Super Farm System

Chapter 214: Mr. Liu

"Your Majesty, Liu Yaoming, I don't know what your Excellency's name is!" At this moment, the middle-aged man saw that Chen Jiajiu was so relaxed and killed the four elephants that they were chasing and fleeing. At this time, he came forward to say hello. At the same time, he didn't expect that this Siwan looked vicious on the outside, but it was actually just a dead dog, which made him lose face a little.

When Chen Jiajiu heard Liu Yaoming's address, she couldn't help being taken aback, because Chen Jiajiu had heard of this name before. Isn't this what Li Guangfeng said about the old man? Didn't expect him to be so young.

Chen Jiajiu hurriedly said: "My name is Chen Jiajiu, and I met Li Guangfeng once. He mentioned you." After hearing what Chen Jiajiu said, Liu Yaoming said with interest, "So you are Chen Jiajiu, sorry. "Then they came down, and the two began to talk politely. Last but not least, the situation here.

According to Liu Yaoming's analysis, this is a place for refining corpses. Or they are caught in a trap. At the same time, it is also an ancient tomb.

Chen Jiajiu was not very concerned about the fight, but when he heard that he was in a trap, and it was a trap that had already been set up by others. I feel a little angry in my heart!

Now is not the time to be angry, but to figure out how to get out of here. After a lot of tossing. Everyone was tired, so we had to find a place to rest.

Although Chen Jiajiu and Liu Yaoming met and knew each other for the first time, when they talked about something, their opinions were surprisingly consistent.

This time, the subordinates who followed Liu Yaoming here are all very experienced. After some investigation, a good hiding place was found.

It may be because Chen Jiajiu and Gu Facheng got acquainted because he is a Fengshui master, so he also has a good impression of the Fengshui master brought by Liu Yaoming.

It's just that the feng shui master in front of me is different from the feng shui master Chen Jiajiu has seen before. Other Feng Shui masters should be holding something like a compass. And the feng shui master was holding a mobile phone.

Chen Jiajiu went over to take a look, only to see a small compass appearing on the screen of the phone. Although the technology is very advanced now, you should also respect the tradition, man.

The feng shui master is Guo Yunlong. He only glanced at his phone, and then pinched his fingers to count. Immediately found the bearing. A group of people entered a cave.

People used to live in this cave before, and it was the kind with three bedrooms and two living rooms. Just guard the door. -_() can be said to be extremely safe.

In this underground deserted village, although there are many stone houses here, it does not mean that every stone house can accommodate people. In addition to dry vinegar. There must also be a certain feng shui pattern.

Otherwise, if people live in it, there will be catastrophe without natural disasters. Or something else exists. Especially in a place like this. Finding a safe place to rest is even more important.

After the group moved in, Liu Yaoming arranged for two of his subordinates, Huang Huaqi and Chen Qinghu, to watch at the door. And he and Feng Shui master Guo Yunlong took out a laptop.

As for the other two, they took out a nest. I dumped a few packets of instant noodles. Then pour water into the nest. Started to cook the rice.

They divided labor and did their own things in an orderly manner. Chen Jiajiu thought that Liu Yaoming and Feng Shui master Guo Yunlong took out the laptop to analyze how to leave.

But what he didn't expect was that he only saw a bloody picture appearing on the computer screen. Just look at a stunning beauty doing piston motion with two dudes.

Liu Yaoming glanced at Chen Jiajiu and smiled slightly: "When it's time to relax, relax a little bit. This is the first principle of our work." Chen Jiajiu thought to himself. In such a ghost place, it's hard for them to still be in the mood to appreciate AV. Relaxation is not such a relaxation method.

Chen Jiajiu could only laugh at Liu Yaoming and the others, expressing that he agreed with his point of view. Then come down, a few big men watch the AV together, the passionate part inside. Then eat instant noodles. This feeling, they don't look like grave robbers at all.

After eating instant noodles, adequate sleep is also very important. Chen Jiajiu chose a place with a door to rest. After all, to them, Chen Jiajiu was among them. They are all outsiders, don't look at the way Chen Jiajiu and Liu Yaoming seem to get along just now. But people are always on guard against Chen Jiajiu!

But Chen Jiajiu made them feel more at ease and chose a separate room to rest. After entering the room. All I could see was darkness around me.

After Chen Jiajiu entered the room, it seemed as if she had disappeared. It was indeed the case, because at this time Chen Jiajiu entered the farm continent.

To be honest, Chen Jiajiu really didn't dare to compliment the meal of instant noodles just now. If it wasn't for Liu Yaoming's enthusiasm, Chen Jiajiu wouldn't eat at all. ,

After Chen Jiajiu entered the farm continent, he immediately began to take a bath, picked a fresh lychee and ate it. Chen Jiajiu knew that he couldn't stay in the farm continent for too long. So it speeds up the time a lot.

At the same time, Chen Jiajiu is going to the God of War Continent for a trip to go through the grain production in the farm continent. A lot of food has also been accumulated. Chen Jiajiu planned to go to the God of War Continent to make another fortune.

Chen Jiajiu put on the clothes of God of War Continent and disappeared into Farm Continent. When it appeared again, it appeared in the bedroom of King Liang's Mansion in the God of War Continent.

Although Narcissus is now the butler of Liangwang's Mansion, she can be said to have the greatest power, but no matter how great her power is, there are places in Liangwang's Mansion that he can't control.

and. Today, after the grain sale by the Liangwangfu, the reputation of the Liangwangfu can be regarded as a name. No matter anyone, they are very infatuated with power.

Except the entitlement never came up. Above power, you need others' opinions and respect for you. Now Narcissus is in such a state.

She never thought that she would gain power before, she only hoped to be satisfied with the master's approval. However, she has not only gained power now. And she has gained the respect of others.

To be honest, she didn't want to lose it all. She also knew that everything that happened to her was given to her by the current Patriarch, so no matter what, she had to manage the Liangwang Mansion and manage it in an orderly manner.

Power, what is power, although Liang Wangfu does not belong to any kind of power now, but it is more popular than those powers, food. Yes, it's all because of food.

Narcissus has always been curious about how the food in the mansion comes from. It's okay if it's a small amount of food. , but she had no idea how such a huge amount of food came about.

And she felt that the master she was serving was mysterious. Now it is only possible to connect these mysterious and unknown grains with the mystery of the owner.

Chen Jiajiu did not appear in the room and did not disturb anyone, but opened the window, came out of the bedroom, and groped into the backyard, as if he were a thief.

Now the food in the three-in warehouse in the backyard has basically been emptied. After Chen Jiajiu touched in, although it only took a few minutes, he once again filled the entire room in the yard with food.

Coarse grains were stored in the first two yards, but refined grains were stored in the last yard. With the current production speed of Farm Continent, more food can be produced within a few hours. For Chen Jiajiu, these are all gold.

After Chen Jiajiu filled the three large warehouses, he probably had more than 10 million dans of grain. Chen Jiajiu believed that such a huge base of grain appeared in Fengrao City. It will make the rich city go crazy for a while.

Just as Chen Jiajiu thought. Fengrao City is now much more lively than in the past, and there are many more grain merchants rushing over after smelling the fishy smell.

Of course, there are various forces involved in this. After all, food is a very sensitive topic in this world. It can be said that the world is in turmoil because the food problem cannot be solved.

It is conceivable that if the food problem is solved, who would still be willing to fight or rebel. Fengrao City was once rich, otherwise, it would not have been named Fengrao.

Although it is a bit forgotten now, it is now remembered again.

Chen Jiajiu returned to her bedroom, and walked out of the bedroom door with a serious face, looking at the servant standing there guarding the door. Asked: "There is nothing going on in Fuli recently!"

Jia Ding quickly said: "Return to the master, there is a little thief who came to the house and was caught." Chen Jiajiu said: "Lead the way ahead, I want to go out for a walk."

When Jia Ding heard what Chen Jiajiu said, he quickly responded and walked in front of Chen Jiajiu to lead the way.

Chen Jiajiu asked, "What's your name?" The servant heard the Patriarch asking his name, and couldn't help being overjoyed and said, "Master, the villain's name is Ding Laixi."

Chen Jiajiu said: "The name is very good, this is for you." As Chen Jiajiu said, he flicked a gold coin with his fingernail.

Ding Laixi quickly took the gold coins and said happily, "Thank you, Master, for the reward!"

Chen Jiajiu hummed, and the two came to the gate, and the gatekeepers would see that it was the master coming out of the mansion. He quickly stood aside respectfully.

At this time, at this time, a beautiful woman walked in from the gate. He bumped into Chen Jiajiu who was going out the door. Chen Jiajiu couldn't help being surprised. I thought to myself, when did outsiders live in this mansion again.

"Get out of the way, you're blocking Miss Ben's way." As the beauty said, she raised the whip in her hand and lashed at Chen Jiajiu. The family members standing aside who watched this scene were secretly terrified! (To be continued..)

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