Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1807: Spread the Immortal!

Chapter 1808 Spread the Immortal Road!

Wang Xing coughed a few times and yelled, "Nature is related. What is the existence of our academy? I think it is to spread Xiandao, the culture of" xian ", this kind of thinking. Whether it is Jindao, Dan Dao, Fu Dao, and so on, these are all kinds of fairy culture, and they are the seeds of spreading fairy. Now it is actually an excellent opportunity. The reputation of our college formation method has spread throughout the universe. I do n’t know how many people want to learn The formation of our college, so why don't we spread the trend, let people understand 'xian', understand 'xian', and then guide them to cultivate the immortal. "

Hearing this, Jiang Lan was shocked.

Dean, you are too broad-minded. Do you know how valuable the array method is, but only sold it to the military's Jiuqu Huanghezhen and Shijuzhen, the college earned a lot of magic and merits.

The key is that everyone has learned the formation method, what will our college do in the future?

Wang Xing seemed to understand Jiang Lan's concerns, and thought about it: "After the academy of our college spreads, there must be a lot of people who study the formation, and then there will be no reason for aliens and dark **** organizations to stare at us. They What I want to **** from our college is not the only thing that is destroyed. I think they will most likely study matrix formations together. Of course, they may even retaliate against our college, but they will never be as eager as they are now. Especially aliens, It is even more impossible to catch a few **** kings for this purpose. Second, even if we spread the formation, we do not spread everything. We just spread the basic formation knowledge, some advanced formations, such as Xixian formation. That is definitely impossible to spread. In the end, the most important thing is that we do n’t want to spread money without money. I plan to put the formation in the military ’s merit points. If anyone wants to learn the formation, it must be given to our college. A merit for redemption. This income will be very large, and may even exceed our college's war income this time. "

Jiang Lan listened carefully, how to find that it seems that the college is making a lot of money.

In addition, he thought of more.

When the Academy is engaged in this way, the formation of the array of methods will be flooded. In the future, it is estimated that the formation of arrays will become a new type of combat method of the universe.

It seems that there is nothing wrong with this, and Jiang Lan actually understands that even if the college does not actively spread the matrix, some people are already studying the matrix.

Instead of being revealed by others later, it is better to spread the matrix method by yourself now, so that it can occupy the initiative and maximize the benefits.

After realizing this, Jiang Lan also let go of her worry.


Dark Star Mountain Star Field, a dark planet.

Suddenly there was a wave in the void, only to see a man tearing through the space, this man is not someone else, it is Lien.

As soon as Lien appeared, a murderous shroud covered him, and Lean couldn't help but stand up.

"Dark zero, come out." Lien snorted, calming himself, "I know it's you, and I know you've been seriously injured. I have three billion pounds of divine fluid here to treat you."

"You actually found it." A man with a cape appeared, and it was the dark zero who was seriously injured. "Lean, this plan was almost planned by your own hands, do you want to give me an explanation now? Why did the Xian Academy and the Military Department learn about our plan? I feel like we fell into the trap of the Xian Academy like a fool, and finally the headquarters outside Shenhe was wiped out by the League of God ’s Army Department. Ten thousand members of our organization have been killed. "

"I know what you think, you must have doubted me, believing that I betrayed the organization. But I can tell you plainly that I did not betray the organization. In fact, I have this after the war. Answer: First of all, it ’s the Ministry of Military Affairs. It should have been exposed to me long ago. When the black robe recommended the immortal college to become commander-in-chief, it was actually a temptation to me. At that time, I could n’t wait to jump out. In order to defend the interests of the Cosmic Bank Association, but the black robe did not believe it, he was already eyeing me at that time. The evidence is that after this war, Jiang Lan accused me of the matter to the military department, which took only seven days It was found that I had contact with the organization before ten epochs. This is obviously not possible. It should be that the military department started to investigate me as soon as it suspected me. "

Hearing this, Dark Zero nodded slightly.

Lean hid so deeply that he had to check his past. How could it be checked in a hundred years, and it would have to be carefully checked.

Leon saw no objection from Dark Zero, and continued: "Then there is the Immortal Academy. I do n’t think they learned from the military department that I am a dark **** organization. They know more directly than the military department. It ’s as if some of them saw me in contact with the aliens. Now think about it carefully, the teacher Jiang Lan from Xianxian Academy asked the army to simulate the situation of the ten-game team being cracked in advance and let Walit in the decisive battle. Being close to you, and being close to me, unintentionally, is actually an insight into all our plans. "

Anyang frowned. "I admit that Xian Xueyuan is very strong, but what you said is too ridiculous. Is it true that someone at Xian Xueyuan didn't watch it when you were dealing with aliens?"

Lien hesitated and nodded: "I'm so skeptical. Every time I deal with an alien, I always feel embarrassed. One of the strangest times I felt that a force of cause and effect locked me, although I blocked that power for the first time, and did not let the other party recognize my identity. But now I think about it, and I can use the force of cause and effect to detect me. How easy it is for this person to shoot. How terrible. "

Anonymous was silent, Shen said, "Do you suspect this person is from Xianxian Academy?"

Lien nodded. He thought that if there were such people in the military, he should have known them, so it must not be the military.

Anonymous pondered for a moment, or shook his head: "This is only your guess. Do you really think that the Immortal Academy has a supreme **** hidden outside the Shenhe River? The law of the universe is staring at all times, If there is a Supreme God coming, even if the Supreme God does not act, the law of the origin of the universe will lead him back, it is absolutely impossible for him to stay outside the river of God. Well, you explained very clearly, I want to believe that you should not have betrayed the organization, and now give me three billion pounds of divine fluid. "

Lien is speechless, even if you are for these three billion jins of divine fluid, I don't think I betrayed the organization.

However, Lien first gave ShenZhen the liquid.

After An Ling took it over, seeing Lei Yan's reluctance, he frowned, "What else are you going to do? Have something to say."

Lien nodded his head and said coldly, "Not only did we not destroy Xian Academy this time, but we lost so much. Is it so? I contacted the aliens and planned to join forces with them again for Xian Academy. Revenge plan. The aliens are now terribly afraid of the formation of the Immortal Academy. Without removing the Immortal Academy, they cannot continue to invade the hinterland of the League of Gods, so they are actually willing to pay any price. In this case, the ten **** kings No, then there are 30 more **** kings. If not enough, add them until you can destroy the Immortal College. "

Hearing this, Dark Zero's eyes were cold, but in fact, he was also a little emotional.

Lien continued: "I know that it is expensive to send the God King out of the Shenhe River, but another action must be dominated by alien races. If it is really necessary to send 30 God Kings to destroy the Immortal Academy, they will have to send at least two Fifteen. "

An Zero felt some truth: "Then you will keep in touch with the aliens and ask if the aliens are willing. After all, if you stick to the floodfield, the aliens will send almost three more **** kings. In addition, the military will send another twelve. When the **** kings come and the black robes return, if they want to maintain the strength of both sides at a level, this is to send thirteen **** kings. Then what you said is twenty-five, which is quite Yu aliens have to send forty-one **** kings together. What is the price? Can the aliens give it up? "

Lien sneered: "I believe that as long as the Xian Academy can be destroyed, the aliens will be willing to pay such a price."


Lean then communicated with the interracial.

Sure enough, as he guessed, the aliens hesitated and agreed again and again.

Immediately after learning about it, he contacted the headquarters of the Dark God Organization in the Shenhe River. However, it was unexpected that the organization also agreed to the plan of firing the Immortal College again.

Everything is going smooth.

But just a month later, things changed, and the aliens suddenly terminated their cooperation with the Dark God Organization.

Lien was so angry: "Uray, what do you mean?"

At this time, there was a helpless voice from Wu Lei: "Lean, the Immortal Academy has put their college formation into the military's merit exchange list. We will now destroy Immortal at such a great cost. College, but it ca n’t stop the spread of the formation. The destruction of the Immortal Academy has little meaning to us ~ ~ And we have officially decided to learn formation, and the League of God can be formed in the future. We also You can use your own understanding of the formation method to train the formation method master to break the line. "

When Lien heard this, he couldn't help but growled: "Wu Lei, you aliens are crazy, and you want to learn the formation of Xian Academy. You think that even if Xian Academy announced their formation, Is it easy for you to learn? You are so naive, this must be the strategy of Xianxian Academy, in order to paralyze you and not let you hit their college again. "

Wu Lei's voice continued, and he was a little impatient: "You can see for yourself."

With that said, Uray cut off the contact directly.

At this time, Lien did not believe in evil, and immediately looked up the military's merit point exchange list with another identity. When he saw the items exchanged by the formation, the whole person was dumbfounded.

He even wondered if the people at Xianxian Academy were really crazy.

PS: Third, in order to not be a salted fish, ask for tickets, please subscribe!

(End of this chapter)

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