Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1990: I do not want to

Chapter 1991: I Don't Want To

Yi Tian didn't care about it, he felt that he had mastered a terrible kendo.

All those who practice swords are people-oriented, and he understands that sword-based swordsmanship should be the real way of extreme sword.

He reappeared with a long sword in his hand, and then he condensed a stone tablet.

Holding a sword, Yi Tian now had a different feeling.

The sword is no longer a weapon, it has become the master and is the key to dominating a battle.

He looked at the stele, poured Xianli into the sword, and the place where the silver tip of the sword touched the space formed a black palm-sized vortex that seemed to swallow everything.


Yi Tian gave a low drink, and the sword broke instantly, forming a silver light in the void, like the first light when the universe opened.


Jian Guang disappeared through the stone tablet.


The stone monument was divided into two halves, and the top half fell off and fell to the ground.

Yi Tian's figure also appeared at this time. He was trying to control the sword. At the moment, the sword was the main one. The speed of the sword was too fast. He wanted to stop, but gave the sword an opposite strength.

Bang Bang!

Yi Tian threw three heels on the ground, and he was carried by the sword for thousands of miles. Then he stopped ashamed.

He staggered to his feet. Xianli shook, and some of his dust was shaken away.

"Sword-based can achieve the fastest speed and the strongest strength, but if you fight, you need to control the sword to stop, turn, use various sword moves, etc. At these times, you need to artificially guide the sword, that is, Swords can no longer be the mainstay, only humans are the mainstay. In this process, how to switch is very important. "Yi Tian mumbled, and gradually found the trick.

Sword-based, not really sword-based.

But when I need speed and strength, I focus on swords, but when I need to show my sword, I need to focus on people.

This is very similar to Jikendo, but it is a different matter.

"Master Sword Master, how much did my sword speed just reach?" Yi Tian asked.

"Eighty-five times the speed of light, ten times faster than the speed of light before, is already comparable to the speed of some high-order supreme gods." The sword master groaned, this speed is too fast, and it is not weaker than his extreme Kendo Increased speed.

Yi Tian is still only the first level of the **** king. If he is facing even the high-level **** king in the same state, he can be invincible at this speed.

But first, he has to solve the problem of sword-based and people-oriented.

"What about my attack power?" Yi Tian asked again.

"Probably equivalent to the pinnacle of the realm of **** king, did not reach the highest realm of gods." Sword master.

"That's fine. If I can fully grasp this kind of kendo, few people are my opponents in the same realm." Yi Tian thought for a while, and he said he was holding his fist towards the sword master. "Thank you for the master sword master. Teaching, I have learned my own extreme kendo. Although I feel it is not the same as your extreme kendo, I cannot understand it without your inspiration. Next, I will improve this kendo myself. After I am completely perfected, I will ask the sword master again. "

The sword master took a deep breath and said nothing.

This should be a depressing one for teaching others. He thought his Jikendo would be leaked out, and he was a little worried that Xian Academy really cracked the Jikendo, but who knows that Yi Tian did n’t learn his extremes at all. Kendo, on the other hand, came out of a completely different way of extreme sword.

Yi Tian, ​​a student of Xianxian College, shocked him too much.

Now he really hopes that Yi Tian is his disciple, but after thinking about Lin Meng outside, as well as the mysterious dean of Xian Academy, and the other master of Hongmeng, he still gives up.

There are three strong men in the Universe God Realm, all of whom are better than themselves. He is just a supreme **** who has no hope of breaking through to the universe realm.

The sword master was very optimistic about Yi Tian, ​​but he hummed, "I'm not your teacher. You are my teacher. You can create your own kind of kendo. It's really good. But you never learn My extreme swordsmanship, do n’t regret it later. After I leave, after going out, if Lin Meng asks about it, explain it to him yourself. "

Speaking, the sword master opened the exit of the small world and went out.

The exit is Lin Meng's courtyard. At this moment Lin Meng, Jian San and Zhang Zhou are all there.

"Sword master, how is the teaching?" Lin Meng asked with a smile when he saw the sword master coming out.

"Xunzi is not teachable, this Yitian is not a sword training material, you advise him to give up." After finishing, he grabbed the sword three, "What are you doing here, I really think this is your home, but also Don't go. "

"Master, I ..." Before Jian San finished speaking, the sword owner grabbed the shuttle space and left.

"It ran fast. How did the sword master feel like he was out of breath? It wouldn't be Yi Tian who did something to annoy him. I think the sword master is quite capable and would like to invite him to be a teacher of the college This is not enough! Is this guy lacking social beatings? "Lin Meng said, and took Zhang Zhou into the small world.

Yi Tian was sitting cross-legged at this moment, thinking about his kendo.

Feeling the person, Yi Tian stood up: "Mr. Lin Meng, let you down, I didn't understand the sword swordsman's extreme kendo."

Lin Meng nodded: "I've heard the sword master say, you don't understand without understanding, then do you stay here to practice or go out with us?"

"When does the banquet begin?"

"It's half a year."

"Then I will go out half a year later, I still have to learn something here. By the way, Zhang Zhou, how many deduction cards do you have?"

"There are only three."

Zhang Zhou groaned a bit. He was not very wealthy. He also made a great contribution to the astral circle last time and only received 50,000 mission points. However, these mission points were also spent by him with almost nothing left. Among them, he did not redeem the deduction cards. These three deduction cards are still left before him.

The deduction card is very precious, and it is not easily used by students in the general college.

"I still have some missions. I plan to exchange them for deduction cards, but it will take too long to get them from the college."

"I have a way to send it to you, it only takes three days." Lin Meng said at this time.

"Three days, that should be enough. In this way, Zhang Zhou, give me your three deduction cards first, and wait for the deduction cards I exchanged three days later, and then give them back to you." Yi Tian thought for a while.

"OK." Zhang Zhou said.

Lin Meng was still shocked to see Yi Tian continue to practice, and exchanged a large number of deduction cards. There were 24 of them.

He felt that Yi Tian was not stimulated, and it would not be the sword master saying something unpleasant, so Yi Tian refused to accept, and had to use the deduction card to push the extreme Kendo to the performance.

"Then you practice well, and I will pick you up after six months."

Lin Meng then left with Zhang Zhou, and Zhang Zhou left Yi Tian with his only three deduction cards, and told Yi Tian that he could not return it to him for a while, and then return it when he no longer needed it.

Yi Tian was quite grateful, and then began to fully enlighten.


The residence of the sword master.

The sword master looked at Jiansan, and some hated the iron. "How can you say that you are so stupid, how can you not learn an extreme kendo? Do you have a problem in your mind? Now roll me into a small world." , Practice your sword well, I still do n’t believe it, no one can learn my extreme kendo. "

Jian San was bitter, why the master came back like a trampled tail.

Jiansan was caught in the small world and practiced the sword over and over again, and the sword master became more and more angry: "What do you practice, **** doesn't work, I now understand, what is the disciple of someone else's house."

The sword master sat a little decadently, feeling really tired.

What did Jiansan think of? Try to say, "Master, has Yitian learned your extreme sworddo?"

He asked this, and he didn't believe it.

He has been a teacher for almost a century, and now he has not learned the sword master ’s extreme kendo. Did Yi Tian learn it in less than a month?

The sword master shook his head: "Yi Tian didn't learn my extreme kendo."

Jian San was relieved, right?

Even if Yi Tian has more talents, it is impossible to learn extreme kendo in such a short time.

Where does the owner of the sword fail to see the idea of ​​Jian San, and is getting angry: "Yi Tian did not learn my extreme Kendo, so you have a balance in your heart? What do you know, you are really ignorant and terrible, Yi Tian has already There is no need to learn my extreme kendo. He has introduced a new kind of kendo from me. After his kendo is completed, the owner will not be concerned in the future, and you, even the qualifications to look up to him at that time No. At that time, he was the eagle in the sky, and you were the snake in the ground. "

Jiansan trembled and didn't dare to say: "Yi Tian walked out of his kendo? Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

He only felt like his body had been struck by lightning, which was completely incredible to him.

He knew what the sword master meant. Yi Jian's kendo was definitely not weaker than the sword master's extreme kendo. Otherwise, how could he make the sword master so praised.

"From today on, all of you seven have cultivated me well, and I still do n’t believe it, and I ca n’t teach a disciple who is really good at it." The sword master was also ruthless, and the first person to suffer was to follow him. Rise to Sword Three of the Beast Palace.

Next, before the banquet began, Jiansan disappeared. He was locked up in the small world created by the sword master and desperately practiced his sword.


Three days have passed since the banquet began.

In a huge palace, a man sat there, filled with supreme majesty.

The man is a burly man with a height of two meters and five feet. At this moment, his body is entwined with black divine powers. These divine powers are constantly reborn and destroyed, and they have evolved into chaotic worlds.


At this time, a voice sounded.

Seeing only the doorway, Yan Yue had come in, and as she entered, many maids left the palace.

The Lord of Chaos nodded: "You're here. This is the first time I've called you after I left the customs. I didn't expect you to be so big. In these years, you have learned a lot from the ninth beast cultivator. The skill of Lao Jiu now also has the highest level of self-cultivation. I can see that there is still some real blood power left by the God of Stars in your body. When you have completely absorbed these powers, you should You can break through to the highest level of God. "

Regarding the cultivation of the Lord of Chaos as the realm, one can see the situation of Yanyue's cultivation at a glance.

The Lord of Chaos did not speak when watching Yanyue, so he continued: "After cultivating to the highest level of the Supreme God, the next step is to break into the universe **** realm. But you also know that once we, the starry giants, break through the universe **** realm, It is too difficult to give birth to some more children. Many beast ancestors in the universe and the realm of God have no way but to scatter their blood veins around the universe and let others merge, and finally form a kind of offspring with the blood veins of our giant monsters in the sky. But for such descendants, if they want to return to their ancestors, there will be one or two of them. "

Yan Yue had almost understood the meaning of the Lord of Chaos at this time: "So it was rumored that someone wanted to propose to me outside?"

The Lord of Chaos nodded: "Yes, you have my bloodline, and I am the last chaotic beast in this universe. I have the responsibility to continue the bloodline of the chaotic beast. You have now cultivated to the supreme **** realm, and have other stars. The combination of the practitioners of the blood of the beast is likely to give birth to a child with the blood of the chaotic beast. I chose three for you, one is Jin Wu, a disciple of the tenth beast, the other is the ancestral god, and the other is adventure. Lord of Fighters of the Alliance. "

Yan Yue frowned at this moment: "The Lord of the Gods also has the bloodline of the star monster?"

The Lord of Chaos smiled: "In fact, there are also ~ ~ but they are just generations, so few people know about it, and so far his blood of the star giant has not appeared. Of course, he now He has broken through to the universe and the realm of God. This kind of bloodline is not so crucial to him. If he is combined with you, it is actually possible to give birth to a child with the bloodline of the chaotic beast. "

Yan Yue was silent, and her heart was full of resentment at this moment.

"Why, you don't want to?" The Lord of Chaos felt that the magic power of Yanyue was somewhat unstable.

"Father, why do you think you can arrange my marriage? When I was very young, you threw me to the ninth beast ancestor and didn't listen to me at all. Now when I grow up, you come out Guan's first thought turned out to be marrying me? Are you worried that one day I broke into the realm of the universe and could not pass on your bloodline? Is it in your eyes that I am your tool to pass on bloodline? " Yan Yue said coldly, "If it is true, I tell you, I don't want to, I have my own ideas, I am not a tool, and you have not raised me for a day, and you are not worthy of being my father."

The Lord of Chaos trembled, his face gloomy.

(End of this chapter)

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