Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 524: Add 2 more 4 star teachers

First is the first four-star character card, which turned out to be from a world never thought of by Astrology.

That is the White Snake Biography, that is, the Legend of the New White Lady.

The above figures also treated Wang Xinglei's lightness, which turned out to be Xiaoqing.

Wang Xing turned the card to the front again, and sighed, "I'll just say, who is this blue dress? It turned out to be the little green snake."

As for Xiao Qing's appearance, Wang Xing looks like a little loli, who is fifteen or sixteen years old, which is still far from being on TV.

Turning the back again, the character information above is like this.

Character: Xiaoqing.

From: New White Lady Legend.

Strength: Real Dan 8.

Own martial arts: unknown.

Own Immortal: Intermediate Hex.

Possess martial arts: level three in medicine and level three in medicine.

System suggestion: It can be used as a teacher of hex technique in Xianxian College, and a teacher of medicine (optional) and pharmacy (optional).

The world of the legend of the new white lady, strictly speaking, also belongs to the fairy world. However, the White Snake Biography mainly talks about the beautiful love between Lady Bai and Xu Xian, and does not mention much about cultivation. But at the last time, both Bai Niangzi and Xu Xian became immortals. If they were interpreted as breaking through the realm of true gods, they seemed to say the past. Just following this idea, it seems that Xu Xiannima is not an ordinary person!

However, Wang Xing looked at Xiaoqing's practice, but it was only Zhendan eighth level, which was not very high.

But if he can summon the white lady, even if it is not a fairy, there must be a true state of God. Among them, there are plots of Bai Niangzi Yuanshen's tricks. As long as the system is not mentally disabled, it is necessary to set the cultivation of Bai Niangzi to the true **** level or higher.

Now Xiaoqing has also come out, Wang Xing is very looking forward to this world.

You should know that in addition to Bai Niangzi and Xiaoqing, there is another hero in this world, which is Fahai.

If he could call Fahai to the academy, it would be a blast.

Then came the second character card. This was still a woman. She looked quiet and dignified. She was in her thirties and graceful. She wore a pale green dress with a jade pendant on her head, a golden hoe, and a brow. Dai, skin like creamy white jade, eyes like water, red lips with a smile, very upside down the temperament of sentient beings.

But turning to the back of the card, Wang Xing was dumbfounded.

He really wanted to ask if the system had been drugged today and how it always produced new world characters.

I saw the card saying:

Character: Su Ru.

From: Wuxian.

Strength: Real Dan VI.

Own martial arts: unknown.

Owns Xianfa: Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao.

Ability: Alchemy Level 4.

System suggestion: It can be used as a teacher of Xianfa and a teacher of alchemy (optional).

Wang Xing froze for a moment, but was overjoyed, because he suddenly found an extremely remarkable thing, that is, the practice of immortality.

Even Yushan, the sword sage of Shushan, does not have this type of detailed exercises, or other worlds do not have this concept at all. But what is Xianxian, it is an authentic Xiuxian novel. Among them, there are a lot of Xiuxian exercises. The most famous Wujuantian can be immortal even if it is rumored.

Wang Xing can be sure that this Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao will have a tremendous effect on him.

After being shocked, Wang Xing noticed who this character was.

That turned out to be the difficult wife of Zhongxian Zhongtian, that is, Zhang Xiaofan's sister-in-law Su Ru.

In the middle, Su Ru is definitely a good wife and mother. It is estimated that she has a fight with Yue Buqun's teacher Ning Zhong.

Can't wait, Wang Xing acquired Su Ru's Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao and Xiao Qing's intermediate demon art.

Intermediate demon art or something, Wang Xing fully realized in the blink of an eye, but it was the obscure Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao that it took Wang Xing more than half an hour to get through.

I have to say that the practice of immortal practice is the practice of immortal practice. One of them is to **** up the heaven and earth aura. It is by no means comparable to ordinary martial art practice.

But after understanding, Wang Xing was also a little disappointed.

He found that this so-called cultivation method of immortality is just a higher starting point and a faster cultivation speed, but the requirements for talents are also a lot higher. It is estimated that students below the level A talents are difficult to enter. This also explains to some extent why there are not many immortal practitioners among the immortals, because 99% of them cannot get started!

This practice can only be practiced for gifted students.

If students with bad talents practice, they will hurt them instead.

Cultivate martial arts first, then consolidate Zhendan and Yuanshen, this is the cultivation path that anyone can take.

The next step is summoning.

Wang Xing is already very familiar with this set, but in the blink of an eye there are two more beautiful women.

Okay, Xiaoqing is fine.

Her image is completely a little girl.

"Meet the Dean!"

"Hello two teachers, I'm Wang Xing."

After a brief introduction, Wang Xing took them out.

With the arrival of new teachers, there are new topics in the college, especially Su Ru and Xiao Qing's from the world are not ordinary, and many people are curious.

Wang Xing handed them over to Chen Yuanyuan, and he was going to arrange the student union election.

At present, for all participating students, the college allows each of them to give a campaign speech, and each student has worked hard for this.

Among them, the topic of their speech was also very interesting.

Qin Yan's speech: "As Chairman of the Student Union of Xianxian College, I think only one is enough, that is strong enough."

Su Yu's speech: "Benefit for all students, glory for Xian College."

Liu Fan's speech: "Guard the Quartet and suppress the eight wastelands. I would like to open up the territory for the college and sweep Liuhe."

Leng Shuangning's speech: "With or without communication, the student union is a business circle."

He Yunze gave a speech: "Help each other and help each student embark on his own cultivation path."

Pang Zhen's speech: "I am the oldest, which has already explained everything."

Zhang Xiaomeng's speech: "If I became the chairman of the Student Union, everyone would be happy to play together!"

There are others who are directly running for vice chairpersons, and they are also very powerful.

The competition for the vice chairmen in the second grade was particularly fierce, and the number of students enrolled exceeded twenty.

All the students who participated in the campaign focused on their own themes, hoping to get other students to accept their ideas.

Many students are also discussing, because the college only gave each of them one ballot, they had to be cautious, after all, it was also related to their vital interests.

As for who will win in the end, it is unknown.

At this time, Wang Xing also unlocked the world of the next main strategy.

Seeing this world, he couldn't help showing a smile.

ps: Thank you Fengqi for spending 10,000 starting coins and 6,000 starting coins in tears!

(To be continued.)

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