Super Farm System

Chapter 185 God of War Continent: Treasure Building

It is said that the outside sound cannot be heard in the house. Although Li Fulai’s house is said to be an earthen house, it has done a good job of isolating the sound. After all, the sound of chains has a history of dozens of years in Independence Dragon Village. Yes, and the houses here have gone through decades of continuous running-in, and they already have very good sound insulation. **Bubble! Book. Bar*

Chen Jiajiu felt that living in such a house was much better than the decoration in big cities, and the decoration of houses in big cities may not be completely soundproof.

To be honest, Chen Jiajiu is now very interested in the sound insulation skills here, so what Chen Jiajiu can think of is the door industry.

It is not difficult for Chen Jiajiu to get high-quality wood, but now the door business is also said to be the most profitable new hobby industry.

How to say it is a pinyin resource, I believe that no one in this world can master Chen Jiajiu in pinyin.

Chen Jiajiu discussed the sound insulation technology of his house with Li Fulai very strangely, but Li Fulai did not expect that Chen Jiajiu would be interested in the sound insulation of his house. He couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and it was true, just now Chen Jiajiu was still curious about the strange noises in the back mountain valley, but suddenly he became interested in the sound insulation of his house when the topic changed.

At this time, Li Fulai didn't think about anything else, let alone why Chen Jiajiu was suddenly interested in the sound insulation of his house. After hearing that Chen Jiajiu wanted to know, he had nothing to hide. Talked to Chen Jiajiu in detail.

From Li Fulai's tone, Chen Jiajiu could see that he was like a bull who had taken aphrodisiacs, and he had the energy to vomit. In this way, under his hot head, he had studied his ancestors for decades. It took more than ten minutes to share the sound insulation technology of the house with Chen Jiajiu.

Chen Jiajiu felt that with this door-making skill, how many hotels are there in the world. How many ktv private rooms and hotels are there, even if there is one-tenth of the order, it is an amazing wealth.

Chen Jiajiu did not expect such an unexpected harvest, and then the two returned to the topic again. Li Fulai handed over a burden to Chen Jiajiu. He couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, as if Li Fulai had completed a major task.

Li Fulai arranged a room for Chen Jiajiu. After all, it was dark now. Li Fulai just told Chen Jiajiu to rest early, and then helped Chen Jiajiu close the door.

After Chen Jiajiu locked the door, he inspected the situation in the house. There is only a bed but no decent furniture. Although there are electric lights here. But there is still a kerosene lamp hanging on the side of the house.

Chen Jiajiu lay on the bed for a while, and after making sure that Li Fulai's family would not suddenly come over to disturb him, Chen Jiajiu entered the farm continent.

Feeling the environmental changes brought about by Farm Continent, Chen Jiajiu walked into a wooden house that was not fully built.

After all, there are not many materials that can be used to build houses in the farm continent. Although there are rocks, Chen Jiajiu doesn't want to turn his house into a savage residence.

Chen Jiajiu looked at the fresh fruit that had just been picked on a wooden table in the house. There are still rooms in the house, Chen Jiajiu felt that now only in the farm land is a bit like a home.

In the farm continent, Chen Jiajiu didn't have to defend himself. If he opened the door, he would take out the burden that Li Fulai had handed over to him.

To Chen Jiajiu's surprise, besides a suit of clothes, there was only a mobile phone and a 17,000mAh charger inside the clothes.

Chen Jiajiu couldn't help being stunned for a moment, in his heart Gu Facheng called him over from thousands of miles away, maybe he gave him a mobile phone.

Just from the appearance, Chen Jiajiu knows that this is an icrazy mobile phone, and it is the latest version of icrazy 5s, because Chen Jiajiu has seen the special feature of icrazy 5s, solar mobile phone cover, as long as this icrazy 5s mobile phone Wrapped in this solar cell phone case, and then exposed to the sun, not only will it not harm the phone, but it can also be charged.

Even if the mobile phone is placed in the water, there is nothing wrong with the mobile phone. After all, the waterproof function is a function of iCrazy 5, just like the voice nanny in iCrazy 4s.

Chen Jiajiu found two numbers 34 written on the phone case.

Chen Jiajiu didn't know what these two numbers represented, but when he turned on the phone, he only saw a lock screen appear on the phone. After Chen Jiajiu hastily entered the word 34, there were two more numbers behind it. Chen Jiajiu re-entered 34 without even thinking about it, and it was prompted that the password was entered incorrectly.

Chen Jiajiu hurriedly looked again at the things that Gu Facheng had left for him, and did not see any other numbers or letters.

Chen Jiajiu thought about it for a while, and finally came to his senses. He wondered if these two numbers could be the first two numbers of his QQ number. If this is the case, then the next two numbers should be 70.

Thinking of this, Chen Jiajiu hastily entered 3470, these four numbers.

When inputting 3470, it still shows that the password is wrong. There have been two wrong passwords, and there are still three chances. Chen Jiajiu frowned, wondering what kind of joke Gu Facheng was playing. Bubble-book_bar () I left a mobile phone for myself and put it away. And this phone needs a password!

Thinking of this, Chen Jiajiu quickly turned around and carefully looked at the font on the phone case again. Chen Jiajiu stopped at 34. This time, Chen Jiajiu used golden pupils. password, but the latter two passwords were erased. If it wasn't for Chen Jiajiu's golden pupils, he would have thought that the password only had two digits.

Was this intentional by Gu Facheng? In other words, the last two numbers were deliberately erased. So who exactly is this guy and why is he doing this. The question is whether Gu Facheng handed over the burden to Li Fulai himself or someone else handed it to Li Fulai. Gu Facheng did not explain to himself.

If Gu Facheng personally handed over the burden to Chen Jiajiu, the last two numbers were probably erased by Li Laifu. But why did Li Laifu do this. The more Chen Jiajiu thought about it, the more confused she became. Putting aside distracting thoughts, Chen Jiajiu saw the next two numbers. What Chen Jiajiu didn't expect was that the next number turned out to be 43, that is, 34 was reversed.

Chen Jiajiu hastily pressed the four numbers 3443 on the keyboard. Immediately entered a main screen. I only saw that this is an icrazy search and positioning software. I saw that there was a blank in the positioning. Ai Crazy 5S is called a quad-core, 4G mobile phone, but it is in the farm continent. Can't get any signal from outside.

Chen Jiajiu thought to herself. No wonder Gu Facheng didn't keep anything useful for himself, but he prepared it for himself. He left a mobile phone for himself, so it is very likely that he also has a mobile phone in his hand, as long as he opens this positioning software. You can know where he is.

Chen Jiajiu was eating a lychee. Put your phone away. I visited the Farm Continent, but there was actually nothing to inspect. The quality of the fruits in the Farm Continent became more abundant. After all, Chen Jiajiu was moving fruits that were only found in many other countries into the Farm Continent for planting.

Because the farm continent can adjust the temperature and itself at will. So most fruits can now be grown on a large scale. As for the sea area of ​​more than 3 million square meters circled by the Chen family, although there is no pollution in the sea. But because the food is alone, it is far less than the rich resources in the original ecological sea. The seafood picked up is far less plump than the seafood that can be bought outside the earth.

However, although the seafood in the farm continent is small, it is pure natural. Unlike the seafood that can be eaten on the earth, most of them are artificially farmed.

Although Chen Jiajiu was very full, he still asked people to go to the sea to catch some lobsters and abalones. The most classic way to eat lobster and abalone is to cook porridge and drink it.

Just now Chen Jiajiu ate a lot of glutinous rice, and for some reason, he really wanted to drink porridge. Since I want to drink porridge, I don't need to eat white porridge. This abalone and lobster porridge is the best.

The seasoning ingredients are abundant in the farm continent. It can be said that as long as there is a good chef in the farm continent, Chen Jiajiu can eat delicious things every day.

Basically, what Chen Jiajiu ate in the farm continent was made by Chen Jiajiu himself. It is not impossible to cook for those fishing workers, but there will be delicious food made by themselves.

Chen Jiajiu left Farm Continent after drinking abalone and lobster porridge. Chen Jiajiu's departure did not mean that Chen Jiajiu had returned to the real world, but that Chen Jiajiu had entered the God of War Continent.

Chen Jiajiu appeared in the room of the inn. Although an inn with only one bed like this is a bit shabby, it can still accommodate people. When Chen Jiajiu appeared, it was still dark.

In Fengrao City, everyone is now at three or four o'clock in the morning the next day. At this time, Chen Jiajiu was not sleepy. What is used in this world is heavy metal, which is gold. silver.

It's just that gold is not counted in twos, but in pieces. Just like the one dollar coin of the earth. One gold coin can be exchanged for one hundred silver coins, one silver coin can be exchanged for one hundred bronze coins, or five hundred brass coins.

It can be said that gold coins are quite valuable in this world. Chen Jiajiu had no gold coins or copper coins on him. But Chen Jiajiu has salt that can be exchanged for in this world.

However, if the salt has not been converted into currency, it cannot be used. Fengrao City is worthy of being an inner city, and it is also very rich. In Fengrao City, although the gates of the four cities are tight at night, there is no ban on selling them at night.

In other words, even at night, there are many night scenes that cannot be seen during the day. Of course, the busiest places are those brothels. As long as you have money, the brothels are heaven!

Chen Jiajiu has no money now, but there are quite a few people like Chen Jiajiu wandering on the streets. Some drank flower wine and swayed their bodies on the way home, and some were more straightforward. Sleep directly on the road! Needless to say, these are drunks who got drunk.

More beggars, they huddled aside in the street. If you can't eat enough during the day, you won't starve to death. I can't sleep well at night, and I can't freeze well. For beggars, death may be a relief for them.

In the distance, Chen Jiajiu saw a high-rise building brightly lit, and thought, it was already midnight, why was this building so brightly lit. Chen Jiajiu couldn't bear the curiosity in her heart! Hastily walked towards the pavilion.

Chen Jiajiu found that there was not a single beggar on the road to this pavilion, it seemed that the beggars sleeping on the street were very afraid of this place. There was not a single drunk here.

Not to mention people, Chen Jiajiu had never met a kitten or a dog on the road. At the beginning, Chen Jiajiu thought this pavilion was a relatively large prostitute village.

I only saw this shining signboard hanging on this building, even though it was already nighttime. It shows that the texture of this signboard is not simple.

I only saw three big characters 'Jubaolou' written on the signboard. Chen Jiajiu didn't know what business Jiajubaolou was for. But to be able to come up with such a name should not be an ordinary business.

Chen Jiajiu found out. The door of this pavilion called Jubaolou was left open. Chen Jiajiu thought about it in her heart. Decided to go in and have a look. After Chen Jiajiu entered the door, he only saw two doors suddenly appearing in front of him. It's just that these two doors are much smaller than the one you entered earlier.

Chen Jiajiu thought to himself, could it be that the owner of this pavilion deliberately wants to give people who enter this pavilion a bad blow. Or, in these two small gates. There is a difference between life and death.

Chen Jiajiu was hesitating. Suddenly he heard movement behind him, only to see a tall and thick man walking in from the gate. The big man glanced at Chen Jiajiu. Finding that Chen Jiajiu was half a head lower than him, he snorted coldly, as if he was despising Chen Jiajiu.

Chen Jiajiu snorted coldly when he saw the big man. Passed by Chen Jiajiu and entered the small door on the left. At this time, Chen Jiajiu saw the big man entering. I don't think there is any hesitation in my heart. Following behind the big man, he entered the small door on the left.

Entering the small door, I only saw darkness around me. Suddenly, Chen Jiajiu stopped advancing. Because Chen Jiajiu heard the sound of fighting coming from the front.

Chen Jiajiu hurriedly put on a pair of yellow glasses, and opened the golden pupils. After all, when the golden pupils are turned on at night, in the eyes of others, Chen Jiajiu's eyes are like two light bulbs being lit.

Chen Jiajiu realized that she was standing at the door of the small door, and just happened to see what was going on inside. In the darkness, to Chen Jiajiu who had opened her golden pupils, it was like looking at things during the day. And it is a bit clearer than what can be seen with the ordinary naked eye.

Although there is not much space in the small door to enter, there is a universe inside, a room inside. It can be seen from the light coming from the other side that there is a small door at the other end, which is probably the entrance.

However, if one wants to pass through this passage, one has to face the challenges brought about by the darkness. Chen Jiajiu discovered that half a person is hidden in the darkness. Although Chen Jiajiu doesn't know kung fu. But it can also be seen that these eight people hiding in the darkness and attacking are all masters.

Just like the big man who looked down on Chen Jiajiu just now just by looking at Chen Jiajiu, he only suffered three punches from the man in black in the pitch black. Just hit the ground and couldn't get up for a while!

After the big man lay down, the man in black who was attacking the big man stepped aside again, and was staring at the small door with a pair of vigilant eyes.

Chen Jiajiu knew that these men in black must have discovered their existence. That's why it happened! At this moment, Chen Jiajiu's hands also started to itch. Although Chen Jiajiu doesn't know martial arts. But with Chen Jiajiu's fist and methods! Coupled with the assistance of golden pupils and downwind ears, it is calculated that there is no need to be afraid to face these kung fu enemies.

At this time, Chen Jiajiu was very confident. Of course, Chen Jiajiu's self-confidence was insignificant in the eyes of those men in black, because they couldn't find anything special about Chen Jiajiu.

If there was anything special about Chen Jiajiu, no matter how they looked at it, the person who entered before them was a mortal. Even so, they dare not take it lightly.

At this time, in another room. There are two voices talking softly. One of the voices said, "Interesting, monkey, let's see how long this man can last."

The monkey snorted coldly and said: "One punch is enough." The previous voice sounded again: "I don't think so, with our Jubao Building's usual style. Although ordinary people are not prohibited from entering this building, those civilians are not allowed to enter the building." If you don't know the rules of our Jubao Building, the person in front of you may not be an ordinary person."

"Scorpion, I'm not as good as you when it comes to conspiracy and tricks, but do you dare to bet?" Monkey said. The scorpion said: "Okay, what are you betting on?" The monkey said: "One-punch contract, if I lose, I will give you the newly acquired mithril. If you lose, you will hand How about giving me that piece of black iron?"

When the scorpion heard the monkey's words, he said darkly: "Monkey, you are easy to calculate." The monkey said: "Dare or not to let you go, if you are afraid of losing, then don't gamble."

The scorpion heard the monkey talking. Said: "monkey, it's useless for you to use aggressive tactics against me. But since you want to bet with me, then I will make it happen, but if you lose, don't hand over the mithril. Be careful that I will break your leg .”

that's all. In the darkness, a bet was reached in this way. The two of them were staring at the dark aisle at this moment, with anticipation in their hearts, after all, they were in this world. Whether it's mithril or black iron, just take out one. It is also a treasure that makes people grab their heads.

Chen Jiajiu walked towards the end of the passage very leisurely, as if she didn't know what happened in front of her just now. When entering the dark battle circle, Chen Jiajiu couldn't help but smile slightly.

At this moment, only Dao's figure was seen flying towards him in the darkness. The opponent did not punch, but kicked towards the head of Chen Jiajiu who was at a loss.

If Chen Jiajiu was an ordinary person, this kick alone would have killed Chen Jiajiu. Even if Chen Jiajiu was not an ordinary person, he would not be able to withstand the power of this kick.

Just when the man in black's foot was about to kick Chen Jiajiu's head, Chen Jiajiu suddenly raised his arm and easily blocked the kick. The man in black thought about many outcomes, but he never thought of the final result. The result is this. He cried out softly: 'What! ’ From his voice, it can be heard that he was very surprised, very surprised!

However, at this moment, his cry was much louder and more tragic than the previous one. Because Chen Jiajiu took advantage of this guy's distraction and kicked the man in black under his pants. The man in black was kicked out. Even if the man in black did not die, his life would be worse than death in the days to come. What is the most painful thing for a man is whether he is male or female, and his sexual happiness for the rest of his life is considered over.

"What, how is this possible!" Seeing the scene in front of him in the darkness, he exclaimed in surprise and pain in his heart. To be honest, Scorpion didn't expect that this person who looked like an ordinary person dressed in Someone who was a bit eccentric turned out to be a master. To tell the truth, in the heart of the scorpion is also surprised. Of course, for Scorpion, the surprise in his heart now occupies a little more. After all, not only did he keep the piece of black iron in his hand, but he could also win the piece of mithril from the monkey. In this way, he can forge a handy weapon. Can he not be surprised?

The scorpion hurriedly said to the monkey: "Monkey, take out the mithril!" The monkey felt pain in his heart when he heard what the scorpion said. But suddenly he had a flash of inspiration and said, "Scorpion, it doesn't count, what I said just now, what I said was a promise with one punch, now it's a miss with one kick, so it doesn't count."

When the scorpion heard the monkey's words, his face turned dark, and he said, "Monkey, you dare to play tricks on me, wait until I take your leg, and I'll see if you dare to deny it."

After coming down, Chen Jiajiu saw two figures rushing towards him. Chen Jiajiu ran towards a man in black next to him. With Chen Jiajiu's current speed, it seemed to be much faster than the speed of these men in black flying over, and with the help of golden pupils, the man in black attacked The fist was immediately slowed down. Chen Jiajiu easily grabbed the fist of a man in black. Give it a hard pinch. There was only the sound of cracking bones.

At this time, the man in black hadn't felt that his front had been crippled. Chen Jiajiu grabbed his arm, turned the man in black's body, and threw it at another man in black who was flying towards him. past. All I could hear was the sound of two piles of meat colliding in the darkness. Then came the crackling of bones.

Followed down, it was the heart-piercing screams of the two men in black one after another. Both of them rolled to the ground, groaning in pain. At this time, even if there is nothing wrong with the internal organs of the two people, all the bones that are collided together will be shattered or fractured. Although Chen Jiajiu's strength at this time was less than 20% of his strength, it was still ten thousand tons of strength. How the two of them can bear it.

Regarding Chen Jiajiu's ferocity, those men in black who were still hiding aside seemed to have reached a consensus at this time, and they even chose to attack Chen Jiajiu together, hoping to save the defeat with the advantage of numbers.

At this moment, they suddenly felt dizzy, they were flying towards Chen Jiajiu not far away, and they fell to the ground one by one. Chen Jiajiu quickly kicked up, spun around, and kicked out the five people respectively, only to hear five bouncing sounds, and the five people's bodies hit the wall involuntarily.

Even so, Chen Jiajiu was merciful to them. Even with his mercifulness, the eight men in black lay on the bed for a year and a half without being able to get up.

The force with which they were kicked out can be seen from the shattered stones on the wall. And it's not just kicking one person, but five people in a row.

At this moment, I heard a voice suddenly saying: "Pass the customs, please enter through Gate No. 8." This voice seemed to appear out of nowhere, but it was heard by Chen Jiajiu's sharp ears. Their estimation as mysterious is almost worthless. Chen Jiajiu hurriedly glanced in the direction of the source of the voice, and then smiled.

I only heard the monkey say in a surprised voice: "Scorpion, we have been discovered, and he is smiling at us, have you seen it?" Ah! This is a good show." (To be continued...)

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