Super Farm System

Chapter 228: Chain Corpse in the Cave


(Please keep in mind when reading novels) (Please keep in mind when reading novels) After returning to the farm continent, Nong Jiu has already dug out the cave for the salamanders to live in-

After all, salamanders are very different from other fishes. Salamanders are used to living in dark caves. H nG eNXue C M

Chen Jiajiu personally went to the cave to see it for a while. Nong Jiu basically dug the cave according to his own requirements. The cave is mainly narrow. The depth is also enough, Chen Jiajiu is very satisfied with the place that Nongjiu opened for salamanders to live in.

This is just a cave, and Chen Jiajiu plans to dig a cave for the giant salamander to live in. Of course, this is just an idea now.

Moreover, Chen Jiajiu mainly wanted to create a pure and natural cave, and now there are salamanders in the market. Some of the more powerful restaurants have dishes that specialize in salamanders.

It's just that everyone knows those salamanders are artificially bred. Even if it is artificially farmed, the price is ridiculously expensive. It is not comparable to ordinary game.

Although Chen Jiajiu stayed in God of War Continent for two days, when Chen Jiajiu returned to the bad land of the underground deserted village. Earth's time is just over two hours past.

Such a time gap is completely negligible. After Chen Jiajiu appeared, he first re-examined the environment here. Although Chen Jiajiu already knew the environment here two hours ago.

But don't forget that this is not just a dangerous place. And it's a fierce place, maybe a zongzi will jump out in the next moment, scaring people half to death.

Chen Jiajiu re-examined it. The environment here is nothing like it was before I left. The first is to look at the footprints on the ground. Apart from his own, there are no other footprints.

Then listen to the sound. Except for some sounds coming from the water from time to time, there is no other sound here.

Chen Jiajiu came to the side of the pool. At this time, the giant salamander had already swam there, and Chen Jiajiu didn't know how many giant salamanders there were under the water.

However, even for that salamander, Chen Jiajiu was willing to go into the water. Thinking of this, Chen Jiajiu reached into the water. I found that the water here is very cold, it is bitingly cold!

I thought to myself, how could salamanders live in such cold water, but then I thought about it. There is usually no sunlight here. Moreover, the water is underground, so it is not surprising that it is cold.

Thinking of this, Chen Jiajiu quickly sat up cross-legged, and began to mobilize her fighting spirit. After running around in the body. Chen Jiajiu felt the heat all over her body.

Chen Jiajiu didn't expect that two hours ago, he was still a rookie with no fighting spirit. Unexpectedly, two hours later, he was already a master of the eighth rank of fighting spirit.

As long as one breaks through the limit of the ninth-rank battle spirit, one can enter the spirit rank, king rank, and emperor rank. Emperor rank, holy rank, god rank.

Strike while the iron was hot, Chen Jiajiu turned over and jumped into the freezing water. As soon as Chen Jiajiu entered the water, he heard some voices under the water.

At this time, Chen Jiajiu's only thought was to move the water here, and he didn't pay much attention to these slight sounds. Hopefully, after the water is removed, you will see the salamander below.

The water in the pool was decreasing at an astonishing speed, and what made Chen Jiajiu extremely satisfied was that up to now, five giant salamanders had been taken into the farm continent by him following the current.

It is obvious that this is a gourd-shaped pool, although it is dark all around. But with Chen Jiajiu's eyesight, he could see the surroundings very clearly. Suddenly, whether it was Chen Jiajiu's illusion or not, Chen Jiajiu suddenly noticed the sound of chains coming from a nearby field.

not for a while. Chen Jiajiu went to the bottom of the pool, and at the same time found a spring that was weakly gushing water; Chen Jiajiu couldn't help but feel a stir in his heart.

Since there is a spring here. In other words, there must be a place near here to drain the water. Although the water gushed out of this spring is very small. But as long as it takes a long time. It doesn't take a few days for the pool that has been removed by itself to be filled with water again.

Just as Chen Jiajiu was muttering in his heart, suddenly the sound of chains came in again, and this time because there was no water as a medium, Chen Jiajiu heard it very clearly.

The voice came from the next door, and Chen Jiajiu quickly took out a wooden stick. Dig up some dirt next to it. I looked inside.

The silt was more than 30 centimeters thick. In order not to disturb the contents inside, Chen Jiajiu just opened up a layer of silt on the surface, and then directly burrowed in with a wooden stick. A hole came out of the hard hole!

To Chen Jiajiu's surprise, he only saw three humanoid monsters chained next door, and these three humanoid monsters were entangled by a chain all over their bodies. Lock them tightly on three stone piles.

Chain corpse, chain corpse is also a kind of zongzi, and it shows its fierce appearance. It is a kind of zongzi that is more ferocious than zombies. Chain corpses have the characteristics of blood corpses. Bite anyone you see!

Usually these three chain corpses should be in a deep sleep, but now they suddenly woke up. Could it be that he sensed his own existence, but soon Chen Jiajiu understood in his heart.

Because Chen Jiajiu saw a few acquaintances in another corner, they were the subordinates brought by Liu Yaoming. Although the Chain Corpse has a bad reputation, as long as it doesn't get its claws, it should be fine.

Moreover, Wei Faguo and the others understood this very well, and even dug out a space in the soft mud next to them that was easy enough for the few of them to come in.

No matter how these three chain corpses bark their teeth and claws at them, they will not be able to claw them. It just made Chen Jiajiu feel strange. Chen Jiajiu only saw Wei Faguo and another companion, but did not see Liu Yaoming and another Feng Shui master Guo Yunlong.

However, Chen Jiajiu soon noticed that there was a patio-like thing in the middle surrounded by the three chain corpses. The wet ground seemed to have been turned over.

Chen Jiajiu thought to himself, there must be another universe under the protection of the three chained corpses, but now he only saw Wei Faguo and another companion, not Liu Yaoming and Guo Yunlong. It is very likely that they entered the bottom.

However, Wei Faguo and Chen Qinghu were arranged to be there, and it is very likely that they have other tasks. For example, when Liu Yaoming and the others were about to come out from below, these two played the role of leading the three chain corpses away.

After thinking this through, Chen Jiajiu no longer hesitated. Just when Chen Jiajiu was about to tear down the mud wall. Only a few noises were heard from the side.

Chen Jiajiu couldn't help being startled, and quickly looked over, only to find a few dolls staying in the deep hole. Maybe it was found that there was no water going inside, and I couldn't stay any longer, so I got out at this time.

Chen Jiajiu hurried over and put away the salamanders. I thought, why don't I stay here for a while. Maybe there are more salamanders coming out of the slit next to it.

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