Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1947: Interception

Chapter 1948 Interception

Seeing Ling Zu's solemn appearance, Qin Yu almost believed.

What's this for?

Lingzu didn't think so. The figure flashed and sat on one of the chairs, but Qin Yu didn't see how Lingzu moved.


The spirit tribe enjoyed it very much: "Aren't you going to leave? Hurry up, I'm going to rest."

Jiang Li looked at Qin Yu, but he was helpless: "Brother Yu, don't worry."

Qin Yu smiled bitterly. What else can I do? I ’m a cosmic god. I do n’t know how many millions of years I have, and I am not an opponent. I really want to anger Lingzu because of this.

The Ling tribe robbed them of two chairs, and the two of them could only endure.

The two left, and after leaving the palace, Ling Huang looked very sorry.

"That chair, we the spirit race to compensate." The spirit emperor is not like the spirit ancestor, but still very righteous.

"Forget it." Jiang Li shook her head, then she wondered, "Linghuang, is that really the ancestor? Isn't she a very old universe god, but that place is too simple."


Is that simple, is it poor?

There is only one bed in the whole palace, and that bed looks very ordinary, this is how poor it is.

There is no such poor universe **** in the universe.

Hearing this, Linghuang was silent.

Qin Yu is actually a bit puzzled. After all, Lingzu is a cosmic god. Does he really have no family background?

The Emperor Ling slowly said at this time: "You all know that the spirit ancestor's body is the first world tree in the universe. In fact, the spirit ancestor's body has already exceeded hundreds of millions of light years, which is comparable to the size of a star field. Lingzu consumes huge energy every day even if she doesn't move, otherwise her body will wither and the leaves will wither. Therefore, all the wealth accumulated by Lingzu is converted into divine fluid by her. In fact, one thousand Before the epoch, the treasures in Lingzu's palace were dazzling. Now ... "

The Emperor Ling sighed, all the treasures of Lingzu were converted into Divine Liquid, otherwise Lingzu's palace would not be so.

Both Qin Yu and Jiang Li were a bit horrified.

Hundreds of millions of light-years of body, how much divine fluid is consumed each day, it is indeed a horrible figure to think about.

"Let's go, I've got people ready for the luncheon, and the two are leaving after the meal."

"it is good."


At the luncheon, Qin Yu asked the Emperor about the collapse of the law of the universe and the alien invasion, but the Emperor did not give a satisfactory answer.

The Emperor of the Spirit is also avoiding talking.

Qin Yu sighed and then left with Jiang Li.


Leaving the Lingzu, the two still felt like dreaming.

This trip to the spirit tribe is really a dream. They have seen the strange life of the spiritual tribe, and they have also seen the somewhat casual spirit ancestor.

I thought I could stay a few more days, but I didn't expect to be asked to leave so soon.

"Let's go!"

Qin Yu held Jiang Li's hand, the two flashed, and the shuttle space left.

After a space shuttle, Qin Yu's face suddenly changed slightly.

"No, someone distorted the direction we moved." Qin Yu looked around vigilantly, the fairy power of the whole body condensed, and at the same time a spear appeared in his hand. This was a magic weapon he later built. Reached the level of high-level eternal magic.

Jiang Li is the same, a sword appeared in his hand, his face was dignified.

Qin Yu, who has the eighth level of Jinxian practice, can distort the direction of their movement without knowing it. He must be a universe god.

"Someone, come out!"

Qin Yu drank angrily, and he felt that the surrounding space was blocked.

Someone is blocking the space.

At this time, there was a ghastly laughter in the void, and the sound seemed a little hoarse.


Jiang Li also yelled, apparently that the visitor was not good.

"You are Qin Yu, the teacher of the Immortal College? I heard your name. On the battlefield of Honghuang, you defeated several alien gods and even killed one." A woman in a black leather jacket from the void Came out.

A sharp tail was dragged behind the woman, swaying at will, making people shudder.

Qin Yu looked dignified when she saw the woman.

Cosmic God, this woman is definitely a Cosmic God.

Only Qin Yu thought about the cosmic **** he knew, and he couldn't match it.

"Who are you?" Jiang Li also had a killing in his eyes, and secretly wanted to pass the message to Xian Xueyuan, but she found that the message could not be sent at all, and the other party blocked the signals around it.

"You don't need to know who I am, because you are already dead." The woman sneered, "It is really interesting to think about it. The Ling clan invited the teacher Qin Yu from Xianxian College to be a guest, but who knows that Lingzu was moody and gave them killed."

Qin Yu suddenly understood, "You want to kill us and marry the spirit race?"

The woman smiled slightly: "Well, do you think your dean will believe it at that time? Or, otherwise, the two teachers of Xianxian Academy tried to misbehave the Lingzu, Lingzu was angry and killed them."

At this time Qin Yu gradually realized that the unknown cosmic **** wanted to stir up their relationship with the spirit race.

So why bother this relationship.

The reason seems obvious. She knew that Xianxue Academy would promise the Lings, help the Lings to find the Lingjian, and even help the Lings to win the Xingyuan Fruit, so she would start by destroying the Xianxian alliance with the Lings.

It's just a bit unbelievable, because Xianxue College promised things of the Ling tribe, even if others guessed it, it might not be sure.

If you are not sure, is it too reckless to kill someone in such a hurry?

Maybe there is another possibility. The provocation relationship is just incidental. This unknown cosmic **** came to kill them. Now Xianxian Academy has offended many forces in the universe and wants to kill their teachers. someone here.

Dark God Organization!


Shenhe slave trading company!

These are all possible, and even other major forces are also possible.

But this is not the time to think about it, at this time still have to find a way to save your life.

If you and Jiang Li are really killed here, the other party works well, and it can completely plant this matter on the Ling clan.

"Lier, the other party is the Cosmic God. I have studied the gap between myself and the Cosmic God. Even the weakest Cosmic God, I am not an opponent. The gap between the Supreme God and the Cosmic God is the essence of life. But The other party wanted to kill me in a short time, it was not so easy. So I restrained her for a while, you find a chance to escape her blocked area, and then find a way to ask the dean for help. "Qin Yu thought for a while, secretly speaking Road.

In the face of this crisis of life and death, Qin Yu did not mess up.

He can't be an opponent, so he can only ask for help.

Jiang Li also understands the key point. If he can ask for help successfully, then the two can survive.

If she also stayed here, because she now has only the state of God King, it would not help Qin Yu at all, but would become a burden on Qin Yu.

Seeing Jiang Liwei nodded to himself, Qin Yu smiled.

At the same time, Qin Yu and Jiang Li moved.

Qin Yu rushed towards the woman with a spear in her hand, and Jiang Li flew towards the distance.

The woman froze, but she saw through the thoughts of Qin Yu and Jiang Li.

But in her opinion, this is ridiculous.

Qin Yu and Jiang Li, one is only the Supreme God, and the other is the God King, do they want to escape under her blockade.


She looked at Jiang Li far away, but she didn't care about her at all.

Let you escape, how far can you escape.

Can't I kill Qin Yu before escaping from the enclosed area of ​​my space?

"A supreme **** has the courage to shoot at me." She sneered, saying how she called a cosmic god, the highest point of the universe, even if she was only weak among the cosmic gods, but also had the dignity of the cosmic gods.

She looked at Qin Yu's spear, and her tail was drawn.

The spear collided with the woman's tail, making a sharp, harsh sound, and Qin Yu felt only that his spear was crying.

The woman's tail didn't know what material it was, it was even stiffer than his spear.

He looked at his tiger's mouth, because the spear's backlash had cracked, and blood was infecting the spear.

However, this time is not the time for distraction. When the blow was blocked by the woman, Qin Yu roared and stabbed at the woman again. The spear was connected in the void, and the speed had already exceeded the speed of light. The phantoms of the spears are like a starry sky.

The woman was a little surprised, and the power of Qin Yu was so vast.

She saw the vain shadow, her tail was drawn again, and the whole space was drawn to pieces with the gun shadows.


Qin Yu also flew out, his face was a little dignified.

He felt that the woman's tail was already comparable to a high-end eternal magic weapon. Got the biggest.

You have to know that even if he is using the spear in his hand, he can only use 80% of the power of the spear.

"There are some means. The vastness of the divine power is not like the supreme **** at all. Compared with you, the ancestral divine religion is far less powerful than you." The woman commented, "If I did not break through to the universe **** It ’s really impossible to be your opponent when I meet you. But now you have met me, only one death. "

Talking, the woman took the initiative.

She grabbed at Qin Yu and broke through the six-story space, and Qin Yu felt bound around her body.

But at this time, another space force emerged in Qin Yu's body, which suddenly made Qin Yu's body stable.

The stars change power!

Within Qin Yu's body, there is another universe.

(End of this chapter)

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