Super Farm System

Chapter 137: Sky-high Price Emerald

Because of the experience of signing a contract once, the staff of Yonggui Gambling Stone Field also got the approval of their superiors. //It was very easy to take the contract from the association and have it signed by Chen Jiajiu.

After all, if you want to make a bigger business, you have to learn to be flexible! He handed over a piece of expensive wool to him, and he has already won the approval of Yonggui Gambling Stone Field in terms of reputation.

After signing the contract, Chen Jiajiu said to Songzai: "Give me the chalk!" Songzai was calculating how much commission he would get today, when he heard Chen Jiajiu's words, he frantically handed over the chalk hidden in his pocket. past.

Chen Jiajiu caught the chalk and climbed up the scaffolding again. There are three protruding stones on the top. It's just that one is extremely obvious, and the other two are not so obvious.

Chen Jiajiu drew a circle on the emerald-containing stone, then called Songzai up and said, "Wait a while, tell the master at the quarry to cut it from here according to the pattern I drew."

Chen Jiajiu wrote a word 1 with red chalk on the protruding stone, and then randomly drew a circle in the second protruding stone and wrote the word 2. On the third protruding stone, there is still a circle drawn and the word 3 written on it.

Chen Jiajiu thought of a super trick plan, as long as the first piece of stone is cut, anyone who sees it will find it. This giant piece of wool is actually a piece of top quality wool.

It is equivalent to allowing the audience to see the value and prospects of this piece of wool in advance. Whether it is the cut wool or a large piece of wool, there is a face full of jade quality displayed.

It can be imagined that the seemingly casual cutting with a knife has resulted in such a result, and one can guess the value contained in this giant piece of wool.

As for No. 2 and No. 3, these two are just two pits that Chen Jiajiu circled. Create an illusion so that there is no doubt about the authenticity of the first cut surface.

Then came down. Chen Jiajiu also picked up the chalk and drew a circle on the No. 1 wool. Most of the circles are pits, and only one circle is true, only circle number 4. Just cut out the first circle and cut out a jade plane. The price of this piece of wool can be skyrocketed. Then wipe out the jade hidden under the No. 4 circle, this giant piece of wool can drive those jewelry merchants crazy.

It can be said that whoever bought this piece of wool is the biggest taker, and even if he does not go bankrupt, he will regret it for life. A piece of waste, as long as there is a reasonable cut, it will also make a piece of waste soar. ^/very literary/^

This piece of wool was immediately transported to No. 1 Calculation Field. Because the bottom seats of these woolen materials are all equipped with pulley boards, it is very convenient to transport.

Chen Jiajiu also followed to watch the fun, after all, Chen Jiajiu was already feeling very tired. After all, using the golden pupil on this giant piece of wool for up to an hour will consume a lot of mental power.

The No. 1 calculus field is empty at this time, only two pieces of wool are being dissected, but the audience is extremely small. Representatives of most jewelers went to the No. 2 quarry to watch the excitement.

Just in the desert, only a huge piece of wool was hauled in, and a large group of people emerged behind it. These people met on the road and followed them in to watch the fun.

Such a large piece of wool needs to be dissected, and a broadcast is sent out. It is undoubtedly good news for those spectators who can only rely on human heads from a distance in the No. 2 calcareous field.

Due to the huge size of this piece of wool, the Jieshi Yard arranged a team of ten technicians to make a preliminary evaluation of this giant piece of wool. After the evaluation, they appraised this piece of wool again. Give your own opinion separately!

They seem to be making a scientific research report. With their research report, they can send this report to the audience present, so that the audience can have a preliminary understanding and understanding of this piece of wool.

On such occasions, only the wool over one ton can be treated favorably. After all, they made money by gambling in the quarry, so buyers should feel at ease.

Even if the final solutions are all waste, it has nothing to do with their evaluation team.

To see whether there is jade in a piece of jade, as long as it is done from several aspects, one is to look at the surface. The epidermis of jade is a magical substance, and the second is to look at the texture. The direction of the lines can guess the direction of the emerald hidden inside. The third is the color, the color of each piece of wool is different, even the color of the same piece of wool will be different. You can also identify the direction of emerald according to the direction of color.

Chen Jiajiu found a seat for technicians and sat down. Song Zai personally handed Chen Jiajiu a can of Wanglaoji. After the technical team assessed, the staff brought in the scaffolding. It was built around this giant piece of wool.

Chen Jiajiu said to Song Zai: "You watch here, I'll go to the No. 2 calculus field to have a look." Chen Jiajiu stood up and said. The No. 1 quarry and the No. 2 quarry are separated by a three-meter road. It can be said that there is a square in the middle. On the four sides of the square, No. 1 and No. 2 quarries stand opposite each other, and No. 3 and No. 4 quarries face each other.

Moreover, these four quarries are also the center of the Yonggui gambling quarry, and the central square of the quarry is also a venue for exhibitions of woolen materials, but most of the woolen materials on display are famous materials. That is to say, at least the first knife has been cut, and the wool material from jadeite has been cut out, and the clear material has the advantage of clear material.

Just like the No. 179 piece of wool being dissected in the No. 2 quarry, it was a dark material at the beginning. When no jadeite was produced, it was worth only a few million yuan. After the layer was mined, it immediately became a bright material. And it has become a sky-high price tag!

At this time, three-tenths of the area of ​​the whole piece of wool has been mined. I only saw a piece of green oil. All high green emeralds! Every time the miner scrapes a knife, the jeweler's heart skips a beat.

There is no room for them not to jump, after all, someone has already offered a price of 450 million. It's just that these technical masters are not the owners of this piece of wool, or else, they have already changed hands when the price of 100 million was called just now.

But now they look calm, they are not nervous, some only look forward to it, as long as the jadeite is scraped out, they will stop, and then use something to wipe the jadeite hidden under the stone to make it shine .

Chen Jiajiu knew that these technical masters could no longer be wiped out, but Chen Jiajiu was also waiting, waiting for someone to bid a price of 500 million or even 600 million.

Just as Chen Jiajiu was yelling in his heart, he saw a staff member approaching Chen Jiajiu and asking, "Excuse me, are you Mr. Chen?" Chen Jiajiu nodded and said, "What's the matter!"

The staff member said, "Can I take a step to talk?" Chen Jiajiu was also curious, and hurried over. Entered a room. A middle-aged man dressed as a manager warmly greeted Chen Jiajiu to sit down and said, "Hello, Boss Chen, my name is Zhang Qilin, and I am the section manager of the Jieshichang. I would like to trouble you, Boss Chen, to come here this time to discuss it with the off-site." The 179th wool calculus personnel got a lottery."

Chen Jiajiu took a sip of tea and said, "What kind of prize, Manager Zhang, can you explain it clearly?" Zhang Qilin didn't know whether Chen Jiajiu was really confused or not, so he quickly said, "That's Laishe."

As soon as Chen Jiajiu heard what he said, he knew that he wanted to ask for money from him. Hastily said: "Didn't your company say that today is the first day of opening and that the quarry is free?"

Zhang Qilin said with a cheeky smile: "Boss Chen, don't misunderstand me. The profit I am talking about is auspicious. Give it whatever you want or 1. I will guarantee you, Boss Chen, all the way!"

Chen Jiajiu sweated in his heart, shit, it's not like this. Chen Jiajiu said: "Manager Zhang, I'm just a part-time worker. I'm just one. I don't have so many lai sees for you. How many masters do you have to go to work!"

Zhang Qilin said: "There are twelve in total." Chen Jiajiu said: "Since this is the case, I will reluctantly use one year's salary as lai see. This is sincere enough!"

Hearing what Chen Jiajiu said, Zhang Qilin hurriedly said: "Boss Chen, can you have more, those masters are not easy. If you don't have their skills, you can't solve such a good jade, right?"

Chen Jiajiu said: "Well, actually, I also want to give you a little more, but I want to ask my boss for instructions before I can give you an answer."

As Chen Jiajiu said, he took out his phone and called Gu Facheng. The call was connected, but no one answered. This is what Chen Jiajiu wanted. After hanging up the phone, he said to Zhang Qilin: "It's not that I don't want to help you, my boss is busy with other things and can't answer the phone! Next time, we have more cooperation opportunities .”

Zhang Qilin felt very helpless when he heard Chen Jiajiu's words. Although he didn't know which sentence Chen Jiajiu said was true and which sentence was false, but in his heart, Chen Jiajiu had already been classified as a stingy master.

It stands to reason that these big bosses are in a good mood after the price of wool has been rubbed up, and they are already very open about money.

Now that he offered a piece of jadeite at a sky-high price, he, the manager, was ashamed and only got 38,000 lai sees. This is still stingy! what is it.

What Chen Jiajiu hates the most is when others humiliate him. If that Manager Zhang said to give a little lai see at first, instead of giving 1 or 1, Chen Jiajiu would not mind so much.

Giving money must also be easy and pleasant for people to give the money out. If Chen Jiajiu gave the money according to what he said, he would be depressed.

It's Chen Jiajiu's limit to give 38,000 yuan if Chen Jiajiu has never seen the money. Damn, it said it was free. Turning around, I asked myself for Lai See.

Chen Jiajiu said: "Oh, I only have one thousand yuan. Manager Zhang, how about one?"

When Zhang Qilin saw Chen Jiajiu's posture, he knew that he wanted to play a scoundrel. He quickly said: "Don't worry, Boss Chen, we have the cash here, first help Boss Chen get it out."

Chen Jiajiu said helplessly, "That's it, that's too much trouble for you."

Zhang Qilin hurriedly laughed and said: "No trouble, it should be done."

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