Super Farm System

Chapter 150 Ruins


After entering Fengrao City, Xiong Yu found a store named Xiongji with familiarity, and the two sold the beasts they were carrying.

The owner's surname is Xiong. According to Xiong Yu, the owner of this Xiongji and the patriarch of their Xiongjiazhuang are good friends. And every time the bear skins hunted by Xiongjiazhuang are transported here.

The owner of this Xiongji is not named Xiong, so it is called Xiongji. Most likely because this store specializes in bear skins. The boss was very polite to Xiong Yu and the others.

Nor did they deliberately skimp on the price of these beasts, so to speak. Even if Xiong Yu and the others didn't bring the beast. Xiong Kee's boss will also lend money to the two of them.

Coming out of Xiong Ji, these two rookies immediately thought of Yan, Fengrao City. Although the trade of salt does not have any restrictions. But buy the salt here. It's like trading on the black market.

It can be said that one gram of salt is one gram of gold. It's no wonder that in Xiongjiazhuang, even the patriarch Xiong used salt. Also very stingy. After all, this thing is not like gold. Can be used to trade things. And every little bit is smaller.

To be honest, the Chen family does not carry a lot of salt now, and the salt in the farm continent is only needed by those who can maintain the serfs and laborers.

And they sweat profusely every day. The amount of salt intake is also large. It can be said that now Chen Jiajiu really can't find salt to trade.

As for Xiong Yu and the others, the reason for bringing them out was the salt. Just provide enough salt yourself to bring them back. It's just a matter of humanity. But Chen Jiajiu never thought that he would be drifting in the sea. If I knew, I would have prepared a little more salt.

Now, Chen Jiajiu is looking for a place to live for a few days. Wait until you return to the mainland from the sea. I can get salt by myself, no matter in which country, this thing is a daily necessity.

Chen Jiajiu finally came out of Wild Bear Ditch and came into contact with the civilized world, Xiong Yu's existence was dispensable. However, since I promised them. Give them salt. I must keep this promise

"Three guests, welcome to our ruins. Do you want to buy food or stay in a hotel? If you want to stay in a hotel, we have the best guest rooms in the ruins. It only costs two pennies." Chen Jiajiu did not expect that there would be a hotel like this at this time name. And this name also made Chen Jiajiu sound a bit sad.

Chen Jiajiu said: "Can we go in and have a look at the room?" Xiaoer heard Chen Jiajiu said that he wanted to see the room, and said happily, "Okay, there is no problem. The three guest officials will come with me, and I will guarantee that you will be satisfied with your stay."

Following behind the little second brother, Chen Jiajiu couldn't help but think, two pennies, I don't know what kind of house it is. Although Chen Jiajiu didn't know how money in this world was calculated. But I feel that two pennies should not be worth much.

Sure enough, when Chen Jiajiu and the others were taken to the back room that the second brother mentioned. For the brothers Xiong Yu and Xiong Fei, they were not surprised. Once their patriarch led a team to Fengrao City. It is here that the ruins live. So Chen Jiajiuyi said that he wanted to find a place to live. Xiong Yu's first choice is the ruins.

Chen Jiajiu took a closer look and couldn't help being dumbfounded. What kind of house is there? It's just a garbage dump. And it's not a single room. But a big room. In the room, there were already more than a dozen lying there sleeping soundly.

The little second brother brought Chen Jiajiu and the three of them to the three wooden boards in the corner with great interest and said, "Two pennies per person."

Chen Jiajiu couldn't help but be overwhelmed when he heard what the second brother said. Just about to refuse, when Xiong Yu took out the money, he wanted to hand it over. Chen Jiajiu quickly took Xiong Yu's hand and said, "I brought you out. How dare I let you live in these places."

Hearing what Chen Jiajiu said, the second brother hurriedly said: "Guest officer, if you dislike the narrowness of this place, we also have a single room in our store, which costs 30 Wen a night.

The shopkeeper Xiong Ji gave Xiong Yu a consistent amount of money just now. Tongguan money is equivalent to three hundred Wen. Chen Jiajiu said: "Oh, why don't you hurry up and lead the way. Did you mean to bring us to these places just now. You think we are easy to bully from the countryside, don't you. Tell your shopkeeper to come and serve you" Chen Jiajiu knew. these people. The more polite you are to them, the more they will despise themselves. otherwise. There are single rooms where they are not taken, but they are brought to this ghostly place.

This is called the ruins, and I have to live in a high-end place in the ruins. And not this garbage dump. Look at the wooden blocks that have been elevated. Chen Jiajiu couldn't help but think of the coffin board.

Chen Jiajiu's anger didn't seem to be faking. When the little second brother heard Chen Jiajiu's posture, it seemed that he had really offended a big man, and at the same time he muttered in his heart, what kind of shit, if he is rich and powerful. Do you need to come to our shop? Contempt in my heart is contempt. However, he said respectfully, "I'm sorry. The shopkeeper of our store happened to be out on business. I'll take you to the VIP room right away. You are satisfied with the guarantee." To be continued

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