Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1876: Brother, is my sister beautiful?

Chapter 1877 Brother, Is My Teacher Beautiful?

Zhang Xiaomeng looked at Yanyue, but he promised it all at once.

In her mind, the dean was sacred, and anyone could see it.

You are like Yanyue. Although she is a disciple of the beast ancestor, but she wants to see the beast ancestor, she must pass through the beast ancestor before she can enter the beast ancestor's palace.

As the dean of the Immortal Academy, it is comparable to the beast ancestor.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaomeng is a little bit puzzled: "Sister, our dean is not what you want to see. You may not know that our dean is very busy. Even if I want to see him, I may not be able to see it. Well, I'll give you an obituary first. As for whether you can see our dean, it depends on your luck. "

Yanyue is a little dumbfounded. What do you mean?

How does it feel like I'm saying that I want to see your dean.

Is your dean a cosmic **** who can't do it, although he doesn't say anything on his mouth, Yan Yue is furious. What kind of dean is this? The shelf is quite big.

Zhang Xiaomeng brought Yan Yue to the earth, and after entering the planet, Yan Yue was even more shocked.

There are tens of billions of people on this earth star, and they are all practitioners.

She really didn't know how such a small planet could tolerate so many people, and it seemed that these people were very satisfied, living happily and happily.

"here is?"

Yan Yue was taken to a community, and at the gate of the community, he saw two old men playing chess.

The two old masters ca n’t be separated from each other. If it wasn't for her to see that the two old masters had a cultivation practice, they really thought that these were two ordinary people.

Now she is really curious. These people have cultivated the creation of the realm. How can they be willing to nest here and have no dispute with the world.

"Oh, this is my neighborhood, my home."

Zhang Xiaomeng thought for a while, and then said, "Sister, do n’t be surprised, our earth has entered the interstellar, but it is only about 1.5 million years. Although the era of nationwide cultivation has already begun, most people practice It ’s just to prolong life. In their eyes, cultivation is just a way to keep in good health, but when the earth is in crisis, they can also fight with guns. This is caused by the unique culture of our planet. We pay attention to people and Naturally, people live in harmony with the universe. "

Hearing this, Yan Yue was aggressive.

This planet is the first time she has seen her. When she enters here, she feels like she has come to Xanadu.

Entered into Zhang Xiaomeng's house, it was a three-bedroom house, and there were people inside.

"you are?"

Yan Yue looked at the man in front of him with some dignity.

Because she saw that the man seemed young, but she also had a perfect cultivation.

"my brother!"

Zhang Xiaomeng said casually: "He is also a student of the academy. I thought he was in the academy and did not expect to go home."

Hearing that Zhang Zhou was Zhang Xiaomeng's brother, Yan Yue nodded.

Zhang Zhou smiled hesitantly: "I didn't expect our house to be a guest, and she is still a big beauty."

Yan Yue heard Zhang Zhou's words without any anger, but was somewhat useful. At least Zhang Zhou's vision was okay, and she could see that she was a beautiful woman.

Zhang Xiaomeng was startled: "Brother, don't hit my sister's idea, she's a half step supreme god, and seeing that she will be a tigress, if you hit her idea, I will really marry her home in the future, and I tell you, you will be gone in your whole life. "

Hearing this, Yan Yue and Zhang Zhou's faces were black.

It's over in a lifetime, it's over ...

Yan Yue stunned for a long time, and couldn't help but slap it against Zhang Xiaomeng's head: "What do you think, little girl, I am a half-step supreme god, what is the cultivation of your brother, but it is just a complete **** , I can pinch him with one finger, do you think I will look after him? What did you say on earth, just the one you taught me, yes, Toad wants to eat swan meat. Huh, Let your brother wake up. "

Zhang Zhou's face was darker.

As for what I said, I don't have any bad ideas.

Zhang Zhou is ashamed and doesn't want to stay here.

But Zhang Xiaomeng wasn't happy, but she felt that her brother was the best. How could she not be worthy of you, so he hummed, "Sister, my brother is not as uncomfortable as you said. No Say something else, my brother is honest and reliable, if you really marry my brother, you will definitely not lose money later. As for what kind of cultivation, sister, do you want to look a little longer, my brother has not practiced two million in full Years, now there is the practice of perfection. I remember that when you cultivated for two million years, you have n’t become immortal yet. When my brother has your age, maybe he will become the **** of the universe. Now. "

Yan Yue froze and looked at Zhang Zhou with a bit of shock. "You haven't practiced for less than two million years?"

Zhang Zhou was also a little proud at this time, dumbfounded!

He suddenly felt proud: "No, I just practiced 1.5 million years ago. This practice is a little slower than Xiao Meng."

Yan Yue stopped talking for a while, this was hit.

It took her 10 million years of practice to have a perfect God. This is really a huge gap compared to Zhang Zhou.

It's not surprising that Zhang Zhou would catch up with her in the future, but it's impossible to say that someone is very powerful in front of her, but it is possible to stay in one state for hundreds of millions of years.

Yan Yue looked at Zhang Xiaomeng like this. Some of you are mad. Are you all geniuses? What a pride: "Well, even so, I don't look down on your brother. Who knows that his progress is fast in front, then in the back Wither, and then a thousand miles away. In the universe, I see so many early geniuses, and do n’t become **** kings, no matter how powerful a genius can only be a genius, not a strong one. "

Zhang Xiaomeng retorted again: "Hang back, my brother will become the **** king by then, see what you say."

Yanyue was short of breath, did she not give a step on the bar, and suddenly she was angrily: "Well, wait until your brother becomes the king of God."

"When my brother becomes the King of God, will you marry him?"

"What happened to marry him ..."

Yan Yue was dumbfounded when she finished talking, what she said in a fit of anger.

Zhang Xiaomeng will not let go of this opportunity at this time: "Sister, this is what you said. I have recorded it all the way. When my brother breaks through to the realm of God King, you will marry my brother."

"I ... I ..." Yan Yue was so aggressive that I sold myself like this, which is absolutely not possible, "I mean, but ... but who knows when your brother can become the **** king, I always It is impossible to wait for him to break through to the realm of God King. At most ... at most 10 million years, if he has not broken through to the Realm of God King for 10 million years, then stop delusional. "

After hearing this, Zhang Xiaomeng laughed.

"Ten million years, for giving my brother this long time, it seems that you really like my brother, sister." Zhang Xiaomeng smiled, smiled brilliantly, and had a conspiracy, and was familiar with this smile Zhang Zhou, at this moment, is also a bit messy. Who has been delusional and I have never thought about who is going to climb high. The key is that even if you are my sister, can you set my marriage so vaguely? I did n’t interfere with your marriage, and your parents are not there. It ’s good that you have just appointed a wife to your brother, and this wife is a bit powerful.

Yan Yue stopped talking, but she didn't take it for granted. She broke through the realm of God King for ten million years. What was she thinking about?

At present, it takes more than 10 million years for the fastest breakthrough to the realm of the **** king. Who are you as your brother? The first genius in the universe?

It's just that Yanyue doesn't know. With the collapse of the universe's original laws, it is becoming easier and easier to break through the realm. It will not be impossible to break through to the realm of the God King in only a few million years.

"Sister, we dine at home today. This is the habit of our global people. When guests come, they are invited to eat. Of course, you are my future sister-in-law. This first visit is even more grand. So I decided, today my brother and I will cook for you and make a big meal for you. "Zhang Xiaomeng said, pulling Zhang Zhou into the kitchen.

Zhang Zhou is still in the midst of confusion, and Yan Yue is speechless. You just hold on to your sister-in-law, and you really think I can be your sister-in-law.

In the kitchen, Zhang Xiaomeng whispered, "Brother, how do I look for this wife for you?"


Looking at Zhang Xiaomeng, Zhang Zhou seems to be saying that you are serious, have you passed your brother's consent?

Zhang Xiaomeng ignored it and continued: "I told you, you found my sister, but you made a lot of money. I have four sisters in the Palace of the Beast, and the other goddess kings who have seen the mess. Little, but this gentle and kind as my sister is just this one. The more important thing is that my sister's blood is strong, she has blood flowing from the beast ancestor. Do you know that it is all beast ancestor genes, if you marry After her, after having a child, the gene of our old Zhang family came up, and it will be difficult for the old Zhang family not to grow up. "

Zhang Zhou looked at Zhang Xiaomeng in amazement. Have you looked so long?

But what kind of ghost is the old Zhang family, just the two of us are the old Zhang family, wait, how many children do you want your brother to have in the future.

Zhang Zhou felt that some of his brain was not enough. He was arranged so clearly. Who is the brother and sister?

Although Zhang Xiaomeng spoke very quietly, but who is Yan Yue in the living room, half step to the highest god, how can you not hear it, the teeth suddenly felt itchy. What do you think of me, the tool to have children, the key is not to avoid taboos, don't you know that you have to let me hear.

Zhang Xiaomeng seemed to be reluctant to see Zhang Zhou like this, so he hit Zhang Zhou with his elbow: "Brother, please be content. Don't think that I don't know how you go to see female netizens. Isn't my teacher better than you That lion's female net looks ten thousand times friendly. "

Zhang Zhou trembled suddenly: "Do you know?"

Zhang Xiaomeng glared at Zhang Zhou: "Who else in the academy doesn't know? Our cadre chat group has spread all over."

Zhang Zhou suddenly felt complacent, and Yan Yue in the living room couldn't help but laughed and saw a female netizen. This boat is really enough, isn't this the kind of small hanging wire that the earth people say.

Both Zhang Xiaomeng and Zhang Zhou have studied cooking with teachers Ting Ding and Stephen. It is natural for them to cook anything.

Yan Yue hasn't tasted the cuisine of the earth. It didn't matter much at first, but the taste is quite good when she eats, and she can't help eating for a while.

Zhang Xiaomeng watched with interest. Sure enough, the earth's food is invincible, and she can conquer the taste of any race. Then she looked at Zhang Zhou and said lightly, "Seeing that, my sister is a foodie. Here, if you want to grab a woman's heart, you must first grab her stomach. "

Zhang Zhou Machinery nodded his head and thought it made some sense.

Yan Yue lifted her head and felt that some was broken by Zhang Xiaomeng. Then, did I eat or not eat this meal?


The next month, Wang Xing did not want to see Yanyue.

There was no way, Zhang Xiaomeng said that Wang Xing had to hang Yanyue first and put the dean's shelf in order to create opportunities for her brother.

Three months later, Wang Xing wanted to take the initiative to see Yanyue, but Zhang Xiaomeng stopped it directly, saying that it was a matter of their old Zhang family's opening and loosening, and let Wang Xing wait.

Wang Xing was a little messy after hearing it. What he did was he wanted to see Yan Yue, but it wasn't like this before.

Zhang Xiaomen ’s family, Zhang Zhou is very distressed: “Xiao Meng, I have taken your sister to watch the movie twenty times, walked the street for three months, and bought something that has tens of thousands of square meters. It ’s almost time to play it again, so let go of your brother. ”

Zhang Xiaomeng thought for a while and felt that although his brother's performance was not good, it was still okay.

"Brother, is my sister beautiful?"


Zhang Zhou blurted out, and then wanted to retort, but this is the big truth, how can you retort, you can't talk nonsense with your eyes open.

"Okay, my sister will definitely go back after seeing the dean. After that, the two of you will not have such a good chance to get along with each other. I suggest that when she returns, you can contact her if you are fine, and brush in front of her. Good impression, I believe she will be yours sooner or later. "Zhang Xiaomeng said, a brother I am optimistic about your appearance.

Zhang Zhou sniffed, "Let me go kneel and lick a woman, what do you want. Zhang Xiaomeng, I tell you, I'm not this kind of person."

Zhang Xiaomeng immediately laughed. What kind of person do you have in your heart?

I can go to see the female netizens of the Lion clan, what else can't I do?

"Brother, then I have deleted the contact information of my sister in your address book?" Zhang Xiaomeng showed a demon-like smile and then grabbed Zhang Zhou's communication watch without seeing her action.

Zhang Zhou looked at his wrists, and suddenly hurried: "Don't, don't delete!"

Zhang Xiaomeng looked at Zhang Zhou's anxious look, and immediately laughed, and said that he was not attentive, and you were so nervous without being attentive. It was just that she opened Zhang Zhou's address book, which was a bit aggressive, because she didn't find a note called Yanyue, but found a one called Xiaoyueyue, and she opened it casually, and the head picture above was her sister. .


Zhang Xiaomeng smiled, and the whole person laughed back and forth.

"You make a note like this ... Does my sister know?" Zhang Xiaomeng looked at Zhang Zhou and couldn't help asking, she felt that if her sister knew this, she would be able to kill Zhang Zhou.

Zhang Zhou thought of this, and said in horror, "Zhang Xiaomeng, what do you want to do? If you dare tell Xiaoyue, I will break the sibling relationship with you."


Sever sibling relationship?

Zhang Xiaomeng was shocked. She felt that her brother really fell in love, all for her sister, and she wanted to sever the relationship with herself.


"Sister." Zhang Xiaomeng found Yanyue this day, and was very excited. "After my efforts, I even asked for a lot of people, and finally let the president agree to see you. Sister, can you give me? Some hard work. "

Yan Yue is looking at comic books on the earth, and it is still prehistoric.

At this moment, when I heard Zhang Xiaomeng's words, I couldn't help but glance back at Zhang Xiaomeng. What did I think about? I have been hanging here for three months, and it also cost me hard work.

Also, what idea do you have, I really don't know.

"Time and place?" Yanyue faintly said, "I have waited so long for this broken place to have been long enough."

"Sufficed enough?" Zhang Xiaomeng sneered, when you were blind to me, I was so tired that you would buy a house on earth.

It seemed that Zhang Xiaomeng was aware of what he was doing, and Yan Yue hummed, "What do you care about? When I see your dean, I will return to my life immediately."

Zhang Zhou, watching her sister and Yanyue fighting wit, always felt that her life would not be as happy as Zhang Xiaomeng said in the future.

But Yanyue is really beautiful.

"Tomorrow at 9 am, at Tianxian Mountain." Zhang Xiaomeng said, "But our dean is no better than others. I advise you to put away your shelf when you meet him, or be careful that you will not be able to return. "

"You made your dean so powerful, but if I find him deceptive, I tell you, your college is miserable." Yan Yue ironically.

"Why, you have the courage to tear down our college and see if anyone has put you in the sky prison." Zhang Xiaomeng said in a violent way, it seems that he would be anxious for Yan Yue to do so. Then when he really caught Yan Yue, he would be funny Already.

Yanyue Yiyi ~ ~ To be honest, she really dare not.

Without saying anything else, that emperor seems to have the same strength as her and should be very difficult to deal with.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhang Xiaomeng led Yanyue towards Tianxian Mountain. When entering Tianxian Mountain, Yanyue also learned about Tianxian Mountain and knew that this was the earliest college location of Xianxian College.

To be honest, she was really curious about what kind of college Xianxian was and its creation time was so short, but every student in it seemed to be a genius.

She had already learned from Zhang Zhou that there were not one thousand or eighty students in Xian Academy like Zhang Zhou, so Zhang Zhou was not a peerless genius, at least not in Xian Academy.

So she was willing to hang out with Zhang Zhouyi for three months. Where did she really like Zhang Zhou and think about it, she just wanted to talk about something from Zhang Zhou.

She knew this, and Zhang Xiaomeng knew it too. Zhang Zhou was stupid. She really thought Yan Yue had a soft spot for him now.

(End of this chapter)

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