Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 2029: Dialogue with Pan God

Chapter 2030: Dialogue

Wang Xing laughed at this time: "What do you mean, what do you think they care about, and who do they mean?"

Suddenly, the Lord of the Blades was embarrassed.

Wang Xing laughed at this time: "Well, you do n’t say, I will speak for you. These people do n’t care if the two universes can be merged, they do n’t care if they ’re battered, and they do n’t care if doing so will cause two. The universe is going to be destroyed. All they care about is whether they can transcend themselves and get eternal life before the limit of life comes. At that time, the Lord of the Wasteland firmly supported the fusion of the two universes. This is why you followed him, but Later, the Lord of Desolation abandoned this, and it made your Lord of Desolation full of resentment. "

Wang Xing also heard about the Lord of the Blades.

At that time, the Lord of the Blades was a staunch follower of the Lord of the Wild, because the Lord of the Wild and he had the same ideas, but then the Lord of the Wild counted the ancestors and the owners of their Alliance, which directly led to the two universe The situation turned sharply, and the fusion of the universe became a bubble, which made the Lord of the Blades completely discouraged.

The Lord of the Blades did not refute anything, but said, "I'm curious, what is the attitude of Xianxian to the two universes? This is also the purpose of my appearance. I don't know if the dean of Xianxian can tell the truth."

Wang Xing was silent.

After a while, Wang Xing slowly said, "Our Xian Academy does not object to the fusion of the two universes, but it also clearly supports them. Do you know that the current theological alliance, including those of Yuan, do they not know the universe? Can fusion avoid the charring of creatures, so why do they support the destruction of alien universes? "


The Lord of the Blades was a little puzzled, and tried to say, "Isn't it because of other races that their hearts are different?"

Wang Xing couldn't help crying and crying. The Lord of the Blades was really simple.

What is not my race has its own heart. Those soldiers who deceive the League of God are okay. Some gods are probably unbelieving.

"If this is the case, then there are so many races in our universe. Why are n’t Yuan Yuan annihilated? In fact, the reason is a bit cruel. The first one is because of detachment. Many people believe in one. The universe collapses, and the opportunity for transcendence will appear. The second reason is to reduce the burden on this universe. The two universes have reached their own limit, and they will continue to do so after the fusion. At this time, a group of souls must be cleared, so that The burden on this universe is reduced, otherwise the universe will still be destroyed sooner or later. At this time, the undead Alliance universe will only die the creatures of the ancestor universe. It is best to destroy them to fill the pits. "Wang Xing is a bit cruel. Said that this is the result of his deduction, and the deduction is based on the famous Universe Pond Theory of Xianxian Academy.

The two universes are two ponds. Now that both ponds have reached their limits, the fish in the pond must be disposed of in one batch.

This is the ultimate truth of the collapse of the law of the universe.

The Lord of the Blades did not speak, but Wang Xing could see that his heart was not peaceful, which was really cruel to him.

"I'm leaving for the Titans, and leave for the time being. In fact, you have done a good job. At least you have proved that the fusion of the two universes is feasible. As for whether the two universes can merge in the future, this is no longer your decision. "Wang Xing said and stood up. He felt that the Lord of the Blade was a more emotional and trustworthy person, so he deliberately called him.

"I'll send you to the dean," said the Lord of the Blades.


Looking at the figure of Wang Xing going away, the Lord of the Blades fell into meditation.

After crossing the Two Realms, here is the ancestor universe, and once here, Wang Xing obviously felt different. The first ancestor universe was dead and could not feel the flow of energy, and all the yoke of blessings on the creatures seemed to be gone, which also caused the evil thoughts, greed and various emotions of the creatures to soar.

"Is this the universe without the laws of the universe? Without the laws of the universe controlling the operation of the universe, the universe will gradually become a pool of stagnant water and a pool of stinky water, which will eventually affect all beings in the universe and devour them. Everything. "Wang Xing murmured, in his current state, can already see the future of the ancestor universe.

Even if there is no threat from the League of Gods Universe, the ancestral universe will eventually be destroyed.

He walked towards the depths of the ancestor universe and saw many killings, and the creatures of the ancestor universe seemed to have been numb.


Among the giant deities, Pan Shen looked in one direction: "Here we are. I did not expect that the dean of the Xian Academy turned out to be a young man. He just stayed in the ancestor city for a while and went to see the Lord of the Blades. The Lord of the Blades is dedicated to the peaceful integration of the two universes. When encountering a strong person like the dean of the Xian Academy, he will definitely tell his concept to the Dean of the Xian Academy. I hope the Dean of the Xian Academy can support him . But I have learned from Li Ximeng that the perspective of the dean of the Immortal Academy is no longer an ordinary cosmic god. He will certainly not be convinced by the Lord of the Blades, but the Lord of the Blades is likely to be The dean of Immortal College was shocked. "

I have to say, Pan God guessed pretty much.

"I also felt it. Our dean came over. I did not expect that for me, the dean actually ventured to the ancestor universe." Li Ximeng said lightly, but also moved.

Pan Shen didn't say anything, he also admired Wang Wang slightly.

Wang Xing is still walking, he will stay for a moment every time he walks through the star field of the ancestor universe.

He saw many planes on the verge of destruction, and countless of them might be swallowed up without responding. He also saw that there were many righteous men in the universe, who were maintaining the order of the universe and even dying for it. He also saw the people of the Divine Universe, who had acquired the legal identity of the first ancestor universe and settled in the first ancestor universe.

On a planet, a woman in the realm of the kingdom is healing many aliens. This woman is exactly a barren of the League of Gods universe.

Wang Xing noticed her and came to her.

"You are?" The woman asked, and she found that she completely looked at the practice of different Wang Xing. At this moment, she was a little nervous. At this time, many aliens immediately protected the woman and took out their weapons. They watched Wang Xing with great vigilance. , Meaning Wang Xing dare to shoot at women, they will never let Wang Xing go.

"Barren, alien?" Wang Xing muttered, can't believe that such a scene would appear here. If the two universes are really immortal, this woman should have been killed by these aliens long ago, but the woman not only returned Alive and respected by the aliens, these aliens are now planning to fight for them.

"Khakia is not a **** of the League of Gods. She came here to treat us and brought us the alchemy of the League of Gods. She is our friend and she is a good person." "If you dare to hurt Sister Khaki, we will desperately work with you."

"Interesting, I didn't expect that there would still be light in such a dark and ugly place." Wang Xing became more interested. Looking at this woman named Khakia, she admired, "I just passed by, not malicious."

Khakia was relieved when he heard this, but the other aliens looked at Wang Xing with some vigilance.

Wang Xing thought about it. A wave of white light appeared like a crystal in front of his hand. He handed it to Khakiah: "The flower of light, for you."

Khakia froze. She looked at the flowers in front of her, only to feel that life was full of hope. The same was true of the aliens, and they were no longer as lifeless as before.

Wang Xing smiled, stopped talking and turned away.

No one knows the significance of Wang Xing doing this now. In fact, at this moment, Wang Xing made a decision that he couldn't let the alien universe's souls go extinct. He wanted to save it all.

A day later, Wang Xing came to the territory of the giant deities.

"The dean of the Immortal College, I have been waiting for you for a long time. Before you said you were going to kiss my giant protoss, I thought it was just a joke. I didn't expect it to really come, admire it. Are you really not afraid that we will gather all the power of the ancestor universe? Keep you here forever? "Panshen's voice sounded, and after Wang Xing saw a man in front of him, it was Panshen.

Following this, the ancestors of Ziyue, Blue Moon, and the three horned emperors also appeared.

Wang Xing smiled slightly: "If Pan Shen has this confidence and can leave me in the ancestor universe, I might as well try it. Since I dare to come here, I naturally have the whole body to retreat."

The ancestors of Ziyue suddenly frowned. They felt that Wang Xing was too arrogant. No matter how you look at it, Wang Xing's strength doesn't seem to really be able to fight against Iwasami.

They are also secretly communicating, it seems that they really intend to leave Wang Xing.

"Don't act lightly. The dean of this fairy college is not simple. Even if his strength is not as good as mine, it is not much worse. We want to leave him, not so easy. At present, this dean of the fairy college is to our ancestors. The universe does n’t have much hostility. If possible, it ’s better to make him. ”Iwas spread the word to other humanities. Even if they can keep the king, they will definitely lose a lot. By then, they will be even more serious. Unable to compete with the League of Gods Universe.

"President of Immortal College, I heard Li Ximeng said, you are a very strange person, do not know what you think of our first ancestor universe?" Pan Shen groaned and asked, "Everyone else regards our first ancestor universe as It's a heterogeneous, endless object. What do you think? "

"It's just that we have different positions, and we can't talk about heterogeneity. Just like for our ancestor universe, we are also heterogeneous." Wang Xingdandan said, "I know what you want to ask me, but I can't give you the exact information now. Reply, they have to destroy the ancestor universe, there is a reason to destroy you, and like the Lord of the Blades insists on the two paths of integration, he also has his own reasons. As for the position of our college, I can only say at least now We can't talk about your ancestor universe, nor can we talk about it. "

Pan God frowned. This answer was basically the same as no answer.

At this time, Wang Xing didn't wait for Pan Shen to speak again, and suddenly said coldly: "The ancestral laws of the ancestor universe collapsed, and now the entire ancestor universe is about to be destroyed. Haven't you studied any self-help methods? On my way, Seeing too many deaths and seeing too many destructions, your entire universe is full of scars, and the day of destruction is just around the corner. "

Pan God and others laughed at this time, how can they not know this.

At this time, the ancestor of Ziyue said, "We naturally know this, but we have tried a lot of methods, but we were unable to succeed. When you really did nothing, at the moment, the God Union universe is our last hope. On the day when our universe collapses, as long as we can migrate all the life of our universe to the League of Divine Universes, then we can survive and our civilization can survive. "

This is the reason that the ancestors of the ancestor universe have always invaded the universe of the Divine Union, which is a battle for survival for them.

Wang Xing took a deep breath and looked at Pan God: "Let's talk, what is the relationship between the origin laws of the ancestor universe? I feel the breath of the origin laws of the universe in you. That should be the origin laws of the universe of yours? Are you taken away by your own cosmic law of the universe, or have you merged with him? You wouldn't have the power you have now, and the big reason is because you have fused the law of the cosmic law of your universe. "

Hearing this, the ancestors of Ziyue and others were a little shocked.

Iwasami merged the law of the origin of the universe of the universe, does not it mean that the law of the origin of the universe of the universe has been destroyed?

Pan Shen also looked at Wang Xing in shock at this moment: "You can actually see that I have the breath of the laws of the universe, how did you do it? Even Yuan can't see it."

Wang Xing didn't make nonsense at this time, a ball appeared in front of his hand with a wave, familiar power flowed on it, and at the moment when this power appeared, Fang Yuan was under his control for a light year.

"Power of the Law of Origin!"

Iwasami was a little shocked ~ ~ After hearing this, the ancestors of Ziyue and others were a little shocked.

Iwasami merged the law of the origin of the universe of the universe, does not it mean that the law of the origin of the universe of the universe has been destroyed?

Pan Shen also looked at Wang Xing in shock at this moment: "You can actually see that I have the breath of the laws of the universe, how did you do it? Even Yuan can't see it."

Wang Xing didn't make nonsense at this time, a ball appeared in front of his hand with a wave, familiar power flowed on it, and at the moment when this power appeared, Fang Yuan was under his control for a light year.

"Power of the Law of Origin!"

Iwasami was a little shocked.

Power of the Law of Origin! "

Iwasami was a little shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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