Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1924: Lightning

Chapter 1925: Lightning

However, Yao Wei is very welcome for Wei Xi and the upcoming Guy.

Both of them have fate with him. Even if there are not many friends like Yao Jie, they still need to be well maintained.

"Nothing to say, I'll buy you a drink later."

Yao Jie whispered, Wei Xi smiled and nodded.

When friends meet, nothing can't be solved by a meal.

Jiang Lan continued at this time: "Yanyue is the highest and Jinwu is the highest, because the exchange meeting will not start for another ten years. During this time, I will trouble you to find a place to live in Daoxiantai. Here is the ID card to enter Daoxiantai. You each take one, enter your identity information, and then I will take you to Sendai. "

Then, Jiang Lan took out more than a hundred purple cards.

Yanyue said nothing, took it over, and distributed it to the orc alliance genius he brought.

The geniuses of the Orc Alliance looked at the purple card, and found that there was a picture of the ancient sea of ​​immortal sea printed on it, and in the middle of the ancient sea of ​​immortal sea, there seemed to be a continent suspended, which should be Taoxiantai.

When their consciousness entered, they found that their consciousness was pulled into the ancient sea of ​​immortality.

Panoramic Xianhai and Taoxiantai.

All Orc Alliance geniuses are a bit shocked, this means is beyond their understanding.

Yanyue was slightly surprised, but she wouldn't show it, even if she didn't know what the reason was, but now she asked, wouldn't she look a little bit embarrassed?

Their orc alliance is the biggest force in the League of Gods, but this face cannot be lost.

"Mr. Jiang Lan, I'm still familiar with the Earth Federation. I don't want to bother you to lead the way. I heard that Taoxiantai was made by the dean of your college from the ancient wasteland. I'm also curious. go by self."


Jiang Lan thought about it and said nothing.

Yan Yue has lived in the Earth Federation after all, and she also has a house on the earth. She is willing to be the host on behalf of Jiang Lan.


"Here is the ancient ancient fairy sea. The ancient ancient fairy sea with a size of 160 light years is as calm as a mirror, which is really amazing. I can feel that many rules here have been changed by people. The method of the dean of the Xianxian College is really mysterious. "Yan Yue looked at the ancient ancient Xianhai, but she actually wanted to study the ancient ancient Xianhai.

Those geniuses of the Orc Alliance are not fools, they can also feel the wonder of this wild ancient sea.

Many geniuses of the Orc Alliance have closed their eyes and felt the rules of the ancient fairy sea carefully, and in a blink of an eye it was half a day passed, and Yanyue did not interrupt them.

Suddenly, a person's body experienced a violent energy fluctuation, and at the same time, a purple gas flew from the ancient sea of ​​immortality into the man's body.

Yan Yue and Jin Wu immediately looked at it. At this time, they saw only a man wearing black armor and carrying a long sword spit out blood.

The man slowly opened his eyes, and was a little horrified: "Amazing, this ridiculous fairy sea looks right in front of our eyes, but it is actually separated from us by countless spaces. Not only that, I feel that Tao Sendai is like the origin of the universe Law, and the ancient ancient Xianhai is like a seven-story space around Taoxiantai. The entire ancient ancient Xianhai is a reduced version of the universe. "

All the geniuses who are enlightening are all horrified.

Did you realize this?

real or fake?

Is it so amazing?

Yan Yue was also a bit shocked. She also thought that this Sendai and the ancient ancient Xianhai were very mysterious, but she never thought of them.

But now with the man's thinking, she found that this turned out to be true.

The ancient ancient Xianhai and Taoxiantai are exactly a kind of simulated universe space.

But now the universe has seven layers of space, and the ancient ancient Xianhai clearly does not have a seven-layer division. In fact, the entire ancient ancient Xianhai and Taoxiantai are the situation after the simulation of the original laws of the universe.

"Blakely, do you have any other gains?"

Yan Yue thought of that purple gas, and no one else saw that purple gas except Jinwu.

Blakely was the man, he hesitated, and didn't want to say.

Jin Wu was a little displeased, and hummed, "Did you get any benefit from Xian Academy?"

Hearing this, everyone else looks weird, what good?

Blakely saw that many eyes were not good, and he did not dare to conceal any more: "I did get some benefits. When I realized the relationship between Taoxiantai and the ancient fairy sea, my consciousness was dragged by the ancient fairy sea. On flying mystery. I just looked at it. This mystery is a little different from the mystery in our universe now. It should be the magical power said by the Immortal Academy. "


Yanyue was a little surprised, Blakely got a magical power unique to the Immortal Academy.

"Pass it to me, let me see."

Jinwu spoke directly, with a stiff tone.

Blakely frowned, this is what he got, and why gave it to Jinwu.

Yan Yue saw that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, and hurriedly said, "Jinwu, this is what Blackley got. Even if he is willing to surrender, the palace has to compensate him."

Jinwu thought for a while and didn't dare to refute Yanyue.

Blakely was relieved, and he was afraid of being robbed.

As for Jin Wu, although he is also the supreme god, Blakely is only one step away from being able to advance to the king of God, and he is also a beast ancestor disciple.

Without being forced to offer his own gains, Blackley began to secretly realize the flying secrets he had obtained.

No, it should be flying magic.

This supernatural power is called six-wing breakout. After training, three pairs of six wings can be condensed. These six wings can control the six powers of wind, thunder, light, electricity, gas, and space. It is a distance of billions of miles.

He doesn't know how this magical power level is divided, but in mystery, this is already a god-level mystery.

"I really made a lot of money this time. Even if a mythical king-level secret skill is the ancestral beast palace, it will take a great price to be eligible to learn." Blackley thought to himself, getting more excited.

The key is still a flying secret, which is very suitable for life-saving use at critical times.

Among immortal colleges.

Wang Xing looked in the direction of the Xiangu Xianhai, and he was also a bit surprised: "In order to promote the magical powers, I deliberately hid a hundred kinds of magical powers in the Xianguxianhai. I didn't expect that one was triggered so soon. Look The genius who comes to the universe is not to be underestimated, but fortunately, the more geniuses cultivate the magical power, the more they will feel that the magical power has a greater advantage than mysticism. "

I have to say that Wang Xing's intentions are too bad.

He just let these geniuses get magical powers to practice magical powers, and all geniuses have cultivated magical powers, what would others think.

They only think that the magical power is very powerful, more powerful than the mystery, and they will try to understand the magical power.

Yan Yue saw a lot of geniuses who wanted to continue to enlighten and wanted to get supernatural powers. They always felt something wrong.

She looked at the location of Sendai and thought about it: "Go to Sendai first. We are the first to arrive. Maybe there is any benefit waiting for you on Sendai."

Hearing the benefits, all the geniuses of the Orc Alliance have some expectations.

A group of people headed for Tao Sendai.

When they came to Taoxiantai, they found that Taoxiantai was surrounded by a purple barrier.

This is what Jiang Lan said before. If they want to go in, they must use the ID card given to them by Xianxian College.

"Let's go in!"

Yan Yue said, took out his identity card, and headed for Dao Sendai.

She seemed to have passed through a layer of diaphragm without any obstacles, and many other orc geniuses also entered Daoxiantai.

"Little barrier, where do I need an ID card."

Jin Wu sneered, and didn't take out his identity card at all, and slammed into the purple barrier of Tao Sendai.

Yanyue was shocked and hurriedly said, "Jinwu, stop!"

Jin Wu actually wanted to break through the barrier set by the dean of the Immortal College. I really don't know how to write the dead words.

Yan Yue wants to curse, why is Jinwu so arrogant.

But it was too late. Jinwu was so confident that he would stop and hit the purple barrier.

All the geniuses of the Orc Alliance are nervous at the moment, and nothing will happen.

Just at this moment, when Jinwu hit the purple barrier, the void burst.

I only saw a black thunderbolt coming through the sky, like a black dragon slashing towards Jinwu.

Jinwu felt a strong coercion, and he couldn't stand in the void.

He was astounded, only feeling that the spirits were locked, and the kingdom of God was faintly exploding.

He wanted to move away, but at this moment the space was also blocked by the **** thunder and could not be moved at all.

Can't move, fly.

He stomped into the void and opened the space directly. A blossoming black lotus burst out, with six petals out.

Breaking the six-story space, you can see the seventh-story space, the supreme strength of the Supreme God!

With the power of this foot, he flew out and vacated for a light year.

But just after he left, the black **** thunder also disappeared, and then just after he appeared, the **** thunder fell towards him.


Jin Wu just felt that a nail had been nailed to the top of his head, and he was stunned.

On his body, an elementary eternal battle armor cracked into several pieces.

Everyone was scalp, and looking at the purple barrier was full of fear. Is this the consequence of a trespass? It's too scary.

A supreme **** even broke a preliminary eternal warframe ~ ~ the whole person also became black charcoal.

Yanyue is also a bit lost, this **** thunder doesn't know what the principle is, and she can track Jinwu, it is to let you hide.

"Xian Academy!"

Jin Wu roared, and now he was really angry.

I just want to show my strength, and you give me such a fierce blow, you have broken my armor and armor, can you still play happily.

I haven't been smashed by the Warframe for so many years in the abyss battlefield. This is a shame.

Among the immortal colleges, Wang Xing frowned slightly: "Who is this, is he pretending to be such a force, and I don't know if he is pretending to be thundered."

I do n’t want to see where this is. On the site of Xianxian Academy, I still want to break through the ban set by me. Are n’t you trying to die?

Let you break through, where does my dean's face rest.

(End of this chapter)

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