Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1991: Beast Ancestor Feast

The Lord of Chaos is the second beast ancestor of the ancestral beast palace, and the peak power of the same period as the spirit ancestor.

Not many dare to disobey him.

The Lord of Chaos looked at the stubborn Yanyue, and his voice was cold: "I haven't raised you for a day, but without me, you can worship the ninth beast ancestor as a teacher, and you can have the cultivation of the highest **** now. Your Everything I gave. From the moment you were born, this is doomed. What you eat and wear and transcendental status in the Ancestral Palace are not given by me. You are my daughter, you I must have the final say in my marriage, to inherit the bloodline of the Chaos God Beast, this is your destiny. "

Yan Yue clenched her teeth and looked at the Lord of Chaos in trembling.

Her father thought of her that way, she really just regarded her as a tool that could pass on her bloodline.

"Go back and reflect, don't go out before the banquet begins." The Lord of Chaos said coldly, and then returned to her residence with a wave of the flame, and then her entire palace was covered by a divine power.

"My father turned out to be so ruthless towards me." Yan Yue felt such a mighty divine power, it was really powerful and shocking. Under the supervision of this divine power, she would be noticed by the Lord of Chaos as soon as she left. Captive me here so that I can marry those three people obediently. Zhang Zhou, where are you, I really regret it now ... "

How she wished she could come and take her away at this time, but was it possible?


Time went on, and three days later.

The Beast Ancestor Feast began.

The beast ancestor banquet held for Shizong, the twelve beast ancestors, was also taken seriously by the ancestral palace. In addition to Shi Xun, the newly-born beast ancestor, a total of three beast ancestors were present.

Tenth beast ancestor, Lord of the Golden Horn.

The seventh beast ancestor, Lord of Destruction.

Second Beast Ancestor, Lord of Chaos.

In addition to these cosmic gods, there are many other cosmic gods present.

Alliance of Adventurers, Lord of Gods.

Cosmic Arena, Lord of the Tomahawk.

Space Bank Association, Lord of Jin Yu.

Ancestorism, Lord of the Sky.

Desolate Temple, Lord of Desolation.


Witch God Palace, Lord of Witch God.

Dragon Demon, Lord of Dragon Demon.

Jianmen, sword master.

Shenhe slave trading company, the master of slavery.

And the master of Lin Meng from the Immortal Academy.

In addition, there are some supreme gods of power, like the emperor.

The entire banquet is a space created in the Ancestral Palace, which is full of a light-year square.

Each of these forces has a unique position, and the Immortal Academy is ranked ninth after the eight major forces. Obviously this is the position of the Immortal Academy in the heart of the Ancestral Palace.

Among them, the League of Gods did not come. This time, Fernan, who had shot in the astral field last time, was only the Supreme God ’s practice, because he represents the League of God, but his position is still in the Before the eight major forces.

Each of these forces basically has a unique position, and even if some scattered gods come to congratulate you, they also give a separate position, but the size of the space cannot be compared with the eight forces and the League of Gods.

On the side of Xian Academy, Yi Tian has already come out. At this moment, Yi Tian is not different from what I have seen before.

"Yi Tian, ​​how do you understand?"

Zhang Zhou asked aside, he knew that Yi Tian had consumed all the deduction cards this time, including even his three deduction cards.

Lin Meng also raised his ears at this time. Although Yi Tian could peek while practicing, he did not do so.


Yi Tian smiled, and this made Lin Meng and Zhang Zhou a little bit crying. What's your answer?

Zhang Zhou groaned: "You still don't want to be too humble, I feel you must have realized something, otherwise it won't be as easy as it is now."

He still knows Yi Tian very well. He used to realize that there is no magical power. His hair is much thinner.

Yi Tian looked at Zhang Zhou and smiled. "Since that is the case, then I will not hide you. In fact, this time I realized kendo and made a huge breakthrough. I realized a kendo that is not weaker than extreme kendo. It can be said that there is no ancient man before, and no one comes after. I feel that once this kendo is out, I have no rivals in the realm of the **** king. All the practitioners of the realm of the **** king are scum in front of me, completely vulnerable. In the future, When I break through to the highest **** realm, I will certainly be a powerful leader. "

Zhang Zhou was dumbfounded, so was Lin Meng.

"Yeah!" Zhang Zhou smiled. "Yi Tian, ​​can we talk well, you mean that you have realized a nine-step supernatural power, I believe it. But you are only the first stage of the **** king, which means that your **** king is invincible, Do you think I'm an idiot? It's boring, boring, you don't want to tell the truth, don't fool me like this. You are still a strong leader, and you can be regarded as a bull, and I never knew that you would also brag Immediately your face will be compared with Yin Haojun of the Academy. "

Yi Tianmao, silently in my heart, I'm not bragging.

Lin Meng looked at Yi Tian and coughed: "The banquet will begin immediately, and you also look at the people around you. The cosmic gods who came this time all brought a lot of disciples and disciples. It is likely to be your enemy. In addition, Zhang Zhou, you are looking in the direction of the universe arena, sitting on the first place, the blond man is the master of the God of Fighting, I just got the news, this person also has the blood of the star monster , And it's also the ninth Taixian Dragon Bloodline. "

Too **** dragon!

Zhang Zhou looked towards the Lord of the Fighting Gods, and saw the man's blond hair, the skin of his body was also red gold, and there were many knife and sword marks on his body. At a glance, he could see that this man was a frequent fight Strong.

When he looked at the Lord of the Fighting God, the Lord of the Fighting God also felt his gaze.

Zhang Zhou froze slightly, the Lord of Fighting Gods had a strong sense.

The Lord of the Gods of God looked towards the direction of Xianxian College, and first noticed Zhang Zhou, who looked at him, but he didn't know Zhang Zhou, so it was a little strange. Then he saw Lin Meng, who at this time calmly raised his glass and held up the Lord of the God of Fighting, and invited him to have a drink together. The Lord of the Gods did not say anything. After all, Lin Meng is a universe god. He still had to give this face, so he raised a glass and motioned towards Lin Meng, then drank it.

But watching the Lord of the Gods finish drinking, Lin Meng poured the glass of wine toward the distance.

Seeing this scene, the Lord of the Fighting God's face turned black.

"This person is the master of Lin Meng of the Immortal Academy, and who is in front of him. I just felt a terrible hostility from him?" Shen God, the master of fighting.

"Oblique God, this Lord of Lin Meng is from Xianxian Academy, but we don't know much about him. I only know that before that, the Lord of the Scorpions was chased down by him, and then he exploded an energy core. Only escaped. Later, after entering Shenhe, the man once visited the sword master, as if he wanted to invite the sword master to teach at Xian Academy, but the building was also a proud man, and he did not agree. It was just this man Some rogues, heard that the sword master did not agree, he blocked the sword master at the sword gate for nearly ten thousand years, during which the sword master did not dare to go out, and even the gathering of friends was rejected one by one. As for the master of Lin Meng The previous **** king, this man is called Zhang Zhou, is a student of the graduate school of Xianxian College. Before that, he shined in the astral world, when all the Supreme God entered the tomb of the star to grab the star source fruit and the spiritual reference. He did n’t know what method he used to enslave the three first-order beasts of the Supreme God, and then he was almost an enemy in the astral realm. Almost half of the astral realm was dominated by him. Even we risked Many members of the Alliance have been forced to pay him protection fees By the way, there is one more point, this person is said to have some relationship with Yanyue. Before he confessed to Yanyue, but was rejected by Yanyue. "Yana said, and she also participated in the last astral world In World War I, he wanted to **** real blood from Qin Yan.

The Lord of the Fighting God's face looks a little bad, but he does understand what Lin Meng just said.

This is a demonstration and a warning.

"The arrogant master of Lin Meng and the boat." The lord of the fighting **** murmured, his face was very unsightly.


"Looking over there, the one who is the ancestral beast of the ancestral beast palace." Lin Meng pointed directly, and as soon as he didn't say anything, the master of the sky noticed him.

This kind of direct finger pointing at people will not be happy whoever is pointed.

At first glance, the Lord of the Sky was Lin Meng, the enemy of Xianxian College, coldly: "Lin Meng, I advise you not to be so arrogant, otherwise you will not be able to return to Xianxian after the banquet is over."

Lin Meng laughed: "Why, you want to cut my way, yes, I am waiting for you, who dare not come, who is the grandson. Why, do not speak, I know you have a lot of opinions about our college, very If you want to destroy our college, then come, who doesn't come and who is a grandson. Aren't we just grabbing the emptiness of your ancestral gods, and you have given up the solitude of your own, and you won't let us immortal college recruit him. Haha Look at your counsel, or else if we go out and fight, whoever advises is a grandson, whoever advises is a bastard. "

A grandson of Lin Meng, without any ethics, made the face of the Lord of the Sky blue.

The Lord of the Gods, the Lord of the Swords, the Lord of the Slaves, and others were all horrified, secretly admiring Lin Meng's courage. This is not to put the Lord of the Sky in his eyes, and he is really not afraid of the Lord of the Sky and you desperately desperate.

"It's not sure who laughed at the end of the picture." After speaking, the Lord of the Sky turned his head away and ignored Lin Meng.

"Suggest the goods." Lin Meng despised, these two words almost put an end to the scolding battle, Lin Meng won.

At this time Zhang Zhou also saw clearly Wu Wu. The man was wearing black armor, his nose was a bit long, his mouth was a little big, and his whole body was dark and unsophisticated. It was ugly.

If Yan Yue marries this person, then the flowers are really inserted in the cow dung.

"Why, afraid?" Yi Tian smiled.

"No, this person is really ugly, it refreshed my perception of ugliness." Zhang Zhou said lightly.

"You don't say that I haven't noticed yet, this ugly is really ugly." Yi Tian also said with a sense of jealousy, and the two were not voiced, and the voice was not small, many people heard it.

Many people laughed at the moment, and looked at Zhang Zhou and Yi Tian at the same time.

The two were just cosmic gods, but they dared to make such a brazen evaluation of a supreme **** in the pinnacle state.

Wu Wu heard this too, he looked over, and then only listened to him indifferently to Zhang Zhou: "Yan Yue, mine, you're not acting."

This unquestionable tone made Zhang Zhou's face dark. At this moment, he could not wait to take the knife up and chopped the Wuwu.

"Calm, if you are angry, you lose, and he still wants to eat swan meat, toad. Do you think it is possible?" Yi Tian patted Zhang Zhou's shoulder, and Zhang Zhou quickly came to his senses and looked at it with sarcasm. It was awkward, and something was said slowly in his mouth, although no voice came out, but everyone could understand what he was talking about.

Ugly Eight Monsters!

Definitely these three words, did not run.

Gritty teeth, but helpless.

"The last Jinwu, I do n’t need to introduce it, that is the master of Jinwu, the master of the golden horns, this person is a golden horned beast, and the golden horned beast is ranked eighteenth in the starry beast list, so he The strength is also far from the top five beast ancestors such as the second beast ancestor. "Lin Meng said lightly, and then he added," If I face the Lord of the Golden Horns, within one hundred rounds, He will be able to spit blood, and within a thousand rounds, he will be able to break his **** body. "

Just forget the front and what the latter wave is.

Zhang Zhou and Yi Tian were also stunned. This teacher Lin Meng was too sturdy. This meeting offended the three universe gods.

Sure enough, the face of the Lord of the Golden Horns was also black. He looked at what Lin Meng wanted to say, and finally smiled reluctantly: "The old man has limited strength and cannot be compared with the master of Lin Meng, but if the master of Lin Meng How confident can we be against our second beast ancestor? "

Lin Meng also looked at the second beast ancestor ~ ~ at this time.

Among the many people present, he could feel that the Lord of Chaos was definitely the strongest existence, and that powerful breath of energy made him all startled.

Seeing Lin Meng's silence, it seemed that he could not be persuaded, and many people laughed secretly.

"Honestly, I feel like I am not the opponent of the Lord of Chaos. He is very strong. For almost a hundred rounds, if I cannot escape or even be killed by him, it is possible. But, after all, he is the second beast ancestor. And I ’m just a very ordinary teacher at Xian Academy. If he is allowed to fight with my elder brother, he wo n’t agree with who wins. If he meets our dean, I think the probability that he can win is even more likely. To 30%. "Lin Meng smiled, but what he said was true. On the strength of Xianxian College, he must be the weakest.

Although Wang Xing is still in the highest realm of gods, but there are too many means, even the Lord of Hongmeng may not be parrying it.

Of course, he must also have an exaggerated element here, because Wang Xing wants to defeat the master of Hongmeng, but it is far from easy.


The Lord of Chaos gave a cold hum, and looked down on Lin Meng very much. He felt that this person would be stunned. The true strength is also estimated to be very hydrated.

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