Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1838: Yang Mou

Chapter 1839 Yang Mou

Lanli is the genius of the Patriarchalism, and the Patriarchalism has been evil with the Immortal College since the earliest days.

Later, although Zushenjiao didn't bother to find Xianxian Academy again, it didn't mean that they forgot, just because they didn't find a suitable opportunity.

Now Xianxian Academy is powerful outside the Shenhe River, and it belongs to the earth snake, and even if the ancestral religion is one of the eight major forces, it is difficult to suppress Xianxian Academy.

So the two sides did not do the same thing, but this time Lan Li eliminated Pang Zhen, and even took Bei Mingxue and Teng Tianyi under the siege of the ancestors. Su Yu could feel that this was the time for the ancestors to take revenge.

They obviously did not dare to retaliate, but if the students of Xianxian College were wounded in the name of fighting for the Zhongqian World Fruit, Xianxian College could not say anything.

What Su Yu has to do now is to treat his body with his own way.

Patriarchism is going to take revenge on the Immortal Academy, and of course the Immortal Academy will be unkind to the Patriarch.

Su Yu wanted to find them, but it was very difficult.

However, because he gave a Zhongqian world fruit to the spiritual people, the tree spirit in return directly pointed out to Su Yu the position of the rest of the ancestral religion.

At this moment, the three of Langley, Belit, and other Patriarchs are meeting together to discuss what to do next.

They are still reluctant to give up, after all, this is not the last moment.

Belit was sitting on a tree stump, and a golden dagger was turning quickly in the palm of his hand: "The Immortal College is now the largest family, and the possibility that we next want to obtain the Zhongqian World Fruit is really too low. After all, the Immortal College Together with the Orc Alliance and the Machinery Association, the total number has reached 30. When we go up, we are basically trying to find our own way of death. Not only that, it is impossible for us to join other people, because the rest of the company headquarters , And the people of the Universe are surrendered to the feet of the Immortal College. "

Lanli laughed when she heard this: "Even the waste of the military department, they were originally the dogs of Xianxian. On the floodland, as long as the Xiandao army of Xianxian recruited people, they would put their tails together. .As the Xianxian School spread, they even offered the Xianxian Academy as the savior. As for the Cosmic Arena and the Machinery Association, they are a good match for the rudder It's ridiculous that we are equal. "

Lanly was so proud that she didn't take everyone else seriously.

"That's what it says, but we still have to find a way to get the Zhongqian World Fruits. We can't really get one of the Zhongqian World Fruits, right? Or maybe we also go to negotiate with the people of Xianxian College, maybe It will allow them to share a few Zhongqian World Fruits. Their immortal college will still teach us a little face. "

Belite said, in fact, he wanted to overpower people.

"You think too much. Actually, Xianxian Academy and our ancestral religion have long been contradictory. The people of Xianxian Academy will give them to the Universe Arena and the Machinery Association Zhongqian Shiguo, but they will never give them to us. We used to ask them to negotiate. Rather, it is self-defeating. However, this does not mean that we really cannot obtain the Zhongqian World Fruit. When the Zhongqian World fruit matures, we unexpectedly grab one or two Zhongqian World fruit, and then immediately stimulate the teleporter to leave. The people at Xianxian College can only watch. "

Grab and run, that's what Lan Li thinks.

Belit groaned: "Unexpectedly, we can really get one or two Zhongqian World Fruits this way."

Five people were talking here, and a sneer came.

"I didn't expect that at this time, you wouldn't give up. But your idea is too impractical. We at Xian Academy plus the Orc Alliance, the Machinery Association, and the 13 members of the military, The total number has reached forty-three. When the Zhongqian World Fruit is mature, there are people all around, how can I give you the opportunity to break in to **** the World Fruit. Not to mention, just in case, I have long been There is a formation method around a Zhongqian World Fruit, and anyone who is not familiar with the formation method cannot approach the Zhongqian World Fruit. "

Su Yu's voice sounded slowly, he found here.

The ancestral gods' five faces changed greatly, and they rushed out of the hiding place.

The five people Su Yu looked at slowly said, "You want to grab one or two Zhongqian World Fruits with this kind of thing, but if you want Zhongqian World Fruits, I have five here."

Speaking, Su Yu opened the backpack in her hand and saw that there were not only five medium thousand world fruits, but also more than two hundred small thousand world fruits.

The five eyes of Lan Li were all green, and all of them were trembling in their hearts.

They came in not for the fruit of the world.

If so many world fruits are obtained by them, they can be completely traded.

Su Yu threw the backpack and hung it on a branch of the World Tree: "Five medium thousand worlds have passed, 242 small thousand world fruits. As long as you can pass through me, they are you Patriarch. "

"Su Yu ..."

Belitt clenched his fists, he naturally recognized Su Yu: "I heard that you are the strongest in Xian Academy, a Liu Fan will make us embarrassed, you think we will be fooled."

Su Yuxi laughed: "If you are weak and dare not even dare this, then forget it. So, I advise you to get out of the way. If you continue to stay, you won't have any chance to get Zhong Qian Shi Guo. Because, I don't Will give you any chance. "

Yes, these world fruits are Su Yu's biggest reliance on retaining the five ancestors.

The ancestral religion was hopeless for the Zhongqian World Fruit. At this moment, Su Yu brought five Zhongqian World Fruits to the door, not to mention so many Xiaoqian World Fruits. Even if they knew they were not Su Yu's opponents, they would probably shoot. Scramble.

This is Yang Mou. The ancestral religion wants to win thousands of world fruits and must grab it from Su Yu.

Besides, ancestral people do not have no chance at all.

Bellett wanted to say something more, but at this time received a message from Lanly ~ ~ Bellett, maybe none of us is Su Yu's opponent. But Su Yu is not Liu Fan, and even if Liu Fan, the four of us entangled him, and the other one had a chance to bypass him and **** the world fruit. This competition for world fruit has completely failed. Now we must fight for it, and fight for Su Yu's pride too much. "


"This time, if we really get nothing back, how can we make a difference."

"The cross ... you make sense, after all, that's our five medium thousand world fruits, and if we get it, we can quickly break through to the realm of perfection."

The five communicated a bit and soon reached an agreement.

Then almost at the same time, Lan Li and Bai Lite rushed to Su Yu, while the other three people of the ancestral **** rushed to the backpack containing the world fruit.

Su Yu didn't feel sneer in her heart. It seemed that the five were hooked, and it was true that humans died for food and died for food.

(End of this chapter)

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