Super Farm System

Chapter 74 Exhausted

Chen Jiajiu didn't know that it wasn't Zhou Heping and Zhou Guocheng who made the bet. Instead, there are so many seats! Especially Ji Feng; and the bet is not to wash the toilet at the bottom of the rig. Instead, it was put on the table by everyone sitting there and had a meal!

When Chen Jiajiu returned to his seat, everyone stared at him with curious eyes. Seeing Chen Jiajiu's scalp numb all the time, I don't know why! To be honest, although everyone agrees with this bet, no one, including Zhou Heping, expected such a result.

You have to know that if people like them who have practiced the Golden Essence Fire Eye really play, they will have to study for several days before they can get a clue. But now Chen Jiajiu just punched it up and observed it. Not only is the location accurate, but it can also be seen how many centimeters it penetrates. Chen Jiajiu showed such a skill. Everyone put away their contempt for Chen Jiajiu.

Some people present were thinking about why Chen Jiajiu was able to sit with them. It was entirely because he was Zhou Heping's nephew, Zhou Guocheng's intentional promotion, now it seems that it is not the same thing at all.

Chen Jiajiu felt her head still dizzy, which may be caused by excessive use of golden pupils just now. After all, the golden pupil had just awakened, when he returned to his seat. Chen Jiajiu was just holding on!

In Chen Jiajiu's mind, everyone just praised him politely. So he didn't listen to what they said to him after they came down, but endured the dizzy head instead. Keep nodding!

In the eyes of others, Chen Jiajiu was completely shy. What does it seem like they're celebrating when they're about to pour themselves a drink? Chen Jiajiu hurriedly said to everyone: "Everyone, sit down slowly, uncle, I will go first."

Chen Jiajiu didn't care whether everyone answered or not, she stood up and walked towards the door. Poor Chen Jiajiu. Unknowingly, he got engaged to the daughter of vegetable boy Zhou Guocheng.

Just now he nodded sharply, meaning to echo what everyone said. When Chen Jiajiu returned to the car. Just closed the door. Chen Jiajiu fell asleep in the car as if she had lost her spiritual sustenance.

The reason why Chen Jiajiu didn't faint immediately just now was entirely because Chen Jiajiu was thinking about the Farm Continent in his heart, if he was known by others. When returning to the car, Chen Jiajiu relaxed his whole body. I fell asleep without worrying about it!

When Chen Jiajiu woke up, it was already past three o'clock in the morning, even so, Chen Jiajiu still felt a little dizzy. I saw myself sleeping in the car.

Chen Jiajiu couldn't remember how she got back to the car. After entering the farm continent! After adjusting myself, I fell into a deep sleep.

There are no other land creatures here on the farm continent, so Chen Jiajiu doesn't have to worry about his own safety, and those serfs won't harm him.

Now these serfs started growing longan. Follow Chen Jiajiu's thoughts. If 10,000 mu of lychees are planted, then 10,000 mu of longan should be planted. In the future, the number of acres planted with longan must be more than that of litchi!

After all, longan can also be made into round meat, that is, dried longan. This is more expensive than raw longan, and the storage time is longer. The market is also big, and it has been separated from the fruit form.

It's a pity that Chen Jiajiuji felt that the serfs in the rural mainland were too small. Since living things such as squid can grow in the farm continent, it is not known whether people can also grow in it.

Chen Jiajiu was in her sleep, since she dreamed of carrying those little dolls into the farm continent. Then use time to speed up. These several-year-old dolls continued to grow up, and finally became young and strong serfs.

Chen Jiajiu's dream came suddenly and strangely, it was something Chen Jiajiu had never thought about. Now that I think about it, I have to try it myself. If it is possible to do so! You might as well try this method.

Chen Jiajiu woke up unconsciously, even though she was sleeping on the ground. But it's much more comfortable than lying in a car!

Chen Jiajiu woke up and felt very hungry. Originally, Chen Jiajiu wanted to bake a sweet potato. But this idea was rejected in a flash in Chen Jiajiu's mind.

It seems that I have slept in the farm continent for a long time, but in fact we only passed a few minutes. Chen Jiajiu came out from the farm continent! At the same time, he got out of the car. Walked towards a nearby KFC.

In the bathroom, Chen Jiajiu washed her face. Then I went to the lobby and ordered a hamburger and a glass of Coke. Two or two chicken wings! After giving the money, he walked towards the opposite table.

While eating, Chen Jiajiu was thinking about what he should do next, and now Chen Jiajiu was full of energy. I looked at the clock hanging out of KFC. It's not four o'clock yet!

The Chen family quickly cleaned up the things on the table. After leaving the gate of KFC, I went to the parking lot to pick up the car, and drove in the dark towards Gaoshui Highway towards Gaozhou.

At the same time, the phone in his hand didn't stop. Chen Jiajiu called the third uncle first, woke him up from his sleep, and told him to come to the intersection of Genzi Town, Gaozhou now.

Chen Jiajiu plans to plant 300 tons of lychees here. Let's settle Liu Xingzhou's order of 300 tons of lychees first! Then he called Chen Tianwu.

After the call got through, Chen Jiajiu remembered that Chen Tiancheng had arranged for him to pull longan to Shenzhen? I don't know what's going on.

What pleased Chen Jiajiu was that the two truckloads of lychee and longan had already been shipped to Shenzhen, and they were being delivered at the entrance of the Trust-Mart supermarket. Chen Jiajiu hurriedly asked him to take a rest now. After buying all the lychees, he rushed back overnight.

Chen Jiajiu calculated the distance, roughly the distance from Shenzhen to Oil City. Those who take the car at night can return in three hours! That is to say, it takes five hours to rush back from Shenzhen, and you can get back after eight o'clock in the morning.

When Chen Jiajiu moved out the 300 tons of lychees, the third uncle and third aunt also drove over on motorcycles. The purpose of Chen Jiajiu asking them to pull out was to let them take a look.

Then Chen Jiajiu drove the car towards Genzi Town. Chen Jiajiu planned to move out a thousand tons of lychees here. After all, with the previous experience, there is usually no one here. There are hills all around, who would come here in the dark!

After Chen Jiajiu made up his mind. Start moving now!

At six o'clock in the morning, Chen Jiajiu looked at the pile of lychees. No one was called over again. Instead, he drove out of Genzi Town. At this time, the third uncle and the third aunt were leaning on the pile of lychees by the roadside, and they didn't know if they were asleep or something.

Chen Jiajiu drove the car back to the warehouse. More than 600 tons of longan were moved out. Followed by another seven hundred tons of lychees. If it wasn't for the time difference between the farm and mainland China, Chen Jiajiu's body must have been exaggerated.

After all, if Chen Jiajiu is tired, he just needs to run into the farm land to adjust the time and have a good sleep. Get hungry and grab a fish to grill!

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