Super Finding App

Chapter 1010: Exposed

The sunset in the sky fell through Zhang Xiaona's body through the clouds, as if adding a touch of color to Zhang Xiaona, so that Cheng Yiping's heart was shaking violently.

Zhang Xiaona with a gentle smile in front of her is full of intellectuality, but Cheng Yiping is very clear that Zhang Xiaona is asking if he knows the Super Find App, maybe his answer will directly affect the relationship with Zhang Xiaona. Although some unexpected, Cheng Yiping had already planned.

"Well, Zhang Xiaona, it seems that you also have a super finder app, yes, I did have a super finder app before, and it is also with a super finder app that I can help people find things, Are you disappointed? I do n’t have as many connections and abilities as you think. I rely on the Super Hidden Object app ”

Apparently, Zhang Xiaona, who was full of knowledge, did not expect Cheng Yiping to tell her biggest secret so easily.

She opened her mouth and said,

"I always thought it was weird. Why do you help people find and find things so well, you know? Sometimes you are so powerful that you even doubt me. Your ability to find people and find things really shocks me, but Now, I have come to understand it since I also have the Super Hidden App on my phone, but this Super Hidden App has some weirdness. Is there really a God of Hidden Objects? "

"Zhang Xiaona, I do n’t know if there is a **** of finding things. The only thing I know is that since I have a super finding app, I usually look for things. I use ordinary things to find things. When looking for people, I You can only use devotion to find things. Indeed, there will be a goddess of finding things on your phone. The devotion of finding things page on the super finder app. But there is no such thing as gods of finding things. I do n’t know anything. "

This is a good-faith lie.

Cheng Yiping is very clear that when he uploads the backup system of the Super Hundred Objects App to the Internet, he will certainly attract the attention of people from all walks of life. Even if the Super Hidden App is only a backup system, his ability is too high.

Cheng Yiping, who has 80% of the super-finding app, understands this very well, and Zhang Xiaona realizes that it is possible. Shen Guoqiang and Tan Xueqing of the Ministry of National Security will also implicate them, although there will be some twists and turns. But Cheng Yiping knew that it was really worth it, and could even take himself out of many doubts.

What's the secret?

The so-called secret is never known to the second person. If a second person knows it, the secret cannot be regarded as a secret. The Super Hidden Object app is the biggest secret of Yiping, and it must be hidden unless it is Yiping. I don't raise this issue with anyone, but since Cheng Yiping met the devil in a casual costume and the little girl Liuli with a ponytail and a lollipop, she knew the new **** Existence, even more knowing that the super-hunting app may become a new **** after it evolves into faith-seeking.

As to whether or not it can become a new god, it is too far away for Cheng Yiping, but if you want to use the super finder app, you will get faith points, and the method of quickly collecting faith points is more than just publishing it on the network. If you want to use the Super Hidden App, according to the previous one-to-one model, it is estimated that Yiping himself will not collect much faith points even if he is dead.

Although there are some risks in doing this, but conversely thinking of Yiping and turning himself into one of the many super finder apps, then the suspicion about him will be gone. The only difference is that he is better than others. People have owned the Super Hidden App for a long time.

Therefore, the fact that Cheng Yiping owns the Super Hidden Object App can be announced, but Cheng Yiping is the authority of the Super Hidden Object App. This is Cheng Yiping ’s biggest secret and must not be told to anyone.

Zhang Xiaona, full of intellectuality, flashed a ray of surprise in her pretty eyes. She didn't expect Cheng Yiping to tell him that she had a super-hunting app, so she shook it gently. Shaking his head, looking at Cheng Yiping with an uneasy step forward, he gently grasped Cheng Yiping's hand and said

"Cheng Yiping, how can I be disappointed. I like you, not the person who owns the Super Hidden App. I did n’t know you had the Super Hidden App before. I still have some hesitations about you because I do n’t I don't know what kind of secrets a person possesses this ability to help people find and find things at will. This secret disturbs me. I don't know who you are. "

Zhang Xiaona, who is full of knowledge, laughed lightly. Perhaps mystery is the charm of men for some women, but Zhang Xiaona, who grew up as an orphan, lacks the sense of security, and what she is most afraid of is mystery. Clear and intangible mystery, what Zhang Xiaona desires is a solid love, a warm home.

She doesn't need her boyfriend to be so talented and capable, as long as she can be down-to-earth with her and run her own home together. Maybe in the future there will be all kinds of difficulties and dangers, or maybe it will go through all kinds of storms. But compared to the mysterious sense of mystery, being able to feel clearly that his boyfriend's true heart is on his own body can truly have a sense of security, which is the most important for Zhang Xiaona.

"Zhang Xiaona, you really think so, don't you blame me for not telling you the Super Hidden Object app before? Don't blame me for lying?"

Cheng Yiping opened her mouth. Do n’t guess if you really are a girl. According to the general routine, your girlfriend should be furious and say you do n’t love her. Why do n’t you tell yourself such an important secret?

But when Zhang Xiaona shook her head gently, she smiled softly,

"Everyone has their own secret, Yiping. If I have the Super Hidden Object app, I will not tell other people, but why I now also have the Super Hidden Object app. Not only that, there are a lot of colleagues in the unit. Everyone has a Super Hidden App, do you know what's going on? "

"I don't know. I don't know this at all. I also downloaded a game on my mobile phone the previous time. Suddenly, the Super Hidden Object App appeared. Originally, I just regarded it as an ordinary game for finding objects. Thinking that he can really find the lost items in reality, and through pious search for things, not only can he find the lost items, even people can find them, but also relying on it, I can now help people find things, but It seems now that if the Super Hidden App can really be owned by anyone, I'm afraid I can't make money with this. "

Cheng Yiping revealed a bit of bitter smile. The large-scale appearance of the super-hunting app will surely make all people have the ability to find things.

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