Super Farm System

Chapter 20 Delivery to King's Landing

When Chen Jiajiu parked the car at the gate of the Purchasing Department of Wangui Hotel, Wu Jian stood there long ago and waited.

This is not a question of whether Wu Jian cares or not! It was the owner of the hotel who took care of it and appointed Wu Jian, the executive chef, to personally inspect and accept it.

When the fish was carried out, Wu Jian immediately noticed that there was a king fish and several large non-fish in another bucket, but it was nothing to the king fish. On the contrary, those few non-fishes immediately aroused Wu Jian's interest and said, "Xiao Chen, such big tilapias are not common. You have to transport them there!"

Chen Jiajiu laughed and said, "This is an order from another restaurant. If Master Wu likes it, I can give you one personally."

As soon as Wu Jian heard it, he said happily, "You don't need to give it to me. How much is this tilapia?" Chen Jiajiu said, "It's not very expensive. Manager Wu, you are not an outsider. I'll give you fifteen yuan!"

Chen Jiajiu originally thought that the price he offered was already very expensive, but after Wu Jian heard it. Without even thinking about it, he said: "Fifteen yuan is not expensive, and it is to the point. How many items are there! I want them all."

There are seven in total. All sold for a million dollars!

With the help of devils and lunatics, the fish was lifted up. After receiving more than 8,000 yuan, Chen Jiajiu and Wu Jian greeted each other. If you say you still have goods to deliver, you won't leave any more!

After getting the fish money, Chen Jiajiu put the money in a bag, looking at the shining eyes of the devil and the lunatic, Chen Jiajiu hurriedly said: "What are you thinking, don't look at the 8,000 yuan that is a lot, But I only made a thousand dollars from it, and everything else is capital.”

The lunatic said: "Ah Jiu, even if it's a thousand yuan, it's too easy to make money for you!" Chen Jiajiu said: "There is nothing you can do if you say that, lunatic. If you can find a merchant by yourself, I will provide you Fish, you don’t need any middle fees or anything. This thousand yuan will give you a net profit, the problem is that you want business.”

When Liang Wenfeng heard this, he said happily, "Ah Jiu, is what you said true?" Chen Jiajiu said while driving the car, "Really, when did I ever lie to you?"

At this time, Guizi Yang said: "If this is the case, this business has been done. Let alone a thousand yuan, it has been done for five hundred yuan."

Chen Jiajiu thought for a while and said, "Since you have talked about this point, devil, how did you do business together this time? You should also give each of you a share. Take it, more than a thousand yuan, four hundred yuan each !" Chen Jiajiu hurriedly took out the money and gave Liang Zifeng and Yang Wensheng 400 yuan each. When the money was actually in their hands, the two of them believed it was real. Of course, the two also shied away for a while. Chen Jiajiu just said that they deserved it, and there was another fish to give away later. Each person can get about 200 yuan.

After driving the car to the entrance of Junlin Hotel, Chen Jiajiu quickly called Manager Liu!

"Hello, hello! Is this Manager Liu? I am introduced by Mr. Li from Wangui Hotel." Chen Jiajiu said on the phone! Liu Yongshui received a strange call, and when he heard Chen Jiajiu's opening remarks, he hurriedly said: "I am, you are the boss Chen who sent Wanyu Wang here!"

The two chatted for a while, and Chen Jiajiu also drove the car into the underground garage, which was quite spacious. As soon as I entered, I saw a car wash. After distinguishing the direction, Chen Jiajiu saw Exit C.

After a short distance, I saw the words King's Landing Hotel! At this time, a 30-year-old manager was standing there dressed up, and Chen Jiajiu hurriedly called Manager Liu again.

Seeing the manager standing on the platform picked up the phone to look at it, Chen Jiajiu knew that it was Manager Liu, and hurriedly drove the car over and said, "Hello, Manager Liu!"

Hearing Chen Jiajiu's yell, Manager Liu walked down the steps with a smile, followed by two young employees. Only Liu Yongshui said enthusiastically: "Hello, Boss Chen, you have worked hard."

Chen Jiajiu laughed and said, "Manager Liu, I believe Mr. Li has already told you that the price is ninety yuan a catty." Liu Yongshui nodded and said, "I have. Boss Chen, please rest assured."

Chen Jiajiu said: "Manager Liu, let's take a look at Yuwang, I guarantee it will be absolutely fierce."

Followed down, after some delivery. This fish sold for 3,400 yuan. After all, they are all fish weighing more than 30 catties. After leaving the King's Landing Hotel! Chen Jiajiu gave 200 yuan each to Yang Wensheng and Liang Zifeng. This time and again, they earned another two hundred yuan, and they felt that this money was really easy to earn. Unknowingly, the two of them developed a different kind of thought in their hearts!

I looked at the time, and it was already past six o'clock, so I quickly called Chen Yi from Trust-Mart supermarket, only to hear Chen Yi say, "I just got off work, what's the matter?"

Chen Jiajiu said: "It's nothing. I just arrived downstairs in your company. I sent some papaya samples. Are you still in the office?"

Chen Yi said: "Well, I haven't left yet, you can send it up!"

These papayas were all selected by Chen Jiajiu, they were all relatively large, and they were all the same size. The presentation is not bad either!

After Chen Jiajiu left, Chen Yi also gave Chen Jiajiu a satisfactory answer, that is to say, the lychee in the morning and the papaya below were not free.

Around this time, Chen Jiajiu gave a gift of 3,000 yuan. However, it is possible to find a place in Haoduo. It doesn't matter if you pay a little more up front.

According to Chen Yi, the water can be put on the shelf tomorrow. After hearing this, Chen Jiajiu was naturally overjoyed. The reason why it can be so fast is naturally that Chen Jiajiu's performance is better, and the employees of Trust-Mart supermarket are better.

After making arrangements for many supermarkets, Chen Jiajiu felt as if he had settled his mind, and he could just deliver goods here in the future, because he didn't have to do the business himself.

For the sake of his own 30% profit, Chen Yi probably wouldn't just watch the business slump in vain. After coming out of Trust-Mart, the three of them went to eat at a famous roast goose restaurant nearby.

After returning home, Chen Jiajiu said to the devil and the lunatic: "You didn't bring any clothes here, you can buy two sets of clothes for yourself later, so you don't have to go back and get them again. I have something to do and I won't go with you. You should know the way back!"

Yang Wensheng said: "Ah Jiu, you really treat us like children. Ah Jiu, if you have something to do, go and do your own thing! Don't worry about us."

Chen Jiajiu walked back to the Heli community. In fact, Chen Jiajiu did have something to do, but it wasn't a date or something. On the way, Chen Jiajiu thought about whether to call Wang Xiao.

But think about it or forget it, fate is such a thing, if you have money, you will have fate, if you don't have money, whoever cares about you! After thinking of this, Chen Jiajiu couldn't help but think of the 20,000 yuan in his pocket.

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