Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1987: 3 competitors

Zhang Zhou and Yi Tian were very fast, and tens of thousands of light years passed in an instant.

But there is still a long way to go from the Ancestral Palace.

The universe is big and incredible. Even if the Supreme God wants to travel the entire universe, he needs to know how many epochs can he do it.

Of course, there are many hidden dimensions and cosmic worlds, even the Supreme God cannot enter.


After three months.

The beast alliance was dazzling with lights, a celebration, and the ray of light in the void stretched for tens of thousands of light years, like a ribbon, covering the entire beast alliance station.

Some Swiss birds circled in the air, making clear and sweet sounds.

The territory of the Orc Alliance is actually divided into two parts. The former part is the Palace of the Beast King, occupying about one tenth of the entire area.

Nine tenths of the place is the ancestral beast palace area, which is also the core of the Orc Alliance.

The Beast King Palace is the same as the outer courtyard of the Shuzheng martial arts. Inside are all disciples, while inside the Beast Palace are inner disciples and true disciples.

As early as a year ago, the ancestral palace began to welcome guests.

"Wu Shenshan represents the blood witch, and I wish the twelve beast ancestors a breakthrough and congratulate the twelve beast ancestors!"

A loud voice sounded, only to see that it was a nine-meter-high man with a decent figure.

This sphinx man is called the king of elephants, and is the owner of the palace of the beast king. This time he received guests, he was given to him from below the level of the universe.

The strongest in the universe and the realm of gods are naturally received by the beast ancestors in person.

The blood witch and the elephant king gestured to each other and entered the beast king's palace to rest. After all, the banquet started early.

Soon thereafter.

"Jianmen represents Jiansan, and I wish the twelve beast ancestors break through."

The elephant king then looked at the representative of Jianmen in front of him: "How about the sword master, haven't you arrived?"

Opposite him, there was a man carrying a sword box.

The man's eyebrows are star-eyed, with six fingers in both hands, but they are wrapped in black gloves. Only six fingertips are exposed. He said lightly: "Master has just been picked up by the twelve beasts and went to the apse."

Like Wang Yiyi, he nodded.

Although the sword master is not in the realm of the universe god, but has the combat power of the universe god, the beast ancestors apparently treat him as a true universe god, so they personally greet him and bring him to the apse universe god. The place went.

"Please come in."

The elephant king then made Jiansan go to the back and arrange a place to live.

Soon, someone came one after another.

A few days later, no one came. The king of elephants was looking at the guest list, but at this time a whole life roar came from the sky.

The elephant king couldn't help looking in one direction, only to see in the void, nine giant beasts pulled a giant cricket to step in the void, and the sky was flying overhead.

"Astral Beast of the Nine-Headed Supreme God's Elementary Strength?"

Like Wang slightly surprised, a little shocked.

Many other people who heard the roar of the beast also came out and saw this scene.

"Nine Beasts, who is this?"

"Amazing, even using a nine-headed beast to pull the car."

"I remember that the Star Beasts were taken by the people of Xianxian Academy. Is this the person from Xianxian University?"


A group of people said that at this time, a huge sword gas broke through the void and quickly came to them.


At this time, Yi Tian fell gently from the giant sword, and pointed at the giant sword with his fingers. The giant sword immediately began to shrink continuously. The blink of an eye was only a few inches long, and then fell into his palm like a green smoke. And disappeared.

"Xian College, Yitian!"

Yi Tian said slowly and came to the elephant king.

At this time, Zhang Zhou was stopped by Zhang Zhou and stopped.

Zhang Zhou stepped down from the giant cormorant, and at the same time slowly said, "Xian Academy, Zhang Zhou!"

The two went to the elephant king and handed in an invitation letter.

"Yi Tian and Zhang Zhou, representatives of Xianxian College, came to congratulate and welcome!"

He said, and immediately walked out a dozen servants.

Yi Tian and Zhang Zhou nodded, and they could feel the importance of the elephant king.

The other onlookers also noticed that before the sword gate and the sword **** and sword three and blood witches from the Witch God Gate were the supreme gods, and the king of elephants was not so enthusiastic, but Yi Tian and Zhang Zhou came, and the two were just The first revision of the **** king was to let the elephant king arrange another dozen servants to greet him.

"Immortal College is amazing!"

"Isn't it terrible? The Shizu Beast Ancestor was able to make a breakthrough this time. Thanks to the Xianyuan Academy's concession, they gave them half a star source fruit, otherwise Shiwa Beast Ancestor wanted to make a breakthrough, which is impossible."

"The Immortal College has three strong men in the universe and the realm of the gods. They are already a strong force in the universe."


Many people whispered, and Zhang Zhou and Yi Tian said nothing.

Today they are proud of the Academy, and sooner or later, Xian Academy will be proud of them.

"This one?"

A servant of the Beast King's Palace pointed at Zhang Zhou's giant cock, which was a little embarrassed.

Zhang Zhou also understood at this time, with a slight smile: "You take nine animals to the place where the battleship is parked, and just drag them anywhere."

Where is the battleship parked?

Everyone looked at each other, and the battleships of others were dead. You are alive.

Moreover, every fierce beast is not weak, and if the riot rises, the warships parked nearby will become fragments.

"Why are you still doing it? Arrange it."

The king urged, but he was not worried at all.

A servant immediately went up to hold the nine-headed beast, and saw that he was very docile, like a domesticated cattle and horse, and let him go.

Everyone was curious, but this is a star beast, a very cruel beast, how to be tamed so honestly.

"Please come in."

The elephant king gave a signal at this time, and the remaining servants immediately took them to the palace of the beast king.

"These moments of time have been snatched by the students of the two **** king realms of Xian Academy."

"Nine beasts are stunned, it's shocking enough."

"Cosmic God Teacher of Xian Academy, I don't know if it has come?"


A group of people talked and slowly dispersed.


After three days.

Zhang Zhou and Yi Tian lived in the Beast King's Palace, and because of the matter of Yan Yue and Zhang Xiaomeng in the Beast King's Palace, many people had heard of Zhang Zhou's name and were curious about him.

Yi Tian smiled: "Zhang Zhou, Nine Beasts Pull, Astral Domination, Pursuing Yanyue, these three things have spread, and now you can be regarded as a famous universe."

Zhang Zhou knew that Yi Tian was making fun of himself, rolled his eyes, and practiced with a knife.

Now Zhang Zhou is very hard, and naturally he couldn't compare.

Yi Tian smiled and didn't make nonsense. He directly held a sword to discuss with Zhang Zhou.

The two had just fought less than ten rounds, and suddenly heard a voice, then they felt that time and space had changed and had come into a small world.

"Mr. Lin Meng."

Zhang Zhou and Yi Tian saw the person standing in front of them and immediately saluted.

Lin Meng waved his hand: "This time the two of you were brought in. One is because of Zhang Zhou. I have already inquired about it. It is not one person who is going to propose to the Lord of Chaos this time, but three people."

three people?

Zhang Zhou didn't feel a tremor in his heart, and was a little worried.

He can only compete for one person, not to mention three people, and Yi Tian sympathizes with Zhang Zhou.

If Zhang Zhou were to be given another ten million years, Zhang Zhou might not be as stingy as he is now, but obviously this is impossible.

"The first person was an ancestral god. This is our old opponent. This person is called Wu Wu. It was an existence in the ancestorism that was as famous as Xuri, not like Xuri. The master is ancestor. The third-ranked master of the sky, this master is the master of the origin of the ancestral religion, and he also owns the fifth giant giant bloodline of the starry monster, now the strength is extremely strong, not weaker than Break through the stone ridge before it. "Lin Meng said slowly.

"This person I have heard is very strong. When the astral world came down before, I heard that he was retreating to impact the realm of the universe god, so he didn't go in. Finally, the ancestral gods arranged the realm **** whose strength had not been fully restored. Zhang Zhou was also a dominant player in the astral world at first. He caught a lot of disciples of the ancestors and asked for news of the ancestors. That was when he knew the character Wuwu.

He is very strong, and he didn't feel anything at first, but he did not expect that this person would have an intersection with himself now.

"You all also know that Yan Yue has the blood of the Lord of Chaos, and this blood does not appear on her body. If she combines with Wu Wu, the blood of Yan Yue is triggered by Wu Lin's blood, which is born The offspring is likely to reproduce the blood of the chaotic beast. The chaotic beast is ranked fourth in the starry beast rankings. It is very likely that offspring with this bloodline will break into the realm of the universe and God. For such an offspring, the Lord of Chaos is likely to Heartbeat. "Lin Meng groaned.

In the current universe, the blood of higher-order starry monsters is becoming less and less.

This is why it is difficult for the Orc Alliance to give birth to a cosmic **** in this century.

In order to continue the bloodline, the Orc Alliance is likely to let Yan Yue and Lin Ying join together.

"What about the Patriarchs, what do they want?"

"Wuwu failed to impact the universe **** realm this time, and he himself is only one line away from the universe **** realm. If he is combined with Yanyue, he will most likely get the inheritance of the Lord of Chaos, which should make him really break through Realm. "Lin Meng thought about it.

After Wu Wu failed to impact the realm of the universe this time, he thought of this method.

This is a good thing for the Patriarchal religion and the Orc Alliance. If the two sides agree, it is equivalent to forming an ally, which will be very detrimental to the Immortal College.

"Yan Yue will not agree." Zhang Zhou thought about it.

"She may not like Wu Wu, but he may not have the final say in this matter. I heard that the Lord of Chaos does not like Yan Yue very much. It has always been a shame that Yan Yue has not inherited his blood. Otherwise, how could Yanyue be thrown to the ninth beast ancestor? "Lin Meng thought for a while. If Yanyue could not be the master himself, he could only follow the arrangement of the Lord of Chaos.

Zhang Zhou was silent, which was the thing he was most worried about.

The Lord of Chaos is likely to do so for an heir with his own blood.

"What about two more people?" Zhang Zhou asked.

"The second person you have seen, not others, is Jin Wu, the disciple of the tenth beast ancestor. This person has the blood of the golden horned beast, but the ranking of the golden horned beast is much lower than that of the fourth-ranked giant. If he and Yanyue combined, it is far less likely that the offspring will have the blood of the chaotic beast than the golden horned beast. However, Jinwu is a person in the ancestral beast palace, and it is likely that he will inherit the tenth beast ancestor's seat in the future. Coupled with the tenth beast ancestral, it is not impossible. "Lin Meng continued.

"Jinwu, he was very embarrassed about Xiaoyue. He should have received the news at this moment. He was anxious, and then he would directly raise his relatives." Zhang Zhou said lightly.

Jin Wu is, after all, a member of the Ancestral Palace, which is his advantage.

As for Yan Yuexi's dislike for him, if Yan Yue can be allowed to be assigned to the giant owl, then why not be allowed to be assigned to Jinwu.

Jinwu is also betting.

Winning the bet has a lot of benefits. Not to mention anything else, the inheritance of the Lord of Chaos will also allow him to break through to the universe of God with a high probability.

"Where is the third person?" Zhang Zhou continued to ask. These two should be the most powerful competitors in the universe today, and who will be the third person.

"A third person, this is a universe god." Lin Meng took a deep breath when he said here.

He was surprised when he heard the news himself.

Zhang Zhou and Yi Tian were both stunned. Did the universe gods become Zhang Zhou's neglect?

Lin Meng no longer sells anything. ~ Directly said: "At the time when the second law of the universe god's origin collapsed, the adventurer alliance had a universe **** break through to the universe **** state. The Lord of God, and it is he who petitions the Lord of Chaos to marry Yanyue. As for the reason, I am not quite sure. "

Lord of the Gods?

Zhang Zhou's face was ugly. The Lord of the Gods did not seem to have heard of the bloodline of a starry monster. What does this guy do?

Does he simply like Yanyue.

"This is a cosmic god. For whatever reason, the Orc Alliance will be a little emotional." Lin Meng thought for a while.

Zhang Zhou didn't speak, but just felt great pressure.

Compared with others, he has almost no advantage, and why the Lord of Chaos will look after him.

On cultivation, he is the weakest.

In terms of bloodlines, he is even more ordinary earth bloodlines.

Regarding the forces behind him, although Xianxian College can make decisions for him, it is limited.

In terms of potential, others are already cosmic gods, and the blood of giant giants and golden horned beasts, he cannot compare.

"It's difficult."

Yi Tian couldn't help but sighed a bit, this boat's rivals were a bit too scary.

The two top supreme gods, and one universe god, are not comparable at present.

"Why are you scared now?"

Lin Meng looked at Zhang Zhou: "If you want to quit now, I can send you back."

Zhang Zhou was silent for a while, but shook his head resolutely: "Since I'm here, there must be a result. I'm not the previous Zhang Zhou. I have the ability to face all this, whether the result is good or not Bad. The so-called do everything to listen to destiny, just ask for no resentment. "

Lin Meng nodded approvingly, this is what a strong man should look like.

For the strong, the first thing to do is to be mentally strong.

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