Super Farm System

Chapter 157: Return to the Civilized World

Thanks: "1997 Fat Fish" monthly pass! Thanks. Very

I started a new one, this is written for Tianhai Xiangyun. I hope he likes it, and I plan to write 200,000 words.

"Super Prison Break System", yes, I changed my vest again.

When Chen Jiajiu entered the passage on the right, he did not find Chen Feng and the others.

After Chen Jiajiu captured the last few exhausted people into the farm continent, he left the cave.

After coming out, Chen Jiajiu found that her clothes were all torn.

I don't know whether it was scratched by the branches in the forest or cut by the sharp stones in the cave.

When Chen Jiajiu got out to the beach, he saw the Vietnamese captain standing on the deck looking out.

When Chen Jiajiu appeared, the Vietnamese captain also spotted Chen Jiajiu, standing on the deck and shouting.

Although he couldn't understand what he was yelling, Chen Jiajiu knew. This is definitely calling itself!

Soon, Chen Jiajiu saw Wang Siyi coming out of the cabin. When she saw only Chen Jiajiu alone. Can't help being a little disappointed.

These tourists were still looking for excitement, and this incident happened before they reached their destination. Overnight, except for the captain and the two experienced sailors. There are only a few tourists left!

When Chen Jiajiu got off the boat, Wang Siyi immediately greeted her and asked, "How did you know you came back alone, and the others!" Chen Jiajiu quickly shook his head and said, "I don't know, I got separated from them."

Chen Jiajiu felt that there was no excuse easier to fool people than this, and Chen Jiajiu naturally knew where they went. Dozens of tourists. On this island, it can be said that it disappeared overnight, and even the crew of the ship lost most of it.

However, after overnight maintenance by Lin Bin, Chen Feng and two sailors, the ship was finally repaired. After some deliberation, they decided to leave.

As for the tourists · even if they stay here it doesn't mean much. It's better to leave as soon as possible, and then find a rescue team to rescue the island.

After figuring this out, everyone returned to the voyage. I don't know how many days it took them to come, but when they returned to the voyage, they only used most of the time.

After landing, more than 30 tourists set off from the pier, but when they came back, there were only three crew members and three tourists. As for Chen Jiajiu, he picked it up halfway, so of course it doesn't count.

After the Vietnamese captain reported their shipwreck at sea, Chen Jiajiu and Wang Siyi, Chen Feng and Lin Bin exchanged phone calls. I just sat on a tricycle and headed towards Haiphong City, which is more than 100 kilometers away from the pier.

Chen Jiajiu planned to return to China as soon as possible. After staying overseas for too long, Chen Jiajiu felt that he was separated from the file world.

As for Lin Bin and the others, it is natural to go to the Chinese consulate to file a record. After all, the search and rescue on the island requires the presence of the Chinese consulate. Because of Chen Jiajiu, because he was a monk halfway, he was going to sea

Nor is there any registration! Naturally, there is no need to record any statements or anything.

After arriving in Haiphong, Chen Jiajiu asked the driver to take him directly to a nearby airport, waited for a midnight flight to Hong Kong, and then checked into a hotel at the airport.

There were more than five hours before the plane took off, and Chen Jiajiu planned to take a hot bath and eat something in the hotel. Enjoy it by the way.

These days, he has been dealing with dead people and zongzi. Before returning home, Chen Jiajiu planned to wash his hands.

Since it is relatively close to the airport, the price of hotel suites is not low, starting from 00,000 in Vietnam. It ranges from VND 1.5 million. Don't look at the price of this room, which is hundreds of thousands at every turn. If you know the exchange rate between RMB and Vietnamese Dong, you won't think it is too expensive.

One hundred thousand Vietnamese Dong is roughly equivalent to thirty yuan in RMB. A suite of 1 million Vietnamese dong a night is only 300 yuan.

Chen Jiajiu asked for a room of 1 million Vietnamese Dong, but when paying for it, Chen Jiajiu suddenly discovered that he didn't have Vietnamese Dong at all. In the end, I had to bite the bullet and put a piece of five thousand Hong Kong dollars on the counter.

Originally, Chen Jiajiu thought that the hotel would not accept it, but what he didn't expect was that the counter gave Chen Jiajiu 1 Vietnamese Dong. More than 12 million Vietnamese dong was recovered for 5,000 yuan.

Although this number is a bit much, it is no wonder that the Vietnamese Dong is worthless, 12 million Vietnamese Dong, get it back. It's just a few coins.

Twelve tickets with a denomination of one million and two tickets with a denomination of 200,000. A face value of 20,000 yuan. Five thousand dong, one 2000 dong, four 100 dong, two 20 dong. A denomination of five yuan. and three one piece coins.

According to the purchasing power of Vietnamese Dong, what can one Vietnamese Dong buy?

After entering the room, Chen Jiajiu handed over the change to the waiter. Although it was a fee, he also told the waiter what he wanted.

What Chen Jiajiu didn't expect was that although he didn't know how to listen to Vietnamese, the waiter could listen to Chinese, at least what Chen Jiajiu said. But he understood.

Vietnam is a social democratic republic, the industry is not that obvious. Like China, it is extremely obscure. It's just that as long as it's in the hotel, it's the same there.

However, recruiting prostitutes in Vietnam is not like Chinese-style hotels. Guests just wait in the room and wait for prostitutes to knock on the door. The characteristic of Vietnam here is that prostitutes are gathered together and the price is clearly marked.

After Chen Jiajiu had eaten, the waiter took Chen Jiajiu to the abyss of the hotel. They said it was the abyss, but it was actually an underground lobby of the hotel.

This hall is very distinctive, with guest seats and surrounding seats. The so-called surrounding seats are separated from the guest seats by a piece of glass. There are three rows of seats in the enclosure, and a total of more than one hundred prostitutes are sitting in the seats.

On the other hand, there are seats for customers outside the surrounding seats. Customers can see the dancing postures of these prostitutes before bidding. Some prostitutes have a fixed price.

It's just that most men come here to have fun, and they are also keen to play such games. Only newly arrived goods will be used to auction the first night. Not a virgin. They are all clearly marked!

Chen Jiajiu had never seen such a way of recruiting prostitutes, and found it very novel and curious, after watching it for a while. Immediately understand the gameplay.

The price ranges from 500,000 VND to 2 million VND. And this price is not the official price. It is the price quoted by the prostitute based on her own mood.

After Chen Jiajiu's luck, seven virgins happened to come tonight. As for the reserve price, Chen Jiajiu would not know this, nor would the customers present.

As long as the price quoted by Piao Ke meets the hidden price requirements, or exceeds the hidden price, the recruited prostitutes can be taken to open a house. As for the money to open the house. It is included in the price and no additional payment is required.

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