Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1848: Faculty and Student Conference

Dead, all dead. Mobile terminal

The Three-Eyed Protoss has really been exterminated long ago, and is not hidden in the universe like Wang Xing said.

That is to say, Wang Xing deceived the three-eyed god, and the picture that Wang Xing took just now is false and does not exist at all.

Xia Yumo didn't know what to say at this moment. "Dean, how did you hide the three-eyed god? Just now I saw the picture you took, and I also feel that somewhere there are really three-eyed gods. . "

Although the three-eyed **** is just a consciousness, but he just saw the picture taken by Wang Xing, he has actually calculated it through his treasure house of knowledge and believes that it is true. Otherwise, it is basically impossible to let him relax his mind. It's just that his knowledge storehouse can make calculation errors. Isn't he using the knowledge storehouse to deduct things after seven thousand epochs? All this is incredible.

Wang Xing didn't feel a smile. "The pictures I took were not fake, they really existed. But they were not in space, but in time. Actually, those pictures were a life of the Three-eyed Protoss before seven thousand times. The scene is that the three-eyed **** monk himself did not pay attention to it. His knowledge treasure can only calculate whether the scene is true or not, but cannot distinguish between the past and the future, so I was deceived naturally. "

After hearing this, Xia Yumo understood.

The treasure house of knowledge can only judge whether it is true or not, but it cannot judge the time, so the three-eyed prince is on the way.

Wang Xing said at this time, "The reason why I do this is to tell you not to be obsessed with the treasure trove of knowledge. The knowledge treasure trove of the three-eyed **** indeed does not have powerful computing power. It can calculate the past and future, but the treasure trove of knowledge. It does not calculate in a vacuum, it requires a series of basic data to support, and the more basic data, the more accurate the calculation result. Of course, it is especially important here to ensure the authenticity of the data, otherwise you will use the wrong data to substitute Calculation will naturally get the wrong answer. After all, I have received nine years of compulsory education. The truth of the equation is actually similar to this, and I do n’t say much. At that time, the Three-eyed God ruled that the law of the universe's origin was rebellious. Data, so you have to be cautious. Fortunately, you have practiced great deduction, and the two can completely verify the answer with each other, but you can avoid many mistakes. "

Speaking of which, Wang Xing was dignified. "Maybe someone discovered the flaws in the treasure trove of knowledge, and successfully used the Three-eyed God, but the Three-eyed God did not know it."

Xia Yumo knew that what Wang Xing said before was just speculation, in order to disintegrate the consciousness of the three-eyed god.

It was just that Xia Yumo still felt a little guilty, feeling as if he had stolen the inheritance of the Three Eyed God.

Wang Xing seemed to know what Xia Yumo thought, and smiled and said, "Do n’t think about it so much. The three-eyed **** is indeed a sin that cannot be forgiven, but knowledge is innocent and must be passed on. Besides, he could not be resurrected. With an air of grievances, it is better to walk away easily. "

Xia Yumo thought about it, too, the three-eyed **** is dead, but his treasure house of knowledge is a wealth to the entire universe, and cannot be completely disappeared in the universe as he dies. Now that she has inherited the treasure trove of knowledge of the Three-Eyed Gods, she can also be regarded as a half-three-eyed Protoss tribe. In the future, she may be able to let the name of the Three-Eyed Protoss ring through the universe.

"I'm gone, you can cultivate yourself here." Then, Wang Xing looked at the outside world. In fact, when the consciousness of the three-eyed **** dissipated, the two returned to the real space. It ’s because the universe ’s energy is completely depleted, and you can remake it as a palace in the universe. ”

Xia Yumo nodded, she actually likes it here, but it will definitely take a lot of manpower and material resources to transform it.

But it is difficult for others, but it is very simple for her.

Her man, Meng, is the mother emperor of the Zerg tribe. She can create hundreds of millions of Zerg fighters at will. Immortal stones and immortal crystals are inexhaustible. Reforming here is not too simple.

"I have opened a door in this space, which can be directly connected to the earth. If you want to go back, you can go back at any time."

"I see, thank you Dean."

Xia Yumo said, and at this time she found that Wang Xing had left, and didn't wait for her to finish talking.

Earth Federation, a planet.

"What were you holding back just now?" Leng Shuangning looked at Wang Xing, wondering, she didn't know that Wang Xing's consciousness was moving through the space, and she had a conversation with the three-eyed god.

"Oh, it's okay, it's a bit confusing." Wang Xing said, looking at the water in the distance, and was holding a fishing rod in his hand. Fish, big fish, you have a mouthful today. "

Cold frost condensed, can't help laughing.


A hundred years later.

One hundred years is just a few flicks. In this one hundred years, nothing big happened inside and outside Shenhe.

The Honghuang battlefield also completely calmed down because the League of God occupied the absolute advantage, and the aliens were afraid to launch an invasion easily. Jiang Lan, the head coach, is also taking a rest, he has begun to return to the college to teach at regular intervals. It is worth mentioning that some information of the three-eyed god-monarch was originally passed on to Jiang Xing by Jiang Lan. Otherwise, Wang Xing would confuse the three-eyed god-monitor at first, and it would not be so smooth. As for these materials, Jiang Lan also found them from the historical database of the military. After all, the League of God's database holds the most complete historical data of the universe.

There are not many battles in the Honghuang battlefield, and the various Alliance League soldiers are not idle, but are all desperately studying the formation.

The entire battlefield of flood and wasteland also changed completely due to the appearance of the formation method, and the formation method also spread to the other four major stations outside the field. It has been recognized by more and more people. The trend of independent disciplines.

In addition, the Xiandao Army of Xianxian Academy did not continue to expand enrollment, and still maintained a million establishment.

In addition to studying the formation method, the Xiandao Army has a lot to learn.

The college devoted a lot of effort to the Xiandao Army, and really wanted to train the Xiandao Army into an army sweeping the sky. The soldiers of the Immortal Army also felt it, and at this time they also knew that the opportunity was precious and they must seize this rare opportunity.

College, one thing is brewing.

Wang Xing sat in his office and looked at a dozen teachers who said lightly. "The development of our college was in a period of exploration. I have a lot of plans and ideas. I ca n’t do it if I want to implement it, but now our college The number of students in the university department is more than 1,000, and the total of the high school, junior and elementary schools is more than 100,000. I think we can change and make our college more like a college. I After thinking about it again and again, we formally intend to convene a teacher-student conference for the whole school. "

Hearing this, a dozen teachers were somewhat surprised.

Faculty and Student Conference?

This is obviously a big move, and they didn't even think that Wang Xing called them over to inform them about it.

"Okay, Dean."

Huang Rong responded that although she was a bit surprised, she also knew that it was reasonable.

Other teachers also spoke in succession. In fact, they also hoped to convene such a conference, because now the new students don't even know that they have met the dean.

"As for September 1st, ten years later, the previous time was the start date of our schools in Huaxia, and it is meaningful for us to choose this time. After you go back, you will issue notices to coordinate the grades. Make sure that students can come to the conference. This time the whole school teacher-student conference, I will also announce something, which will affect the future interests of each student and even the teacher. "Wang Xing thought for a moment.

When the teachers heard this, they dared not slack off.

Soon after, the news about the college's faculty and student conference to be held soon spread, and the students who received the news throughout the college were fiercely discussed. Students are naturally looking forward to this conference of teachers and students, especially knowing that this year's conference of teachers and students will announce some things, and they may benefit from it, let them rejoice.

College, Wang Xing's residence.

Leng Shuangning laughed and said, "What on earth do you plan on, UU reading I see that the students at the college are crazy, especially the lower grade students, it seems that they are waiting for this wave, so as to improve the cultivation. A few realms. "

After hearing this, Wang Xing couldn't help laughing and crying. He wanted to promote Xiu to several realms through a conference. What was he thinking about?

When is the practice so simple, these lower-grade students are really newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers.

He reluctantly said, "I just have some ideas. Our former college was not sound, but now the elementary school, junior college, high school, and university departments are all lifted out of the ban. Even Ma will not be able to use it for many years and will still face a problem. It ’s a question of college graduation. So while the situation is still quite upset, I want to find an opportunity to talk about these together, so that students have a bottom. As for others, there are some plans for the future development of the college, and I will also elaborate on the positioning of the college and the future direction of the college. "

Wang Xing did this mainly because he saw that the students were very confused and the teachers were a little confused. It seemed that he didn't know what to do in the future.

Good Su Yu, he thought about doing some research in the future, but what and how to research, in fact, is still completely confused.

Wang Xing convened this conference, in fact, mainly expounded these, giving the college students and teachers a clear direction to make the college more like a college.

Super Fairy College https: //

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