Super Finding App

Chapter 1003: Devotion (1)

"Interesting, interesting, if that's the case, then let me see, who is the first devout believer who appears ..."

Cheng Yiping squinted his eyes, and then he discovered another particularly magical place of the Super Hidden Object app.

If in the past, he was only able to find tasks through the Internet or the Discovery Club, but when the backup system Super Find App was uploaded to the network, he had the connection of the line of faith. As long as any believer, their search can Perceived by Cheng Yiping through the line of belief. Of course, this so-called perception also consumes belief points. Even so, it really makes Cheng Yiping feel a sense of even omnipotence. What do I need to look for?

But now Cheng Yiping is very interested in the first devout believer to appear.

One and two. Now that the first devout believer is about to appear, will the second and third believers be far away?

"There is still a little time before Zhang Xiaona gets off work, so let me take a look and see what this devout believer is looking for? And is my faith line through the backup system really able to communicate with me? Communicated by believers "

This is crucial for Cheng Yiping.

What is God?

God is omniscient and omnipotent,

God is also mysterious,

Just like the Buddha in modern society, anyone knows that the Buddha statue is actually carved out of clay and then pasted with golden waves, but even so, there are still many devout Buddhists who believe in Buddha and believe it to be true Exist, even if the Buddha has never blessed them, but still believe.

As people have said, the human heart always needs a spiritual sustenance, whether it is the so-called faith, the so-called money, or the so-called faith, always wishing for the ethereal existence to be blessed.

The main thing about the so-called misty God is mystery!

Thinking of Cheng Yiping here, he checked the time on his mobile phone. There was still a little time before Zhang Xiaona got off work. She dropped her coffee, closed her eyes, and mobilized the power of faith. She felt the pious faith that glowed with golden light. Of the line.

At this moment, Beizhou Road was covered by heavy snow. Although it is still sunny in the south, the climate in the north has also become very cold and the snow fluttered.

Fortunately, the development of technology today. Even in today's snowy era, every household has been equipped with underfloor heating. The outside is cold, but the temperature emitted from the warming room is warmed by opening the door and entering the room. , People will take off their heavy jackets and coats, and only wear a thin garment to move indoors.

At this moment, the sadness of a family in Beizhou Road was bleak, and the bearded father smoked a cigarette. On his table, the ashtray was filled with various cigarette butts, and On the other side, Qingxiu's mother, frowning, was walking back and forth in the room with an anxious look on her face.

"Calm down, calm down, don't be too anxious. We have already called the police and we have searched all around. If the police find it, we will definitely inform us. Don't be nervous, don't be nervous."

The bearded father drank a cigarette violently, raised his eyes and looked at the anxious wife in the room comfortingly, but there was a strong anxiety in his eyes. "Worry, of course I'm worried. You made me nervous, how could I not be nervous, it's all you, isn't it because the child didn't take the exam well? Why did you hit her? Now she's leaving her away from home in the snow If there is any problem with this child, I will never forgive you in my life! "

The wife with a clear face showed an angry look, looked at her husband and gritted his teeth,

"Can this blame me? Can this blame me? At the time we saw the child's test score, you were not very angry like me. I just hope that the child's learning will be better. Who can think of this child as such? It's naughty to run away from home, it's really awful! "

"Doesn't he know that a person running outside in the snow and ice will run outside, and if something goes wrong, our parents will never be at ease"

The bearded father took a sip of the cigarette in his mouth, and then coughed violently, frowning his face, his face full of worry.

Today's children are becoming more and more difficult to discipline. Perhaps because every family is an only child, children are afraid of breaking in their hands and afraid of melting in their mouths, but it is because of this education that children now The period of rebellion has become more and more serious. If you sip a little, the child will run away from home. After the child runs away from home, the whole family will now be messed up and confused.

"I asked you to educate your child, but I didn't let you hit the child. If something really happened to Tingting, I would divorce you!"

The tears of the wife with a beautiful face flowed with tears. Tingting was the second child in their family. It can be said to be the treasure of the family. The first child gave birth to a son, and the second child gave birth to a daughter. The words, both children and children, envy others.

But the education after the birth of the child is a huge problem. The first-born son is now a teenager and is considered sensible, but the little daughter who just went to elementary school has always been a princess at home. Becoming very rebellious, now I can't say a few words and even run away from home, but the family members died of worry.

"Calm down, calm down, I believe Tingting's little ghost will not run away even if she runs away from home. It must be to the home of classmates or relatives. It will be all right, it will be all right."

The bearded father wiped the sweat from his forehead and murmured.

Today's children are no longer like they were when they were young. Today's children can say that with the development of the Internet, the application of mobile phones has become more and more small, and it feels like a little adult.

"It's okay, okay, it's easy for you to say, how could it be okay, Tingting's friends, classmates, and teachers all called us. There wasn't even a call from a relative at home, her grandma and grandma. I ’ve hit them, and they ’re all gone. Now grandparents are rushing over by car. Think about it, what if the child really has an accident? Our family will also be dispersed. ”

With a beautiful face, the tears flowed violently, while speaking, she hated the iron more.

She was really worried.

Poor parents.

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