Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 837: Great, my students and teachers

What a sword light like this is like the rising sun born, like the erupting volcano, like the meteor penetrating the void. Fastest update

On the virtual screen, this streamer was immediately presented.

Countless earth humans are astonished. They don't know what's going on. Isn't this the ghost of the Yuanmo people.

"what is that?"

"It's so fast, is it the secret weapon of humanity on our planet."

"I always feel that something unusual is happening, and human beings on earth will certainly not end there."

Meng Kai and Zhan Long also noticed this Jianguang for the first time, and their faces suddenly changed. After all, they were cultivators. The first time they saw it was that there was a person wrapped in this Jianguang. Cultivate as a strong person.

Jian Guang stopped for a thousand miles.

At this moment, the earth's humans finally saw the people in Jianguang clearly.

It was a man. He held the sword in one hand, and pinched the sword in one hand. He had white hair and a face like a crown jade, and was inviolable.

"I, the junior and middle school teacher of the Xian Academy, officially announce to you that the Earth, including the entire solar system, is the inherent territory of the earth ’s human beings. Any race that dares to commit crimes will be regarded as the enemy of the Xian Academy. It's not very big, but it's full of majesty, and then it spreads into the ears of every earth person.

This is a declaration, a very powerful one.

It's like telling you that this thing is mine. There is no reason at all. If you dare to move a little, I will beat you out.

"Xian Academy?" Zhan Long was shocked. He had tested the earth and determined that this was just a planet that had just begun to cultivate. However, the person in front of him had a practice in the void. Where was this like the backward planet that had just begun?

"A cultivator of the second order in the void, you think you can stop us by yourself." Meng Kai chuckled, and already had a slaying heart for Zi. For such a life planet, even if it is to fight to kill a void powerhouse, it is totally worth it.

"Of course I can't do it alone, but who told you that Xianxian Academy is the only one for me." Zi Zhi laughed, and that was a sneer.

"And me!" A voice broke through the world, and then only saw a red light coming through the world. "The junior and middle school teacher of the Fairy College, Fox Respect, came to teach the masters of the Yuan Demon Kingdom."

"The third level of the void!" Meng Kai's face changed immediately.

"And me, the junior middle school teacher Baili of Xian College." Baili Tu Su followed closely behind.

"And me, Ouyang, a junior and middle school teacher at Xian College." Ouyang Shaogong came straight out of the clouds, and seemed very humble.

"And me, the elementary and middle school teacher of the elementary and middle school of Xianxue." Only saw an old man got out of the ground with a cane, and then straight into the sky.

"And me, the junior and middle school teacher of Hexianhe of the Immortal College, you people dare to invade the solar system, and it is not difficult to live." Heheihui came out directly from the sea, followed by a long stream of seawater, like sky Falling Milky Way.

"And me, Han Xue, a junior and middle school teacher of Xian College, was ordered to come and kill the invaders."


One by one, one after another, Zhan Long and Meng Kai's faces became increasingly ugly.

In a blink of an eye, there are two powerful Nether Powers, fifteen flying powers, what kind of planet they invaded.

"It's okay, we still have so many thousands of captains and soldiers." Meng Kai said, now the high-end combat power can't compare, but more than a hundred captains plus the remaining hundreds of forces of the seventh order centurion And ordinary soldiers, even if the losses are heavy, they still have the hope of winning the earth.

The soldiers of the Yuan Mo Kingdom also seemed to feel the meaning of Zhan Long, and immediately lined up, showing their weapons.

"Why, want to win by number?" An indifferent voice came, only to see a person rushing over at an extremely horrible speed. This person was Wan Jianyi, "Wan Jianyi, a teacher of the United Front Department of Xian Academy, Lead elementary school teachers and elementary school students of Xianxian Academy to fight against you soldiers of the Yuan Mo Kingdom. "

With Wan Jianyi's voice falling, many figures flew out of Tianxian Mountain.

These are all students of Xianxian College and elementary school teachers. They control Feijian separately, just like Jianxian.

"Liu Fan, the president of Xianxue Primary School Student Union came to report, haha, want to rule the earth, have you asked our college?"

"Su Yu, a fifth-year student at Xianxian College, came to report. The earth is not as simple as you think."

"Zhang Xiaomeng, a fifth-year student at Xian Academy, is here, giggle, please welcome me!"

"He Yunze, a fifth-year student at Immortal College, I said that I didn't know the one just now."

"Leng Shuangning, president of the Goddess Alliance of Xianxian College, led the goddess of the Goddess Alliance, willing to fight for the earth."

"Yao Jie, president of the Xian League of Xianxian College, cough, I don't know what to say, anyway, I came here to kill you."


More and more students and teachers are appearing at ~ ~ The Royal Sword is everywhere in the sky.

Looking at the earth humans on the virtual screen, everyone who is also a human on earth is aggressive. Is this really the earth they live in?

The impact, the shock, is simply beyond description.

It can even make people doubt life and wonder if they have mental illness.

"Immortal, this is the immortal of the earth!" An old man whispered, "Look at the elegant sword art, isn't it an immortal's iconic spell?"

"I saw something, but someone was flying in the sky." A man lost his voice.

"What is the Immortal College, what is the Immortal College, why do these students and teachers say from the Immortal College?" Someone asked a question in their hearts.

Inside Huaxia's virtual meeting room.

The top leader of Huaxia, with a smile on his face at the moment, said: "I know that Xian Academy will not ignore it, this time the earth has been saved."

The US President also breathed a sigh of relief: "Anyway, mankind has been saved, thank God."

However, the German president was proud: "I don't know what the surrendered people think now, and they didn't expect that the Immortal Academy would be so powerful! Look at the prince and commander-in-chief of the Yuan Mo Kingdom. They are obviously nervous now. They are afraid, afraid of the students and teachers of Xian College. And you know, the dean of Xian College has not yet appeared. "

The President of the Gambia hesitated, "I knew that the Immortal Academy was invincible, so the first time I insisted on fighting the **** of the Yuan Mogu."

At the same time, in some families, some parents of the children of Xianxian College, who have hidden secrets for more than ten years, can finally talk to others.

From then on, Xianxian Academy will no longer be a secret on earth, and cultivation will no longer be a secret. rw more exciting novels, welcome to visit everyone reading school

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