Super Finding App

Chapter 1012: meeting

There are a lot of different ways to use the Super Hidden Object App on the Internet.

Once discovered, this super-mysterious super-hunting app that was very similar to the magic of immortals immediately swept the entire Mercury Star, and even reached the headline of the entertainment version.

Everyone knows that using a mobile phone to download all kinds of things, you may get a super finder app. Using the ordinary finder in it, you can find everything you want to find. Of course, the premise is that you need to pay for faith. point.

At the moment of the Tang Dynasty, the Ministry of National Security.

"What about Tan Xueqing? Has the research on the Super Hidden App by the Ministry of Information come to fruition? Can it be cracked and what is its production process? Where was it released? Who is its publisher?"

Shen Guoqiang smoked a cigarette in his hand, his face became more and more low. As the Ministry of National Security, in fact, an app is simply impossible to rise to the results that the Ministry of National Security Shen Guoqiang needs to research, but this super finder app is too much Amazing. No one knows how it appeared. No one knows its creator, but it's really powerful.

Shen Guoqiang stroked his mobile phone, and the icon of the Super Hidden App on it was clearly in sight. Using this Super Hidden App, he also looked for several times. Each time, he was 100% successful. This completely exceeded the capabilities of the satellite navigation system. The limit of possession is even very magical. If it is impossible to know who made it, it can be said that it is difficult to sleep.

"According to the message sent by the Ministry of Information, Minister Shen organized several top-level hackers to crack, but the information and production procedures in the Super Hidden App that could not be cracked, as if this information did not exist at all, very Strange! "

Tan Xueqing nodded his head heavily, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and his beautiful eyes fell under his pink phone. He was slightly surprised. This super finder app has been occupying the entire hot list ever since it appeared. At the top of the list, it can be said that its magical function can no longer be contained and eliminated.

"Also, research done by the research department on the Super Hidden App has found that its success rate is 100%, but each time according to the object of the Seeker, the belief points required are completely different. If you use this super finder app, you can find anything, but only if you need faith ... "

"Really weird ..."

Shen Guoqiang frowned, fingers constantly beating on the desktop, looking up at Tan Xueqing and everyone in the conference room, saying one by one

"Everyone, I know that you are amazing about the appearance of the Super Hidden App, and think it does not have much effect, but this is an absolutely bad idea, you can think about it, if this Super Hidden App is really 100% successful , Even if it can be used to find people and things, then it doesn't mean that as long as we have a super-finding app, we can wipe out all the opponents and spies lurking in our country. "

Tan Guoqiang's words immediately aroused the surprise of everyone on the conference hall, one by one, the light in his eyes, Tan Xueqing said immediately a little bit.

"It ’s true, Minister Shen, and if this super finder app is really amazing, in addition to being able to catch spies, it is also important for us to catch the killer. As long as you have this super finder app, no bad person can Escaping our pursuit has greatly reduced our investigation time. "

The Ministry of National Security has never been a simple department. It contains a lot of things, from simple national security to information management, and the previous search work is even more difficult. But if there is this super finder app, Doesn't it mean that as long as you have a super finder app and enter the person you are looking for, you will be able to find it perfectly. This is a function that is extremely extreme. Although it is not a killing, but it is not good for logistics and spy. In terms of war, it is simply a panacea. No spy can come to the Tang Dynasty to lurk.

"It's true, but so far, our research on the super finder app is only about finding items, and what finder items need is a belief point ranging from 10 to 100 points. If it is a person finder, at least one More than a thousand points, in other words, unless you use pious find things, it is not easy to accumulate points of faith quickly ... "

"Secretary, I would like to ask, if this super-hunting app requires a thousand points of faith for every ordinary object-finding, and one person is not enough, can everyone transfer the points of faith? ..."

A tough-faced man in the conference room raised his head and raised doubts, just like playing a game. If one person has insufficient coins in the game, he can trade with another person. Can the belief point of the Super Hidden Object app be?

"No, no, this is totally impossible. This has been studied in the research department. It seems that the super-hunting app bound to each person is fixed, and the belief point in it is to represent my own belief. Ca n’t make a transaction at all ”

"So far, the use of the Super Hidden Object app is really powerful. There are no problems in using it to find some items, but if you really want it to find people, this requires a lot of faith points, and These beliefs cannot be collected once or twice. "

Thinking of Shen Guoqiang rubbing his own temples here, the appearance of the Super Hidden Object app is really too weird, and the most weird is the so-called devout, and the so-called shallow believers, believers and religious believers, As the national security department, only the country can have a so-called **** exist in their hearts, so they are all so-called shallow believers, and it is difficult to become a godly believer. Their belief is the country, not some A god.

But if you just want to collect a thousand points of faith, it will be difficult to get to the sky. In this way, the use value of the Super Hidden App will be greatly reduced.

"Minister, although this is really tangled, but it is not a solution. We cannot become devout believers. This does not mean that no one else in my kingdom in the Tang Dynasty will become a devout believer. Many people believe in gods and gods. After the appearance of this super finder app, some people will definitely believe in the **** of finder. At that time, we only need to let them help us find people using the super finder app. What we have to pay is only It ’s just money, these are absolutely no problem for our Ministry of Security. I believe that although they believe in the **** of finding things, they will certainly help us find people and find things as long as the country needs it? "

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