Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 423: Ghostbuster, Pharmacy Alchemy

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The reason why Wang Xing feels cheating is that he feels that these three alternative characters are not so useful.

First of all ghosts, the students recruited by the college are all living people. What can a ghost teacher teach students?

After waiting for the student to die, he became a ghost and followed her?

Then there is the demon. The reason is similar to the ghost. Unless the college recruits monster students later, it is really useless.

Although the last Taoist priest is so good, the level of pit father is still very high, mainly because this Taoist priest is mainly engaged in some work of catching ghosts and demons, and these two creatures in real society seem to exist only in legend. Anyway, Wang Xing has lived so many years, no ghost or monster has seen one.

Of course, except for vampires.

"I thought that this so-called alternative character would have some domineering side leakers. Like Hawkeye Mihawk and Red Shanks in One Piece, it ’s okay to have a Roro Sauron. No matter how Naruto, The first generation of Naruto is fine, or there are no other movies! "

Although depressed, Wang Xing quickly accepted this fact.

Then look back at these three alternative character cards. The first is a long, flirtatious woman, but this woman is a female ghost.

Flip to the back of the card, and that's the woman's character information.

Character: Nie Xiaoqian.

From: A Chinese Ghost Story.

Strength: First Class of Real Dan.

Own martial arts: unknown.

Own Immortal: Primary Ghost.

Has skills: Qinyi Level 3.

System suggestion: Can be used as a ghost teacher of Xianxian College and a teacher of Qinyi (optional).

Although Wang Xing is a bit dissatisfied, Nie Xiaoqian is also a well-known figure, and she definitely has strength, that is, she cannot teach students, and she can still be an employee in the college.

However, if you look closely at Nie Xiaoqian's ability, she is a female ghost. It is not unusual to have ghost art, but the system even classifies ghost art into the category of fairy art.

Obviously, the system believes that ghost art should be a kind of fairy art, or that both are a level.

In fact, Wang Xing is very curious about ghost art. The ghosts described in many books can fly to the sky, perform various strange spells, and even manipulate the spirits, but they are very amazing. But Wang Xing felt that he was a living person, and he did not know whether these ghost arts could be cultivated. But it seems that Nie Xiaoqian's ability is not uncommon except for ghost art.

Continue to the second monster card.

This monster is not from the Chinese ghost world, but from the fairy sword, and is a butterfly monster.

She is Cai Yi.

On the front of the card, the color of the painting is more than a hundred times more beautiful than that on TV. It looks gentle and moving, but it can charm many people at a glance.

Look at the back of the card.

Character: Caiyi.

From: Legend of Sword and Chivalry.

Strength: Real Dan II.

Own martial arts: unknown.

Own Immortal: Primary Hex.

Possess skills: Pharmaceutical level 6.

System suggestion: Can be used as a teacher of fairy arts and pharmacy (optional).

Wang Xing carefully studied the introduction of Cai Yi's characters. He is not very interested in Cai Yi's demon art. Generally, a monster that can transform can be a normal thing. However, Cai Yi's pharmaceutical capabilities reached Level 6, which surprised Wang Xing. Pharmaceutical is not alchemy. Generally speaking, alchemy has to be processed in a Dan furnace, and finally it will form a Dan pill. However, pharmaceuticals are formulated with various drugs. The final form is strange, with powder, liquid and Dan pill.

There is a shortage of such teachers in the college, not only for teaching students, but also because the college has obtained a lot of resources in various worlds.

In particular, there are a lot of resources in medicine. How to use these resources, alchemy is the most suitable.

Now when Mingyuan Qing is okay, she started to refine alchemy, but the supply is still in short supply. If there is another Caiyi that can be used for pharmaceuticals, it will complement each other.

And in general, pharmaceuticals are much faster than alchemy.

The last Taoist card, the characters above, may not have seen many people.

Because he is from an anime, it is also adapted from a comic.

This is a man with an inch on his head, and at a distance he thought he was a monk. But a close look, full of temperament.

The information on the back of the card is not very detailed.

Character: Wang Xiaoer.

From: Mr. China Surprise.

Strength: Real Dan VI.

Own martial arts: unknown.

Own Immortal: Seven Killing Orders.

Ability: Unknown.

System suggestion: This teacher has rich experience of catching ghosts and monsters, and can be a teacher of catching ghosts and monsters at Xianxian College.

Wang Xing is actually speechless, not to Wang Xiaoer, but to the system.

Obviously in the system suggestion column, the system is strongly recommending Wang Xiaoer, but now there are any ghosts and monsters on the earth, catching wool!

"Not necessarily, the vampire may be really a ghost, no, it's a monster." Wang Xing had an evil idea. This seven kills of the ghost and the ghost has great power over the monster and the monster ~ ~ Part of the nature of the ghosts, if in the future, if you meet vampires, the Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts is useful, then maybe hanging a vampire is not a dream at all.

The next step is to gain capabilities.

Wang Xing had long had an idea: "The system transmitted to me Nie Xiaoqian's elementary ghost art, Caiyi's pharmaceutical capabilities, and Wang Xiaoer's order of the seven ghosts and ghosts."

The system immediately began to transmit, and soon there was a series of information in Wang Xing's mind.

First, ghost art, Wang Xing was really shocked.

He thought that ghosts could only be cast by ghosts, obviously not so.

This ghost art is actually a spell that depends on spiritual power, which is similar to fairy art, but fairy art also needs to consume its own energy, and ghost art is completely dependent on spiritual energy. At this time, Wang Xing also had a certain understanding of creatures like ghosts. The ghost in question is actually an energy body with strong spiritual power, which is not so mysterious as imagined.

Human beings also have spiritual energy, so it is naturally possible to perform ghost art.

But ordinary human beings, because the mind and the body can be combined into one, cannot be mobilized at all, let alone cultivate. However, after becoming a ghost, the soul comes out, but it is easy to increase spiritual energy. However, too weak a soul body, it is not easy to maintain the shape, let alone cultivate, and in the end it can only be transformed into cosmic energy and return to heaven and earth.

It is needless to say that Caiyi's pharmaceutical capabilities are not reflected in the TV series, but it is not surprising that a butterfly essence can be pharmaceutical.

Wang Xing has locked several drug formulas and finds it very helpful for students.

But what surprised Wang Xing the most was Wang Xiaoer's Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts, because after he got it, he knew that this was an advanced fairy art.

The power is close to the magic law! (To be continued.) 8

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