Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 934: Crazy Hua Tianjun

On the viewing platform, Yao Jie and Wang Xing were both there.

"Dean, why do you want Hua Tianjun to challenge this Ero first?" Yao Jie said, he had a good relationship with Hua Tianjun, and felt that Hua Tianjun didn't have much chance of winning.

"I didn't ask Hua Tianjun to challenge Eero. He applied for it himself." Wang Xing faintly said, "Don't you understand why? Hua Tianjun knows that he can't defeat Eero, so it's better. Create opportunities for you. You should thank Hua Tianjun, he is a good classmate and friend of yours. "

Yao Jie nodded when he heard this.

They are a college, and although they may be full of competition inside, they are unusually united outside.

"Teacher, that person took the lead to challenge Eero." Bernard said, he was still very impressed with Hua Tianjun, because his teacher once praised Hua Tianjun.

"Well, but how many odds he really has." The old man shook his head slightly. "Let's take a look, this kid named Yan Wang should actually have hidden means, maybe a miracle will happen."


Hua Tianjun looked at Eruo with turmoil.

Erow was somewhat surprised. He found that Hua Tianjun only had the practice of the sixth-order peak of Feitianjing, which forced him to suppress the repair to the sixth-order of Feitianjing.

"The battle begins!"

With an order, Hua Tianjun moved immediately.

The best way to deal with such agile and attacking people as Erow is not to give him a shot.

"Immortal Law, Giant Spirit Illusion!"

A huge figure appeared above Hua Tianjun's head and followed Hua Tianjun's movement.


The giant ghost illusion actually simulates the legendary giant spirit god. Not only is the height terrifying, but the power is also extremely terrifying.

Seeing only the huge figure stepping on, Ero was afraid to welcome it.

"Sure enough he will step back!"

Hua Tianjun sneered, and this was exactly the same as his prediction.

"Luo Han Fu Mo!"

A three-foot-tall Vajrayana suddenly appeared behind Ero, as if he had been prepared.

This Vajrayana Buddha held a sword in one hand, a knife in one hand, an iron chain in one hand, a runner in one hand, a fist inward in one hand, and a palm outward in one hand, attacking Ero almost simultaneously.

"not good!"

Erow's face changed slightly, he did not expect that Hua Tianjun would count his actions.

"Large Dragon Fist!"

Ero yelled and punched out.

However, he suppressed the cultivation to be equal to Hua Tianjun. Nowadays, the statue of Vajrayana is six people hitting him, and the fist he casts is only a third-order mystery, which cannot completely resist the attack of Hua Tianjun.


Vajrayana slammed Ero's chest in a punch, and flew Ero directly.


Hua Tianjun himself was startled. This was exactly the same as what he predicted. At this time, he couldn't help but say that with a stroke of his hand, a flying sword pierced straight out.

"One hundred flying swords!"

Hua Tianjun yelled, the whole person and Feijian merged into one, and this hundred-step Feijian is actually just martial arts, that is, Gai Nie's mastery.

However, even if the martial arts in the world, on special occasions, it can exert its incredible power.

Such a sword followed the attack just now, and it was done in one go.

"it is good!"

"Too great!"

"It's all against Erlot. Is this going to win?"

Berna was also shocked at the moment. He obviously felt that Hua Tianjun's strength was not as good as Eero's, but the situation on the battlefield was completely the opposite. If Hua Tianjun's sword stabbed Eero, he would definitely be able to Kill Ero.

"See? The test of battle is also wisdom, and what is wisdom is the grasp and insight of the battle situation. At this point, the king has reached an incredible level. His combo seems to have been Well planned, even practiced thousands of times in my heart. Even if Ero is powerful, if there is no opportunity to fight back, it will be useless. "The old man is increasingly admiring this Huatianjun.

"I see, teacher." Bernard looked at Hua Tianjun for the first time and became a little curious.

The speed of Hua Tianjun has reached an extreme at this moment.

Some people have already seen that Hua Tianjun is also performing that strange figure at the moment, and this is definitely planned.

Closer, closer!

Hua Tianjun's hand was also about to catch Fei Jian, and his face was a little embarrassed: "Let's die!"

Erow looked at Hua Tianjun, who was close at hand, with an unprecedented dignity on his face: "You are not the strongest opponent I have encountered, but you are the most capable of fighting. However, you want to beat me, it is still a bit worse."

Many people froze, what does this mean.

But then, I only saw a sword straddling Alero's chest during the time of the electric light flint.

The sword was only ten centimeters out of the way, but it just blocked the flying sword of Hua Tianjun. Listen carefully and hear the sound of the double-sword collision.

"You are the first person to draw a sword."

Ero said, shaking his sword gently, Hua Tianjun saw a dazzling light flash, and then the whole person could see nothing.

Instinctively, Hua Tianjun quickly ducked to the side.

It's stabbing!

Hua Tianjun felt the pain in his arm, and a mouth appeared on his arm.

Shaking his head, Hua Tianjun opened his eyes again.

Erow was looking at him, but he did not take risks: "Yam, you are an admirable opponent, but it is not easy for you to defeat me. Come up with your strongest means, and I will do my best next. go."

When Hua Tianjun heard this, he laughed loudly: "Okay, this battle will be refreshing."



The two said almost at the same time.

At this time, Hua Tianjun collapsed his hands, and murmured something in his mouth, but he looked extremely dignified.

"What is he doing?"

"I feel like he's going to zoom in."

"It's weird ~ ~ but no matter what the secret is, it must be his strongest."

Erow did not interrupt Hua Tianjun, he has discovered that this is definitely a secret technique that Hua Tianjun has not fully comprehended.

"The law of magic, the stars are coming!"

Hua Tianjun's mouth slowly spit out a word, and many people followed with a very shocked expression.

I just saw that above Hua Tianjun's head, a phantom of a planet appeared. This planet is magnificent, with mountains and rivers, rivers, flowers and trees.

At the moment when this star appeared, the entire sky star was shocked, and many people felt that the earth was shaking, and it looked like a heartbeat twice.

"Teacher, what's going on?" Berner was shocked at the moment.

"He's simulating Tianlan star, using his previous mystery." The old man showed an unbelievable look. Before he watched Hua Tianjun simulate what kind of Vajra Buddha, giant spirit **** and the like, he just felt some Not ordinary, but at this moment I saw that Hua Tianjun actually simulated a sky star, and really felt a feeling of being shocked.

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