Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 554: Since then, the Huaxia practice has respected Xianxian Co

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The three Xiangtian gods were taken aback. They didn't understand what the power was, and it could affect space.

In fact, this is still a kind of power of the Yuanshen. After the birth of the consciousness, the place where the consciousness covers is the soul.

If you release your own consciousness in a certain area, you can lock the space through your consciousness and let the enemy be constrained everywhere.

"Give me down!"

Dan Chenzi did not hesitate to take a shot at this time. His seventy-two to fly out, exactly one person averaged twenty-four, completely locked the opponent's vital points, and did not give the other time to resist.

"No, I am not willing!"

"You bastards, immortal college bastards."

"I am the ancestor of the Xiang family. I have lived almost five hundred years. How can I die here?"

There was a splash of blood in the sky, and many people couldn't help covering their eyes, and the scene before them couldn't bear to look directly.

Bang Bang!

The three fell to the ground and no longer had the ability to resist.

Dugu Yuyun snorted and hit a seal. An invisible force swept up the three, and threw it directly to the mountain, kneeling there.

Many cultivators who watched at this time dared to walk in curiously, looking at five people who were like dead dogs, even unconscious for a long time, and their hearts were shocked.

This is the strength of Xianxian Academy. It is shocking. It has shocked the ancient and modern times and offended Xianxian Academy. That is a dead end.

"Those who committed me immortal academy, though they will be far away!"

The voice echoed all around, shaking everyone.

Dugu Yuyun returned to the entrance of the main hall after speaking, he looked at the palace in front of him, and the student dormitory and cafeteria over there, his face looked slightly better.

Fortunately, these things have been kept, otherwise the outer courtyard of Tianxian Mountain will be almost completely destroyed.

Wang Xing also came out at this time: "It seems that there will be no more battles in Tianxian Mountain in the future. After all, it has reached the level of true gods. After a little carelessness, it will destroy the world. This time, the hard Swordmaster and the Teacher Dan Chenzi, if you do n’t protect Tianxian Mountain, Tianxian Mountain will also be destroyed. "

Wang Xing's strength has just reached the real **** realm, and he can best understand the horror of the real **** realm.

He fought against Chen Taixuan. Chen Taixuan who fought completely had no power to fight back. In the end, Wolverine fled back to the Kunlun realm without telling him, and he was still alive or dead.

However, the damage caused by the fighting between the two was extremely terrible. Along the 300-mile mountain range of Tianxian Mountain, many peaks fell, many trees were destroyed, and even a small forest fire was triggered. It would be better if it was in a desolate place, but here is the earth. Ninety-nine percent of human beings do not even know the existence of a practitioner. Such a level of fighting is likely to harm innocent people.

In cities near the Tianxian Mountain Range, the government has taken steps.

"At 9 o'clock this morning, a magnitude 4.5 earthquake struck the Longji Mountains west of Shanhai City, with a depth of 8 kilometers. The surrounding cities could feel a slight quake. The earthquake triggered landslides and no small forest fires. Reports of injuries and deaths, members of the public, please pay attention to travel safety. "

Seeing this kind of report, practitioners who know what happened are all haha.

In fact, it is the same in any country. After all, the battle is only one minute. Even if there is an ordinary person present, they can't even see that both sides of the battle can be done. Faced with such a thing, and cannot tell the true situation to ordinary people, the best way is to blame it on terrorist attacks or natural disasters. However, the battle of Wang Xing is horrible, and in the deserted mountains, it is most appropriate to blame the earthquake.

Although the battle was over, the impact was just fermented.

Too small Taoist world.

"Too elder, and it turned out." A man's face was a little unnatural.

"The Immortal Academy is finally destroyed." The elder elder opened his eyes and sighed slightly. "They want to build an immortal academy that first affects a part of humanity and then affects the entire human world. This ideal It ’s very good. But they forgot that the cultivation resources on the earth are limited. How can it be made accessible to everyone, and this ultimately harms the interests of other schools and families. "

"Too much elders, Xian Academy won the final victory." The man didn't know what to say, and the result was that he never thought of it.

"What, how is this possible, but I gave Xiang Tianshen a fairy charm, even if Long Yu was not their dean's opponent, but that falcon erupted, the entire Tianxian Mountain where the fairy college was located would be destroyed. I know, it must be that Xiang Tianshen is too arrogant, and there is no chance to use the fairy charm I gave. "The old man was shocked at first, and then came up with a possibility.

When the man heard this, he stopped talking.

"What's to say directly?" The old man said a little unwillingly.

"Too elder, Xiang Tianshen has used the fairy charm you gave, but it was blocked by a teacher of Xianxian College, and in the end it just destroyed the two mountains next to Tianxian Mountain." The man had to say, "Xian Academy of Sciences The strength was too strong. Later, Chen Taixuan, who was from Kunlun School, showed up with the Mirror of Vulcan, one of Kunlun's most precious treasures. As a result, it was a complete defeat. "

"What, how is this possible, blocking Xianfu's blow, and even Chen Taixuan was defeated?" The old man turned around suddenly and turned away ~ ~ I couldn't believe it.

"Yes, the dean of the Immortal Academy took a shot, and launched a total of three attacks. The first time nearly destroyed the mirror of Vulcan. The second time he took a piece of defense jade, a mirror of Vulcan and the Kunlun faction. All the armors were destroyed, but the third time it directly destroyed Chen Taixuan's magic dragon soul sword, and if Chen Taixuan had not forcibly opened the Kunlun Realm, and entered it, it is estimated that it was dead. But he opened the Kunlun realm, but also Bringing the blow of the dean of the Immortal Academy into it, I estimate that the entire Kunlun realm was badly damaged. But I do n’t know why. In the end, the dean of the Immortal College did not chase into the Kunlun realm. Otherwise, the Kunlun faction would have a terrible disaster. "

Listening to the man's narrative, the old man's face was extremely ugly: "The strength of Xianxian College is incredible. Even Chen Taixuan was beaten without a fight. Even if I pass, I will definitely lose. This time it is bad. I gave the rune of the gods, and if this immortal college pursues it, it is likely that the Taoism will be the object of their attack. "

He also changed his face when he heard the words of the old man.

Taishang Taoism took out a piece of fairy charm, apparently indulging Xiangjia and Tianyuanzong to overthrow Xianxian Academy, so they had already enemies with Xianxian Academy.

The old man hated at this time: "I knew that Xianxian Academy was so strong that we shouldn't provoke them. This is the cause of the cause and effect. It is not surprising that Xianxian University will act on us in the future. Damn Xiang Tiantian and Tian Yuanzong It is really a bunch of waste that so many of you can't even kill Xian Academy. "

The man smiled bitterly. He knew that even Kunlun's Chen Taixuan was defeated. Since then, the Huaxia practice circles really have to respect the Immortal Academy.

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