When the Chen family returned to Li Feixiong's side again, only a few minutes had passed. It's just a minute longer than the Chen family's budgeted time.

The Chen family saw that Li Feixiong was looking at an electronic map in his hand. Although Li Feixiong looked engrossed. But at the same time, he was also distracted to pay attention to the situation around him.

The Chen family came back shaking the flashlight, Li Feixiong had already noticed, otherwise he would not be so calm now. After all, if a stranger is suddenly thrown in such a place, let alone not afraid!

Li Feixiong seemed to have made a lot of preparations when he traveled. Soon, a marked red dot was found on the electronic map. The Chen family took a look at the red dot on it, only to see that the red dot was flashing continuously. Isn't this a map location?

The Chen family thought that Li Feixiong was capable, so they squatted here for a long time, but it turned out that they were doing positioning. The Chen family couldn't bear to ask curiously in their hearts. Li Feixiong's answer was no different from what the Chen family thought. It was nothing more than that Li Feixiong asked people to bury a medium that could be used for positioning in the robbery hole they were going to enter this time.

After all, if you want to enter the tomb, you have to use a robbery hole to get in. And there are so many robbery holes nearby, it is really safe to go to that robbery hole. This is hard to say.

At the same time, the Chen family remembered that Li Feixiong's friend would be so calm in dealing with the tomb robbery without reporting to the police. His friend probably knew in his heart that with his current manpower and material resources, there was absolutely no way to prevent this from happening.

Even if he drove away these swarms of tomb robbers this time, he could only drive them away once or twice. Now the only one who can protect this big tomb is zhèng fǔ.

But the lunatics in Huaju couldn't believe it. And if He Faxu reported this tomb, it would be equivalent to handing over the tomb that his ancestors had endured for so many years.

If this is the case, then He Faxu will become a sinner in the clan. And after handing it over, He Faxu still had another worry in his heart, which was from the Chemical Bureau. They usually use the name of rescue as an excuse. Excavate the ancient tomb. Let the dead ancients complain one by one.

It can be said that if the bones of the ancients fell into the hands of Huaju. If the ancients knew that there was such a department in later generations, the ancients would not have thought of doing everything possible to preserve their own bones.

After all, for the ancients, among the few things they were most afraid of after death, the first one was naturally being flogged. The second is naturally drying the corpse.

on this matter. The chemical bureau not only wants to expose the corpses, but also makes the dead restless after drying the corpses. For example, on the grounds of various exhibitions. The better the body is preserved, the more uneasy it will be. hehe!

These ancient people were not famous while they were alive, but became famous hundreds of years after their death.

The Chen family followed Li Feixiong's footsteps and came to a stone house. I only saw that this place turned out to be a mountain temple.

At the same time, it is also a residence of the tombkeeper, and there is this mountain temple. Even if someone lives here at night and lives with the tomb owners around, they will not feel scared psychologically. The mountain temple is not big. Decades ago, there should have been a large-scale building here. It is not difficult to see from the broken wall, but now there is only one room besides the mountain temple. The rooms are as dilapidated as the mountain temple. Moreover, the door was open, and the space inside was not large, and it was still empty. And there was no one living here for several years.

The Chen family saw a few new incense sticks on the incense burner of the mountain temple. The Chen family knew that in the past few days, someone had put incense on the mountain god of zl, and from the color of these incense bones, it can be seen that They don't know just by using one kind of incense. At least three groups of people have burned incense for the mountain god.

The ones offering incense to the mountain gods may be Li Feixiong's friends He Faxu and Gu Facheng, but they may also be others, such as those grave robbers who came here to fight. Although they are usually very courageous. But there are too many scruples and taboos in their line of work.

For example, the general inverted bucket, when entering the bucket, will light a candle on the southeast corner of the tomb. If the candle is extinguished, they will withdraw immediately, indicating that the owner of the tomb does not want to be disturbed. But if the candle does not go out. Things in the tomb can be taken at will.

Although Li Feixiong is an individual, after encountering such an incident, he still can't escape the vulgarity. Although he doesn't have incense in his hand, the smoke is good.

Immediately lit three cigarettes, and then placed them neatly on the incense burner, which meant replacing wine with tea.

Then Li Feixiong pretended to worship there. Although the Chen family didn't believe it, they still followed Li Feixiong to worship the mountain god.

After worshiping the mountain god, Li Feixiong only saw Li Feixiong throwing the luggage aside, and then holding an electronic map in his hand.

Seeing his frowning, the Chen family thought to themselves that there seemed to be some troubles in his heart. The Chen family hurriedly played it, only to see that the red dots and blue light dots on the electronic map completely overlapped.

They found the right location, but they didn't know where the entrance was, and then the two began to search nearby.

After a while, the Chen family found a wooden board behind the mountain god, and the Chen family quickly kicked the board, revealing a dark hole immediately.

When the Chen family saw this hole, it seemed to have a history, and it was not newly excavated at all.

The Chen family couldn't help thinking, this tomb must have been robbed a long time ago, if this was the case, then his trip would be in vain.

This robbery hole is very deep and long, no less than twenty meters, and it has been winding down. This time the Chen family took the lead, and Li Feixiong followed behind the Chen family. The two of them swayed the flashlights in their hands and went into the dark hole.

After entering the robbery cave, the Chen family felt that the inside and the outside were in two worlds. The foreign trade Chen family didn’t feel cold, but after entering the robbery cave, from the heart of the Chen family, they didn’t know why. Suddenly there was a chill.

The Chen family touched Shi Bi, thinking in their hearts that this robbery hole might not have been dug out recently, and it might have existed for more than ten years.

After a while, when the two got down to earth, the Chen family soon found that they were in a stone room. To be continued. .

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