Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1989: This isn't my extreme kendo

In fact, where did Jian San know? Lin Meng had blocked the sword master once in Jianmen. He had to invite the sword master to be a teacher at Xian Academy, but the sword master was unwilling.

The sword master felt that Lin Meng invited him to be a teacher at Xianxian Academy for his extreme swordsmanship.

For Jikendo, the sword master is not considered a treasure, because even his seven disciples, from Jianyi to Jianqi, have n’t really learned one yet.

Not anyone who wants to learn Extreme Kendo can learn it.

Lin Meng wanted Yi Tian to learn his extreme kendo, so what if he didn't teach it directly, he should spend money to buy peace.

The sword master smiled. "This is Yi Tian, ​​a student of your college. It looks really aggressive and a good seed for sword training. But you do n’t practice sword skills in your college. You have to learn from me. Sword art, I really can't think of it. Since you insist on letting him learn, just let me teach him. "

Yi Tian heard something wrong. Was the sword owner cursing someone?


Cheap art?

Lin Meng shook his head. He knew that the sword master was a little bit unhappy. "Thank you, our academy is really curious about your extreme kendo, but it is just that, there are several types of ninth-order magical power in our academy. You can rest assured that only Yi Tian will study by himself. Even after he has studied, our college will not let him hand over extreme sworddo to the college, nor will he study extreme sworddo from him. "

The Immortal Academy hasn't been able to grab the secrets of others. This is naturally the sword master's thinking.

However, the sword master is even more unbelieving. He feels that this Lin Meng is threatening him. You do n’t join our academy, then we will study your extreme kendo and crack your extreme kendo to see how you will be in the universe in the future. Neutral.

It's so shameless!

The sword master waved his hand. "Then you all step down and Yi Tian stays. Then I will teach you the extreme kendo. As for how much you can learn, it depends on your own good fortune."

Lin Meng arched his hand "the sword master atmosphere."

Following this, he left Jianshi with Jiansan and Zhang Zhou.

The sword master looked at Yi Tiandao. "Don't hold it, take out your sword. People who practice swords, it is best not to leave the sword."

Then he slowly said, "Don't care about it this time. Since I promised Lin Meng that the old hooligan taught you kendo, there will be no hidden possessions, but if you ca n’t learn it, do n’t go out in the future. Playing tricks and righteousness, saying that I made mysterious things so I didn't teach you well. "

Yi Tian nodded, he was naturally not such a person.

But dare to say that Lin Meng is an old hooligan. Is he going to make a small report after he goes out?

At this time, the sword master has started to say "The so-called extreme kendo, everything should be on this pole, what is the extreme, is the ultimate, is the peak, and the extreme meaning. So extreme kendo is the ultimate kendo, the ultimate fast, the ultimate attack Power, the ultimate hit rate. This is simple to say, but how to achieve the ultimate fast, the ultimate attack and the ultimate hit rate, this is the most critical place. I will give you an example with the ultimate fast, after all You just saw it, my speed is actually faster than that of Shi Yan. "

Although Yi Tian is the realm of the **** king, he can also see clearly the fighting process between the sword master and Shi Yan.

In terms of speed, the sword master wants to press Shi Yan's head.

The initial speed of Shi Yong was less than 150 times the speed of light, and the speed of the sword master reached 180 times the speed of light. Later, Shi Yong appeared in the body, and the speed reached about 190 times the speed of light. However, the speed of the sword master has soared to two hundred times the speed of light.

In terms of speed, the sword master always strives to crush Shi Yan.

"Actually, this is an application of my extreme kendo. Next, I will talk about the principle. In fact, it is very simple. When speed is needed, give up all the power of attack, defense, and even maintain the power of the body. All turned into speed. In the end, my attack power became speed, my defensive power became speed, any trace of my power, even the power of breathing, the power of closing eyes, the power of muscle extension, In the end all turned into speed. "The sword master slowly said.

Yi Tian stunned "All the power is converted into speed, then the attacking power is gone, even if it is faster, what is the use?"

Only speed, no attack, how can you kill the enemy.

The sword master said with a smile at this time, "This is another kind of extreme power, extreme attack power. When I need attack power, my speed, my defensive power, all my things can be turned into an attack at this time. Force. That is to say, all my strengths can be transformed arbitrarily when I need them, okay, kid? "

"Is power transformed?"

At this time, Yi Tian thought of the transformation of the five elements and the transformation of yin and yang. When he needed the power of gold, all his power could transform my fairy power of gold, and when he needed the power of wood, his power could be transformed into Wood fairy power. Even if you now understand the two immortal powers of yin and yang, these two immortal powers can be transformed into each other, and they can even be transformed into the five elemental immortal powers such as Jinmu Shuihuotu.

The reason seems the same.

"I understand."

Yi Tian took a deep breath at this time, which turned out to be the case. "Thank you for the guidance of the sword, the mutual transformation of strength, the use of a kind of strength to the extreme, so that several times the power burst, this is indeed a very powerful But the five elements, yin and yang are tangible transformations, and the speed, attack power, and even defense force you said are intangible, but the truth is the same. But how do you transform this transformation, I think This is the most critical. How can all the power of attack, defense, etc. be transformed into speed? Into other? "

The sword masters are all stunned. He looked at Yi Tian. "Do you really understand?"

"Well, I see."

Yi Tian affirmed that this was related to his practice and was very easy to understand.

He seemed to understand something. No wonder the dean would arrange for him to come. No wonder Lin Meng wanted him to learn extreme kendo. This was the reason.

The sword master was a little shocked. His disciples had previously heard him say all this, and they were totally confused, just like listening to Tianshu, and this Yi Tian understood it at first.

Are the seven disciples they received all dull in qualifications.

The sword master didn't dare to show it, indifferently said, "Well, you have a good understanding, you can compete with those of my disciples."

Where does Yi Tian dare to compare with the disciple of the sword master, he immediately said, "The sword master has won a prize. I have a general understanding. In our college, I belong to the middle and lower capital. Where can I compare with your disciple? Su Yu, Yao Jie and others who are our college may not need the sword master to tell me this. I should have realized it. "

The sword master coldly wiped the cold sweat, you are so ordinary, what is the understanding of Su Yu and Yao Jie?

"Please ask the sword master to continue pointing."

Yi Tian became more humble. He felt that the sword master really taught him wholeheartedly, and deliberately made these profound truths clearer.

"it is good."

The sword master looked at Yi Tian, ​​and at this moment really treated it with some seriousness. "Aren't you asking me how to turn everything into speed or attack power, and this transformation method is the essence of extreme kendo. Specifically, the fundamental It can't be described in words, you look carefully, I will show you. "

Speaking, the sword master took out his black long sword.

A stone tablet appeared in the distance with a wave of his hand. "The distance between me and this stone tablet is exactly the distance a Supreme God can move at a hundred times the speed of light in one second."

With that said, his figure suddenly disappeared, and he immediately headed for the stone monument.

Yi Tian just felt his eyes flicker. The sword master had reached the stone monument and left a dot on the stone monument.

"Do you understand?"

The sword owner asked at this time, and Yi Tian shook his head.

I can't understand what the sword master did, how did he break through the limit of the Supreme God, reaching an astonishing speed of two hundred times the speed of light.

"Come again!"

The sword master did not talk nonsense, and returned again, piercing the stone with a sword.

It's still half a second.

"Do you understand?"

The sword master asked again, and Yi Tian shook his head.

"Come again!"

The sword master said, continuing to demonstrate for Yi Tian.

There have been 300 round trips. The sword owner was about to ask, but Yi Tian suddenly raised his hand.

"You've got it?"

The sword master's eyes were full of shock, wasn't it too powerful.

Those of his disciples, let alone say that he demonstrated it 300 times and 30,000 times, but he couldn't understand it.

"No, I just want to remind the Master Sword Master that you can set up another stone tablet here so that you won't run back to demonstrate." Yi Tian thought for a moment, and said it very honestly.

The sword master was speechless for a long time, unable to speak.

I thought you understood, you just reminded me of this.

"You do n’t need to remind me of this. You are the dumbest disciple I have ever brought. I have demonstrated it 300 times. You have n’t understood it. What do you think of the old hooligan of Lin Meng when you go out, will he think of me? Did n’t teach you at all? Learn it for me, and never learn again, be careful I chopped you off at once. ”The sword master hated, feeling a little upset.

Yi Tian was embarrassed but looked more seriously.

After 3,000 times, 6,000 times, and 10,000 times, the sword owner gave up.

"I should have taught it. If you do n’t understand, don't blame me. Think about it for yourself. I'll take a break for a while. It's been three days, and my divine power is almost consumed by you. The sword master said, and went straight to the side.

In fact, Yi Tian didn't know that the master of the sword demonstrated these for his disciples, and he didn't know how many times they had demonstrated. Even the newly-disciplined disciples had to watch more than 100,000 times.

But only two or three people can really get started.

That sword seems simple, but it involves too many things.

Yi Tian only felt that he was too stupid. Before standing at the two stone monuments, he tried his speed of about 30 times the speed of light, which is considered to be fast in the realm of God King.

If he can break through to the supreme **** realm, he should be able to easily reach sixty times the speed of light. If he performs some top-level supernatural powers, he can almost reach ninety times the speed of light.

However, compared with the speed of light two hundred times that of the sword master, it is far worse.

He tried to slap the sword towards a stone tablet. The stone tablet was directly pierced by a long sword, and instead of getting faster, his speed was only 27 times the speed of light, but it became slower.

In other words, the speed of his sword attack is actually slower than the speed of full force.

This is also very understandable. This is like running. If you just run, it may be faster. If you bring a javelin, a baton or something, your speed will slow down.

"No, it certainly isn't."

Yi Tian was thinking what the reason was, but the speed of using the sword would become slower. How did the sword master make himself faster?

He thought about it and couldn't figure it out at all. It was better to think that he still had some deduction cards. At this time, he directly used a deduction card.

When the sword master froze, he saw that Yi Tian had entered a certain state of enlightenment, and was a little dumbfounded.

So easy to realize?

The effect of a deduction card only lasted for less than a day, and one day returned from the state of Gospel.

"It seems to be catching something, but nothing, then continue."

Yi Tian simply sat cross-legged between the two steles, and then used a deduction card again.

The sword master saw it clearly this time. It seems that Yi Tian used some magic weapon, and easily entered the state of epiphany.

Is this all right?

The sword master is a bit difficult to accept, isn't this open?

However, after using the second deduction card, nothing was found, and Yi Tian continued to use the third one.

Then the fourth and fifth ...

He had used a full eleven, and he felt that his soul was going to be overdrawn, and it has now passed a full eleven days.

"Boy, give up."

The sword master looked at Yi Tian, ​​opened his eyes, and waved at him. Yi Tian's sword blasted directly toward a stone tablet, smashing the tablet into pieces.

Yi Tian Fuzhi soul ~ ~ at this time seemed to think of something, exclaimed, "I understand."

Then, he grabbed his sword.

With the sword in hand, at this moment he looked at the remaining stele. The strength of his whole body was transformed into the power of the immortal sword, which was poured into the immortal sword. Then the immortal sword was gone, and he was pulled by the immortal sword and disappeared.


The stele is cracked!

Yi Tian shook his head at this time. "Fast speed, at least 70 times the speed of light."

"Seventy-five times the speed of light!"

The sword master also took a deep breath, but followed him and couldn't help crying and laughing. "Fast speed, everything is transformed into speed, but this is not my extreme Kendo!"

Yes, he sees it.

The two are not the same thing at all. His extreme kendo is still dominated by people, but the sword that just changed to Yitian is exactly that sword with Yitian flying.

Humans are not as fast as swords. For example, human speed is only ten times the speed of light, but it is not a problem if the speed of the sword reaches one hundred times the speed of light.

So Yi Tian ’s speed exceeded its own speed limit, and it more than doubled directly.

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