Zhang Zhou is still waiting to continue to educate the star beast, a golden paper crane came out of the void.

The paper crane hovered and heard a voice: "Zhang Zhou, a graduate student of the Immortal College, please get your assignment."

After finishing the paper crane, he threw a white light shining to Zhang Zhou.

Zhang Zhou grabbed it gently, the white light shattered, and a word appeared.

"Zhang Zhou, a graduate student of the Immortal College, will be held soon. You will be represented on behalf of the Immortal College. Please go to the boundary of 1342.12349.998 within one month to meet with Teacher Lin Meng."

When Zhang Zhou saw this passage, he suddenly hesitated, his face changed.

Beast Ancestor Feast!

He also knew the news on the interstellar network. Shi Yun was promoted to the universe and the realm of the gods. The Orc Alliance banqueted many forces in the universe to witness. This is now the grand event of the entire League of Gods universe.

There are some big names who can go.

Zhang Zhou originally thought that this had nothing to do with himself, but he did not expect that he would also attend the beast ancestor feast on behalf of Xianxian College.

"The Orc Alliance, Yanyue ..."

Zhang Zhou's heart was in pain, and the scene of being rejected that day seemed to come to his eyes again.

He originally thought he was about to forget these things, but at the moment felt that he was just deceiving himself. He remembered every word that Yan Yue said at that time.

"Can you refuse this task?" Zhang Zhou asked.

"This is a designated task. The dean has reported your name to the Orc Alliance. Of course, you can choose not to, but this will affect your next assessment." After finishing the paper crane, he turned into a light spot Dissipated.

"Specify a task!" Zhang Zhou's face was bitter, which was what the Dean wanted him to go.

Until now, no one in the college dare not take the assigned task of the dean.

This designated task is a test for you by the Dean.

More important than other tasks.

At the same time, Yi Tian's residence.

Yi Tian is practicing sword. His sword skill at this moment is already very different from three million years ago.

Three million years ago, he practiced the sword of the Five Elements, which revolved endlessly, and now he is practicing the sword of Yin and Yang.

One sword comes out, Yin and Yang are divided, the rules are reversed!

Promise of Yin and Yang, capsized, this is his current kendo.

It's stabbing!

One sword cut through the void, and the void was cut like silk, revealing five levels of space.

Then a sword followed, and a crack appeared in the sixth space.

Break through five floors ~ ~ That's God King.

Breaking through six floors, that is the Supreme God.

Yi Tian is just the first-level **** Wang Xiuwei.

At this time, a paper crane came through.

"Zhang Zhou, a graduate student in Xian University, please collect your assignment."


Yi Tian closed the sword and took the mission envelope.

"Yi Tian, ​​a graduate student of the Immortal College, is about to hold a feast of the beast ancestors. You will be represented on behalf of the Immortal College. Please go to the boundary of 1342.12349.998 within one month to meet with Teacher Lin Meng."

"Roger that!"

Yi Tian groaned for a moment, wondering why the college arranged for him to attend the ancestral feast of the beast.

However, he knows that the college will not be targeted, especially this kind of dean's designated tasks, usually have special meaning in it.

Go, there is no harm.

Since entering the college, most of them have received some amazing opportunities.


A month later, the sky was somewhere.

Lin Meng has been waiting in this space for a long time. The coordinates of the boundary points sent to Zhang Zhou and Yi Tian were developed by him.


Lin Meng smiled and looked at Yi Tian: "Xiu Wei has progressed again. It seems that it won't be long before he can break through to the middle rank of God King."

Yi Tian knew that his cultivation was impossible to conceal Lin Meng: "I got a ten-turn Jindan rewarded by the dean, and now I have gathered the weight of ninety-nine thousand worlds, and one more thousand worlds can break through to The King of God is intermediate. "

Lin Meng nodded, this breakthrough was not that difficult.

"Where is Zhang Zhou, why haven't you arrived yet?"

Lin Meng frowned. He also knew about Zhang Zhou. If Zhang Zhou didn't dare to go, then he only felt that he had read the wrong person.

He didn't even have the courage to face this, and Zhang Zhou would do the same.

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