Group buying, now the most popular is group buying!

Chen Jiajiu's eyes lit up when he heard Yang Lin's words!

Chen Jiajiu quickly asked: "What group, do you know?"

Yang Lindao: "Wowotuan, I discussed this matter with my uncle a week earlier."

Chen Jiajiu wondered: "But why didn't you do it!"

Yang Lindao: "Group buying must have ample supply, and it must also bear certain risks! The most important thing is that the price of lychees is T expensive now. The cost cannot be reduced at all."

After hearing Yang Lin's words, the Chen family did indeed have the same reasoning. Quickly said: "That's it, please help me contact your uncle, I want to see him, if this matter is negotiated, I will give you a dividend according to the commission for how much the group purchase is!"

Of course, Chen Jiajiu made such a decision because Chen Jiajiu knew the charm of 5wotuan.

This is a famous group buying all over the country, and the most important thing is that the headquarters of 55tuan is in Youcheng. It can be said that it is a team built by the locals of Oil City.

As long as the group buying is successful, then I don't need to talk about business at all in the future, and I will put it on the group buying website. Just let someone else take over the business.

And this group buying can't be calculated on the basis of one catty and two catties, and the order can be enlarged a little bit. It doesn't matter whether you don't make money for small capital and small profits, whether you can succeed. After all, this is also a new attempt.

At the same time, it also reminded Chen Jiajiu that it was advertising. Chen Jiajiu didn't know whether advertising was effective or not, but the advertising fee probably wouldn't cost much in a month.

Investing in one million advertisements is nothing to the current Chen Jiajiu. After all, the profits brought back by the investment of one million yuan are absolutely unexpected.

Now Chen Jiajiu's first solution is to register a fruit wholesale trade company. As long as you have a license and a certificate. Those who envy themselves behind their backs also have nothing to do with themselves.

When Chen Jiajiu thought of this, he immediately thought of the lawyer Fang Jiaming brought over.

In the mainland, if there is a Hong Kong-funded company, no one dares to bully it. Even those who are officials don't need to participate indiscriminately.

After all, Chen Jiajiu heard that the government officials here in Oil City often start companies or factories. Dark stocks or dry stocks are often required. Otherwise, don't even think about doing business.

These government officials are willing to do anything after eating dark stocks and dry stocks, such as tax evasion. It's commonplace here in Oil City.

Chen Jiajiu can definitely register this company in Hong Kong and establish a branch here. And there is another advantage in doing so, the goods are transported into Hong Kong and there is a preferential right.

Chen Jiajiu thought of this, if mainland capitalists can get a mortgage of 400,000 RMB in a certain bank in Hong Kong, they can still apply to become Hong Kong residents.

Registering a company only needs more than 2,000 RMB. Chen Jiajiu explained the affairs of the warehouse to the third uncle. Riding a motorcycle, he rushed towards the Port Street Hotel.

Chen Jiajiu came over this time with a big bag of lychees, and at the same time invited them to play together tomorrow. Anyway, Fang Jiaming and the others said they would spend a day or two playing here.

It just so happened that I received an invitation from Zhou Xiaowei, so that I could leave a good impression on Zhou Xiaowei, and at the same time greet this distinguished guest who rushed over from Hong Kong.

When Chen Jiajiu arrived at the Kouan Street Hotel, he saw an acquaintance in the parking lot. Li Haiye saw that it was Chen Jiajiu, and quickly walked up to say hello, "Jiajiu, long time no see. Now make a fortune there!"

For Chen Jiajiu, it was not surprising to meet acquaintances here, after all, the hotel itself was owned by his uncle. At the beginning, Chen Jiajiu watched the construction site here for two years. It's just that I didn't expect Li Haiye to still be here as a security guard.

After all, he is the security guard of the real estate, and now he is just the security guard of the hotel. Of course, he has been working for so many years, and his salary has naturally increased compared to before.

Chen Jiajiu said: "Do you have any business? I'm looking for a job! Do you have anything good to introduce to me!"

Li Haiye naturally wouldn't believe Chen Jiajiu's words were true, he laughed and said, "Do you need to find a job? Just tell your uncle, being our leader is not easy."

Chen Jiajiu laughed and said, "I'm not interested in being a security guard, so don't tempt me."

Li Haiye said: "You came here to find your cousin. I saw his car come back just now!"

Chen Jiajiu laughed and said, "No, I'm here to find a friend. I'll go up first, and I'll contact you later." Chen Jiajiu said as he walked towards the entrance of the hotel lobby.

Thinking of my cousin, uncle's son, who is two years younger than me, and is now the general manager of this hotel. And myself! Haven't mixed up yet!

Chen Jiajiu entered the elevator, but unfortunately, he bumped into an acquaintance again.

"Jiajiu is you, are you looking for Haibo?" A woman wearing a hotel manager's clothes said.

Chen Jiajiu quickly said: "Yes, come over here to find a friend, Ah Xin, you have also come here to work."

This is my cousin's wife. In fact, the beautiful woman has already been snatched by those rich people, which is not wrong at all.

Speaking of skills, Chen Jiajiu thought that he was no worse than his cousin Zhou Haibo. Even if he is inferior to him in height and appearance, why does Ah Xin put this beautiful flower on his cousin's body upside down. Isn't it because of my cousin's unlimited money?

Chen Jiajiu looked at the beautiful face of his cousin's daughter-in-law, and couldn't help but despised himself and said, "Does Ah Xin want lychees? I'll give you some. I really came to visit my friends, and I didn't know you were working here. Otherwise, I would have brought an extra copy, my aunt came to my place just now."

Xie Meixin said: "It's okay, where your friend lives, I'll take you there."

Chen Jiajiu quickly said: "Oh no, you are busy and don't worry about me."

Xie Meixin said: "Okay then. I'll call Mom and ask. Jiajiu, don't lie to me!"

After reaching the fifth floor. Chen Jiajiu came to Room 33! Knock on the door!

After knocking for a while, Chen Jiajiu couldn't help frowning, thinking that someone ran there.

Chen Jiajiu quickly took out the phone and dialed it. What Chen Jiajiu dialed was Yu Xing's phone number.

"Hey, Uncle Xing, I'm Jiajiu! Where are you now!" Chen Jiajiu said.

Yu Xing said on the phone: "It's Jiajiu, Boss Fang and I are at an old business friend's house."

After hearing Yu Xing's words, Chen Jiajiu felt depressed! If I had known before I came, I would have called Yu Xing in advance.

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