Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1811: Tribute merit, the heritage of the 8 major forces!

Chapter 1812: Tribute Merits, The Basis of Eight Forces!

Sure enough, the only thing I saw when I saw Long Yan was a grin first: "Teacher Wujie, give us some places for the Orc Alliance. Some of the little cubs here in the Orc Alliance do n’t fight for it, how can they not break through the realm of God? , But you need such an opportunity. "

Fengyun could not help laughing when he heard this.

Here are some of your Orc Alliances. You don't plan to buy them at all.

Fengyun Wuji has only one sentence for such a thick-skinned person: "The one with the highest price, please pay merit for the merit."

In extraterritorial battlefields, the point of merit is hard currency.

After hearing this, Long Yan seemed to make up his mind: "10 million merits, one place for me, and I want all ten places."

This time, there is no need to say anything, the other commanders laughed.

They really want to know how Long Yan is so embarrassed to say this. The 10 billion points of merit are enough to buy only 50,000 jins of divine fluid, and what 50,000 jins of divine fluid can do is not enough to complete the congregation. Thousands of worlds. If you bought ten places like this, even if everyone who got in got only a small thousand world fruit, you can return to the original. As for there, there are more than 6,000 small thousand world fruits. Even if there are 300 people going in, each person can get 20 on average.

At this time, Asqiu hummed, "Thirty billion merit points for one place, our ancestral gods all need it."

This trip tripled.

Fengyun pondered for a moment, in fact, the price is OK, after all, a fourth-order original artifact is only tens of billions of achievements.

Of course, the price of the world fruit is very high. This thing is valuable in the hands of those who need it, and it may be worthless in the hands of those who don't.

Long Yan shrugged his lips, and a quota of 30 billion merits was awarded, and 10 places were 300 billion meritorious services. If the people who entered got nothing, they would lose out.

Although each person can get twenty small thousand world fruit on average, by that time, it must be who has the strength and who gets the most. No matter how weak you send them in, the world fruit they find will certainly not be able to be maintained, and they can only be snatched by others.

But at this time, Brittel spoke, and he sneered, "We at the Space Bank Association are willing to bid 50 billion for merit points, all we want."

The situation frightened, he could see, this Britt was definitely revenge on Asciu.

Just now Aschu spit on his head, he hated Aschu long ago.

Aschu frowned: "Brittel, it ’s the strength of the superior **** that contends for the world fruit. As far as I know, your cosmic bank association doesn't seem to be able to do this. Some of the superior **** geniuses you have cultivated are The only ones who can do that are the general manager, and the general manager will give you ten places enough for you. "

Brittle was silent. He knew Aschu was ironic, but it was also true.

When it comes to cultivating strong people, they are indeed amateurs.

The Cosmic Bank Association is actually better at recruiting the strong.

But even if Brittle was shorthanded by Asciu, he wouldn't show it, but sneered: "Are you in charge, what's wrong with our Cosmic Bank Association? It's not a place worth 50 billion merit. Well, it ’s nothing more than a small amount of money for us. You ’re an ancestor of God, and you ca n’t wait to spend half a penny on it, and you want to fight with us. ”

Aschu was instantly blushed by Brittle.

Yes, the Universe Bank Association has three major banks under the control of Star Bank, Galaxy Bank, and Xingyu Bank. The most important thing is money.

The eight strongest forces are the Orc Alliance, but the richest is definitely the Space Bank Association.

Several other commanders stopped talking at this time. Since Brittle wanted to compete for the ten places, they basically did nothing.

The situation smirked wryly: "Aschu, if you add more points, as long as the Cosmic Bank Association is not too much higher than you, I can take the place and sell all the places to your ancestors."

Asqiu looked suspiciously at the situation and tried to say, "Sixty billion merit points for a place?"

Feng Yun hasn't spoken yet. At this time, Brittel has blurted out: "We at the Space Bank Association have given us 100 billion points for one place."

Suddenly, Aschu's face turned darker.

At this moment, I mentioned the price of one hundred million merit points for one place, and ten places would be one trillion merit points. Wouldn't the Cosmic Bank Association be afraid to lose money?

After all, the average market price of Xiaoqian World Fruit is about 300 million pieces of immortal crystals, which is equivalent to 3 billion merits. According to the average person who enters, they get twenty small world fruits, which is also 60 billion merit points, which is far from one trillion merit points. Unless it is the ten people who go in that can get another Zhongqian world fruit, otherwise it is definitely a loss-making business.

Fengyun smiled wistfully, and was actually very satisfied with the price: "Mr. Aschu, no longer add points? Isn't the merit point not enough, or you can discuss it with several other commanders and ask them to borrow some Point? Of course, if you ca n’t borrow it, you do n’t necessarily buy it all? The space bank ’s 100 billion merit points are worth one place, and you have 120 billion merit points. You can buy just two or three.

Aschu looked at the situation with no worries and snorted before leaving.

One hundred billion merit is already worth a place, what is he thinking, he should not be the head of this injustice.

After all, even if it is the Zhongqian World Fruit, it can only make people break through to the realm of perfection, but not the realm of the main god.

Feng Yun ended the deal with Brittle, and returned to the campus of Xianxian University with satisfaction.

The gain of one trillion merit points is really a lot, so many merit points are enough to buy 50 million kilograms of divine fluid, so that the six thousand lower gods can practice all the way to the higher **** realm.

During the first full-scale war, Tyro, as a legionnaire, made so much credit. He killed hundreds of gods, and finally won an eleven trillion meritorious reward. There was basically nothing to pay for the Immortal College. Not only did it get the twenty places needed by the college, but it also earned so many merits.

After going back, Feng Yun told this matter to Wang Xing.

Wang Xing couldn't help laughing: "Although there are now 30 students in our college who have broken through to the higher **** realm, ten students have just broken through to the higher **** realm less than 200 years ago. It is too dangerous for them to compete for the world fruit, so We only need twenty places. Now we have won ten more places. With these ten places, we have earned one trillion meritorious points, which is an unexpected gain. "

Feng Yun nodded fearlessly, and even he was a bit surprised: "It's all thanks to the assistance of the two commanders Long Yong and Asciu, otherwise we would not be able to get thirty places so smoothly."

Wang Xing smiled, how could he not know.

Although the immortal college made the greatest contribution on the floodfield battlefield, the eight major forces made greater contributions in the four extraterrestrial stations of the Yuan battlefield, the Blood Mountain battlefield, the Bone Sea battlefield, and the Jiuxing battlefield. It was only that the commanders of the eight major forces were shocked by the situation, and troubled by Long Yu and Asqiu, and finally they were confused and agreed to this distribution method.

However, even if he got the quota, Wang Xing couldn't guarantee that the twenty college students who entered it could get the Zhongqian world fruit.

This time, the eight major forces are vying for the world fruit. The geniuses of the various forces must be sent in order to let them break through the realm.

In this respect, the heritage of the eight major forces still surpasses Xianxian College.

No way, there are too many people in the eight major forces.

It is also a star-level talent, Wang Xing wants to recruit a difficult, but there are some of these eight talents.

In comparison, the cultivation of Xianxian College does not actually have an advantage.

Among them, the Beast King Palace of the Orc Alliance is the place to train the strong for the Orcs. Both Long Yu and Tyrok are from this King of the Beast King, and Long Yu is now the realm of God. Promoted to God King. This is just someone who came out of the Beast King's Palace. If you are outstanding in the Beast King Palace, you will have the opportunity to enter the Beast Holy Land Ancestor Palace and get the personal teaching of several star giant ancestors. You will have the opportunity to impact the supreme universe and **** realm in the future.

Then there is the barren temple of the barbarians, among which barbarians have no genius.

The deserted temple is divided into the outer temple and the inner temple. It is said that the first condition to enter the outer temple is to break through to the immortal realm within 100 million years. If you want to enter the inner temple, this time will be shortened by ten times.

But even this is only a chance for you.

Now among the eight commanders, Manson ’s practice time in the Temple of Desolation is actually much shorter than that of Long Yan.

Young, to some extent, represents greater potential.

Another example is the Universe Arena and the Adventurer's League. The Universe Arena passed a field test, and finally they could be selected by at least one hundred consecutive victories. These people are the best in the same rank. The adventurer alliance is almost the same. By publishing adventure missions, they can successfully survive each adventure mission, and naturally become the people they focus on.

Ancestorism is no exception. Among them, who can become a true disciple is not talented.

Sabina, who had contradictions with Leng Shuangning at the time, said that she was a super genius of Patriarchism, in fact, she was just a formal disciple, which was better than those of ordinary disciples. Therefore, Sabina and his master were arrested by Wang Xing and imprisoned in a glass bottle. Although the Patriarchism later moved to angry at the Xian Academy, but found that the Xian Academy was not easy to mess with, he redeemed the other two captured Polsjo and Raff. Going back ~ ~ didn't redeem Sabina. Now Aschu, the ancestral religion, even when this thing has never happened, don't care.

In contrast, the Machinery Association, the Cosmopolitan Bank Association, and the League of Nations are far behind these five forces in this regard.

In addition, there are 150 people arranged by the military. Wang Xing knows that those places are given to the superior **** warriors who have made great achievements in the extraterrestrial battlefield calendar.

These upper **** warriors can't be underestimated. All of them have won the title of Super Warrior after all battles.

Wang Xing pondered for a moment: "Although the warriors of the League of God are rich in combat experience, most of the exercises and mysteries are rudimentary and may not pose much threat to the students. The key is the people who the eight major forces arranged to enter, but they are just fighting for some Thousands of world fruits, such as the ancestral religion, it is estimated that some ordinary disciples or formal disciples will be sent in, and the Orc Alliance will have at least some geniuses in the Beast King Palace. If you meet them, our college students should still have an advantage, no It is said that everyone can win thousands of world fruits, but it should not be difficult to win a dozen. "

Only the next day, he didn't think so.

(End of this chapter)

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