Super Finding App

Chapter 1006: Devotion (4)

"Han Wei, Han Wei, come back quickly and stop, what are you doing? Really, the family has made a mess of porridge, and you are still adding trouble as the eldest son. What do you think?"

The bearded father chased after him, angered and angered.

There is no way, the younger daughter Han Ting is still away from home and hasn't been found yet. Life and death are unknown. The family is already a pot of porridge.

And now what kind of nerves has Han Wei, the eldest son who has always been reassuring?

Say that the **** of finding things can find the position of Han Ting through the super finding app?

How could something fantasy like this happen? The bearded father was really ashamed and anxious.

"I blame you, I blame you, it's all your fault. How did you educate your child?"

"Usually, children are allowed to watch less non-nutritive fantasy novels. Those non-nutritive novels are simply deceptive. You can just say that the child likes it, but now it ’s almost magical!"

The mother with a beautiful face chased after her, because she came out too hurriedly, she just wore a coat, and shivered outside, even though she still gnashed her teeth and ran, telling her husband that the iron was not steel

"Can this blame me? Can this blame me? You also know how difficult children are today and how advanced mobile phones are, as long as the Internet is available, any novel can be seen."

"Furthermore, shouldn't it be your mother's responsibility to control the child? Is it your responsibility to blame me?"

The father with a beard full of face was very depressed.

"Just blame me, do you blame me? Haven't you heard that before? The son is not filial to his father."

The mother with a beautiful face turned against her lips. In a word, the five-body body hit the father with a beard,

"Abominable, no matter how you grab Han Wei first, then why is this kid so uncomfortable for the family?"

The bearded father chased and said, gnashing his teeth,

He decided to grab Han Wei, and he would definitely reward him with a whip stir-fried meat, all without heavy samples!

Han Wei was desperately running, holding a silver-colored mobile phone in his hand. The devoted page of the super-hunting app on it still instructed Han Wei constantly.

Han Lei was surprised to find that this was just the direction of the southeast and northwest, and would tell you how far ahead, and as you approached slowly, the number of distances continued to decrease, which also gave Han Lei confidence.

He gasped vigorously, exhaling all white, and turned his head and looked at the father and mother who were chasing behind him, shouting loudly,

"Dad, mom, you believe me, you believe me, I really know where Han Ting is, as long as this super finder app is available, we will be able to find my sister"

"And I have searched through godliness, the **** of search has come down, and we must be able to find my sister."

It's okay for Han Wei not to say this. It was a shame to become angry when the father and mother chased after him immediately, even if their education was not high, but they also knew that superstition was absolutely untrustworthy.

The so-called deities are fundamentally false. Even during the Chinese New Year every year, they will go to the temple to ask God to worship the Buddha. To put it plainly is to spend money to buy a peace of mind. It is simply impossible for them to truly believe in God.

And now looking at his eldest son Han Wei, he was so full of uttering superstitious things like the God of Finding Objects, and he had never heard of it, and he was immediately angry and angry.

"No, no, the son is really the Capricorn's son, it is really Capricorn, all blame me, all blame me next time I will never let him read those messy books again, especially that one Super finder app, it ’s just magic! "

The bearded father was embarrassed and angry. In his opinion, his son was able to say such unreliable words because he was usually negligent in teaching and was too relaxed for his eldest son Han Wei.

[Super Finding App Religious Finding, 300 meters away from the target]

Han Wei kept running, spitting in his mouth, the silver-white mobile phone suddenly made a sound, making him, his heart trembling because of the cold suddenly warmed up, his heart was a joy, I did not expect this super-hunting app There is also a voice system, which seems to be really advanced.

The most exciting thing for Han Wei was that he was getting closer and closer to this goal. He followed the instructions to see that it was a community in front of him.

Han Wei frowned, this was a community he also knew.

"Don't stand still for me !, run, run, what are you running around !, your sister Han Ting hasn't found her since she left home now, and you are running around again, do you still think this home is not messy enough?"

Just when Han Wei stopped so, hesitantly, the father with a beard rushed up in a hurry behind him, kicked Han Wei directly with a dog to eat shit, scratched his ears, and faced his **** with a skin. Han Weizhuang, who beat the meat with a whip, called out. On the other hand, the mother who had a beautiful face usually came up to persuade him at this time.

At this moment, he was running panting, sweating all over his body, and gritted his teeth while watching his baby son Han Wei being beaten by his husband not only did not stop, but said on the side.

"Good fight, good fight, let him have a long memory, when is it now, and even joking with his sister, it is really abominable."

"No, no, I didn't joke with my sister, father, mother, it's true, it's true, you see, you see, according to the piety-seeking tips of the super-finding app, my sister should be in this community!"

"Sister is in this neighborhood!"

Poor Han Wei felt his grievance was dying and his conscience. He cared and liked his sister Han Ting very much.

Otherwise, there will be no pious prayers. It can be said that in order to save his sister at that time, even if he was spared his life, it did not matter.

Now, he found his younger sister through the devotional finding of the Super Finding App, but his father and mother greeted him with a whip of fried meat, which made him cry a ghost, and was extremely depressed.

The bearded father and the mother with a good-looking face who waved fists against his impenetrable son stopped the violence.

Raising their heads, they found that they came to the door of a community, and frowned slightly, they were also very familiar with this community.

On the side, Han Wei touched his sore buttock and looked at the Super Find App in his hand with a surprised expression on his face.

"Mom and dad, my sister Han Ting is in this neighborhood. If I remember correctly, a family in this neighborhood should be a classmate of my sister Han Ting. Han Ting must be in this neighborhood!"

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