Super Farm System

Chapter 209 God of War Continent: Liangwang Mansion

Chapter 209 God of War Continent: Liang Wang Mansion

Although Chen Jiajiu's heart was agitated at this moment, Chen Jiajiu still endured it. After all, now Chen Jiajiu just wants to relax in the water.

Qin Fengjiao was about to continue to seduce Chen Jiajiu further, but Chen Jiajiu quickly said to her, "Go on, I'm not in the mood right now."

"Uh!" Qin Fengjiao couldn't help being stunned when she heard what Chen Jiajiu said. She considered herself a beautiful woman, and when she was outside, she didn't know how many flies were swirling around her.

Now that she finally figured it out, she was suddenly rejected, although she felt relieved that she couldn't go there. After all, beautiful women have arrogance and dignity.

However, she is now in the Farm Continent, and there is no dignity at all. For the Farm Continent, Chen Jiajiu is open to any labor force who is captured.

Chen Jiajiu didn't pay any attention to what they wanted to explore, but if they wanted to escape from Farm Continent, they didn't even have a door. It can be said that they don't even have the chance to commit suicide and die.

After all, this is just a space full of labor to think about other things. Yes, if you die, you will die on the farm. This kind of death is beyond the reach of most people.

Moreover, even so, it may not be possible to die. After all, it's nothing, you can get relief after you die. After all, this is the farm continent, not the earth.

It is very rare to see the existence of civilization here, but it is the extraterrestrial world that most people living in the city have longed for since childhood. However, now that they have come to such an extraterrestrial world, they find that they are completely Lost zì yóu.

After Chen Jiajiu beat Qin Fengjiao and the few beautiful beauties she brought in and left, Chen Jiajiu felt that tomorrow will be better, and this life is so satisfying.

Before he knew it, Chen Jiajiu fell asleep in the water. Being in the farm continent, time is completely controlled by Chen Jiajiu. Chen Jiajiu had a dream, in which there were endless beauties.

After waking up, Chen Jiajiu felt that her lower body was hard. She wondered if she should call Qin Fengjiao over and eat her. It is better to solve your own psychological needs.

Chen Jiajiu put on the clothes, and the clothes he put on were not clothes for the earth. It's the clothes to go to God of War Continent. Speaking of which, Chen Jiajiu had not been away from the God of War Continent for a long time.

but. In order to prevent the people of God of War Continent from discovering her disappearance, Chen Jiajiu had to go back no matter what, and it didn't take too long.

To be honest, Chen Jiajiu really wanted to finish the task assigned to him by the system as soon as possible. Chen Jiajiu was really looking forward to the task of making food king.

I don't know what special rewards the system will give after completing this task. Could it be that it is really possible to speed up the time of Farm Continent from one hundred times to one thousand times. Or the number of serfs increased from ten to a hundred.

No matter which one it is, it is the best choice for the current Farm Continent, or for Chen Jiajiu. Time has been speeded up, that is to say, the production cycle has been greatly shortened.

At that time, Chen Jiajiu basically didn't need to grow plants to make money, just put a few pieces of ancient objects in it. As time speeds up, one year equals a thousand years. Not an antique has become an antique!

Although this idea is a bit naive, it is also a way to make money. Just like wine, the longer it is stored, the higher the purity and relatively more valuable.

Although Chen Jiajiu came back from the God of War Continent not long ago, all the serfs and labor in the Farm Continent are now focused on how to plant the grain seeds that Chen Jiajiu brought back from the God of War Continent.

Due to the existence of the intelligent system, it is easy to grow the grains that are abundant in the War God Continent, and it has reached the highest level of abundance.

Among them is a staple food that is most commonly eaten in Zhishen Continent, and it is called barley here. In the God of War continent, it should be called coarse wheat. It is the most widely eaten food.

In God of War Continent, the yield of barley per mu is not very high, and it is good enough to reach ten dans, but in Farm Continent, 70 dans of barley can be grown per mu.

It can be said that this is a harvest that has been multiplied six or seven times. If we improve the seeds, there should be no problem in planting up to 100 tons per mu.

Although there are many other kinds of food, there is a kind of food that is similar to the earth's rice, and this kind of food should only be affordable by those rich people living on the God of War Continent.

Although it can also be mass-produced, Chen Jiajiu asked the serfs to focus all their attention on the cultivation of barley. Although there are better food choices, Chen Jiajiu knows that he is only doing grain business in Fengrao City. Very good, as for fine grains. Chen Jiajiu felt that it was not the time to launch it yet.

After all, in a place like Fengrao City, as long as there is food to eat, it is good enough not to starve to death. Of course, most of the staple food sources here in Fengrao City also come from animal meat.

After all, there are mountains near here, so Orion naturally has a lot. It can be said that it is a city that does not lack meat. It's just that meat is not something everyone can afford.

And it is not always possible to have meat for every meal, and it is precisely because of this that Chen Jiajiu is a grain merchant. It shouldn't be too difficult to set up the first grain store here in Fengrao City.

Moreover, Chen Jiajiu had already made up his mind, and he took Jubaolou as his backer. I believe that no one would dare not give Jubaolou face and come to find his own troubles.

The question now is how to move the millions of tons of barley already grown out of the farm continent. If you make too much movement, will you be counterproductive? ,

After all, how did so much food come from. This is a problem in itself. It cannot be said that it was created out of thin air. In the end, Chen Jiajiu thought about it in his heart, thinking about it. I think I should leave this question out.

Even if there is a negative effect, so what, the big deal is that I don't want the food, and whoever wants it can come and move it. After figuring this out. Chen Jiajiu came out from the farm continent. Appeared in the study room of God of War Continent.

When Chen Jiajiu came out of the study, he saw a servant standing at the door full of energy and watching. Seeing the master coming out, the servant just nodded respectfully to Chen Jiajiu.

Chen Jiajiu asked, "Is the Narcissus steward back?"

Earlier, Chen Jiajiu arranged for Narcissus to go to Jubaolou to do things for him. Moreover, Chen Jiajiu also believed that the servant girl Narcissus could handle this matter beautifully. After all, Yuegu, the owner of the Treasure Building, was not a simple person.

Although Chen Jiajiu didn't know what the purpose of the Yuegu owner of Jubaolou was to please him so much, but Chen Jiajiu knew that since he was kind to him, he naturally wanted something from him.

That being the case, why should I be polite to him. Before the landlord of Yuegu made any demands on himself, Chen Jiajiu naturally wanted to make more demands on him.

"Master, the butler Narcissus is back. I came to see the master just now. Without the consent of the master, I dare not let the butler Narcissus in." After the servant said this, he quickly looked at Chen Jiajiu's face.

After Chen Jiajiu heard the servant's words, Ye Xiao glanced at the servant with interest and said, "Well, you've done a good job. Go down and let the Narcissus steward prepare food for me."

When Jia Ding heard what Chen Jiajiu said, he couldn't help being overjoyed, knowing that his persuasion just now was half the success. After dismissing the servant, he walked towards the deepest part of the current compound.

Now the backyard can be said to have completely become the most private place of Chen Jiajiu. It can be said that there is basically no one inside except for the family members standing at the door.

Without the consent of the new owner, Chen Jiajiu, there will be no people in this backyard, even if there are people. He was also the one who sneaked in to see what happened.

The backyard was almost cleaned up. After Chen Jiajiu entered the fourth courtyard, he saw Bi San and Bi Si, two servants whom he had just raised, standing at the door waiting.

This was deliberately arranged by Chen Jiajiu, and it was also to highlight the status of the two of them. Unexpectedly, Chen Jiajiu has classified this backyard as his most private property. In other words, the person who can stay here is naturally the most loyal servant of the master.

Chen Jiajiu looked at the two standing upright, full of energy. He walked over and said to the two of them. You guys are doing great. Go down and rest for a while. "

After hearing the words of the new master, Chen Jiajiu, the two couldn't help being moved. Yes, the master's attitude towards the two of them was really good, and he didn't treat them as if he was going to see them.

Bi San Bi Si hurriedly said: "I dare not. Willing to listen to the master!" Chen Jiajiu patted Bi Si on the shoulder and said: "Well, you are tired too. Go down, I have something to do inside. I don't want to be Disturbance! And in the future, none of you can tell them about anything in this backyard. Even if the Narcissus housekeeper asks, don’t tell them, understand?” Chen Jiajiu said, and gave the two of them a ruthless slap wink.

Bi San Bi Si couldn't help being shocked at this moment, this time he didn't continue to disobey Chen Jiajiu's order, and retreated obediently. After Chen Jiajiu handed over the two little servants, Bi San Bi Si, to Da Fa and left. He went straight to the fourth entrance and walked in!

In fact, Chen Jiajiu didn't intend to let the two servants keep anything secret from him. After all, it is a place as big as a bird. What a secret. As long as they don't go out and blow themselves up.

Moreover, how many of the people who entered the house here were truly loyal to him, how could Chen Jiajiu not know in his heart. Since you can't prevent it, let yourself be mysterious.

Only here can I gain a firm foothold on this continent. Chen Jiajiu intends to surprise the world and those who pay attention to her. Or a big accident.

It only took a few minutes for Chen Jiajiu to come out after entering the yard, but Chen Jiajiu moved millions of tons of barley out of the farm continent.

In addition to barley, there is also refined rice. These are the grains that only the upper classes can afford. Chen Jiajiu also moved out 200,000 dan, which can be said to fill up the space in the yard for the last two.

After Chen Jiajiu came out of the back yard, he walked towards the front yard. And it's broad daylight. The master entered the backyard and came out again after a while. There is nothing to watch at all.

Even those who wanted to know what the master Chen Jiajiu was doing in the backyard, it was broad daylight. No one wants to take the risk of being discovered and touch it to see what's going on.

It was precisely because of this that only a very curious guy touched it until it was dark. According to the thoughts of these eyeliners, after opening the door, all they can see is an empty house.

However, this time, everything in the house had a great impact on them. They only saw that these rooms were full of thick things, and after touching them, they felt a sense of déjà vu. When I touched it again, I thought it was some kind of ghost. It turned out to be food.

They couldn't understand why this place suddenly became a warehouse full of grain. It stands to reason that the owner here makes this place mysterious. It should be of great use!

They didn't think much about it and just left like this, or maybe they thought they didn't get any information. Did not report to the above. After all, they didn't arrange for them to come in to get these nonsense information.

It is precisely because of this that when the Liangwang Mansion transported the first batch of refined rice from the mansion to Jubaolou, those interested people who followed the changes in the Liangwang Mansion reflected it.

Of course, their first reaction was, could it be that the owner of the Liang Palace was so poor and crazy that he actually carried out the fine rice that was treasured at home and traded it for money.

However, within a few days, Liang Wang's Mansion began to become lively, and they found out only after they inquired clearly. It turned out that this Liangwang Mansion was actually a business, and it was still a grain business.

Since the world itself is in chaos, food is like a lifeline to those forces. Because of the existence of a grain merchant like Liangwangfu. Fengrao City has once again attracted the attention of various forces.

After all, whoever has more food can have more troops. The power can become bigger and bigger. Although they really wanted to go to the city to grab food from Liang Wang's mansion. But none of the forces dared to grab it.

After all, there is power behind Liangwangfu, and this power is Jubaolou. After all, every time the Liangwang Mansion sells a load of grain, it has to pay 20% of the profit to Jubaolou.

At first, the owner of Yuegu thought that Chen Jiajiu, the new guest, was just making a fuss, but he didn't expect that such a fuss would be serious. The Treasure Building of Fengrao City was almost forgotten by the headquarters, but now it is remembered again. If the landlord of Yuegu still has some power in the headquarters, after all this trouble, his position as the landlord of Fengrao City is believed to be To another master.

Without any suspense, Chen Jiajiu was doing food business here in Fengrao City, and he completely helped the landlord of Yuegu a lot. After all, it is a chamber of commerce that can bring huge profits to Jubaolou. Who is not jealous!

Especially with the guest appearance of the host of Yuegu, now the more powerful forces are going to place a large number of grain orders to the Liangwang Mansion. And Chen Jiajiu, as the person involved, naturally knew about it. All I can earn from it is the thinnest profit. The one that earns the most is naturally Jubao Building.

Chen Jiajiu didn't care too much about these. After all, it is already pretty good for me to be able to gain a firm foothold here in Fengrao City.

Chen Jiajiu didn't care too much about Yu Jubaolou stealing his limelight. After all, Chen Jiajiu was only a source of food. But a large number of gold coins come into the account every day.

It's all pure gold, literally. If these gold coins are smelted, they can be turned into gold bars. The smelted gold coins can be taken to the earth for use.

In other words, Chen Jiajiu no longer has to worry about gold. Especially now that Chen Jiajiu owns two jewelry stores on Earth.

With this gold, Jinjiu jewelry store can continue to operate without completely relying on jadeite.

Chen Jiajiu stayed in God of War Continent for a few days, compared to the earth, only a few hours have passed. However, it brought Chen Jiajiu a huge amount of wealth.

And Chen Jiajiu also used up those millions of dan grains. Although the price of these barley is not very high, and they are still first-hand goods. But the victory lies in the excess.

Moreover, Fengrao City is also often in turmoil. Although the price is not a gold coin per load, it is almost the same, several million loads of food. It is no problem to earn several million gold coins.

Now, no one dared to underestimate the existence of Liangwangfu, and no one dared to doubt the strength of Liangwangfu. And they all feel that the current Liangwang Mansion has a famous and real mansion.

It doesn't seem to be Liangwangzhai, but Tu has a false name, and he does some activities of robbing houses all day long.

After Chen Jiajiu returned to the farm continent, he started to let the serfs put down all the work on hand, and focus on producing barley and, of course, fine rice. For these jīng meters. Chen Jiajiu felt that he would take the refined rice route in the future, after all, the price of refined rice was dozens of times that of coarse grains.

Since Chen Jiajiu sold all the fine rice to Jubaolou, the fine rice died before it was released, no wonder Jubaolou was so caring. After all, if you don't keep good things for yourself, keep them for others.

And it is precisely because of these exquisite relationships that Yuegu, the owner of Jubao Building, agreed to cooperate with Chen Jiajiu. Don't look at Jubaolou doing nothing these days, but people are doing things in secret.

Otherwise, just because of the sudden appearance of Prince Liang's Mansion, someone would come to find fault immediately. Just within a few days. All the people who came to Liangwang's mansion to do business were law-abiding businessmen.

Chen Jiajiu felt that he shouldn't put a plate of eggs on a plate. Although Jubaolou is a powerful force, it has a strong backing. But Chen Jiajiu felt that if he really wanted to make the grain business bigger and stronger, he couldn't do it alone, or he couldn't do it by himself. I need some help myself. !

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