Super Finding App

Chapter 1026: Trouble (1)

The prince of the country of Seddi was gentle and graceful, with an intellectual and charming smile, sitting on a high-end sofa with a smile, watching the charming and charming white manager full of charm, and the greed in his eyes was clear.

He is confident that he is the great prince of CCID. With his family financial resources, it is not difficult to put Manager Bai into the house. He raised his hand and chuckled.

"Mr. Bai is coming here. I don't know what to do with this prince this time. Do you have already found the oil field?"

The charming and charming white manager smiled and her face changed slightly. Even if she was charming again, she could face the failure of the second-level member of the Discovery Club to find the oil field, but she still had no confidence and showed a smile.

"You ridiculed the Great Prince of the Kingdom of Sadie. As an oilfield country, of course, the oilfield is of the utmost importance, not to mention that it is not easy to find it. We have explored club members for a long time. But it ’s a pity that we have n’t found any oil fields so far, so I want to tell His Royal Highness that this time I ’m afraid I will let you down ”

"Please rest assured that since the mission failed, we will repay the cost and compensation of the journey this time."

The face of the Great Prince of Sadie suddenly became cold and low, and he naturally understood that finding an oil field is not as simple as finding any cat or dog. It can be said that there are many difficulties.

In addition, CCID has been searching many times. It is generally simple and has been thoroughly cleaned up. The rest are quite difficult. Even if there are two, it is generally a failure to find an oil field. It had long been his expectation, but this time it was different.

Now his fifth brother has found an oil field by some means, even the smallest oil field is at least an oil field!

And all the members of the Exploratory Club he reported with hope failed?

What a joke!

If these people in the Discovery Club really can't find the oil field, then the status of the great prince in the presence of the King of Seddi is very precarious. After all, the King of the Said King made it very clear that the Saideng oilfield is now almost exhausted Whoever can find the oil field can inherit the glory of CCID!

Compared to Sai Empire's oilfields, his first-born son's identity and status was simply unbeatable. In other words, he had to find an oilfield.

"Mr. Bai, you laughed, Tanyu Club enjoys a very high reputation internationally, not to mention that when you were looking for you, you said clearly that you can help me find the oil field, even if it is the least in stock Now that I have said everything, can you come and tell me now that you can't find it? "

"You don't think it's too easy."

A sense of ominous shroud in Manager Bai's heart for a moment, she took a deep breath and revealed a bright smile.

"Prince Saidi Guo, you laughed, like looking for an oil field instead of looking for A cat, A dog, you can find it casually, not to mention that since we failed to find objects in the Discovery Club, naturally We will pay you back in full for the price of the failure to find things. "

"Don't tell me anything about travel expenses and compensation. Do you think my Grand Prince still lacks that money?"

"I tell you, someone has found the whereabouts of the oil field, although I don't know where it is, so this shows that there are oil fields in Desaidi country, everyone in the exploration club and manager Bai, I will just tell you once I only need the oil field. If you find the oil field and give it to me, then hello, hello, everyone, everyone. "

"But if you can't find it, then I'm sorry, Manager Bai, the Sadie Empire is not a cat, a dog, whoever came over and flickered, and said it would be over if it could not be found. It is simply impossible."

"If you can't help me find the oil field, I think there are a few more bodies on the high seas of the country of Saidi. This is still quite simple."

Manager Bai's charming smile freezes instantly, rubbing the sweat on his forehead unconsciously, chuckling softly

"Her Royal Highness, are you laughing, laughing?"

"No, no, Manager Bai you are wrong. I never make a joke about this. All I say is true. I only need the oil field and Manager Bai. Although you are charming and moving, I also like you very much. But a woman is simply vulnerable compared to oil fields. "

"You should know what I'm talking about. I'll give you one more week to find the oil field. We will all be in harmony in the oil field. If you can't find the oil field, then I'm sorry, don't blame me for turning my face and not accepting ... ... "

The great prince of the country of Sadie laughed lightly, and then he did not even care about Manager Bai's begging eyes. At this moment, the charming and charming Manager Bai became more disgusted in his eyes. As the great prince of Sai Empire, he knew very well After all, a woman is just a man's remedy. If he loses his qualification to inherit the throne of the empire, this kind of woman will no longer have any effect on him.

After talking about the prince of Sadie Guo turned away without turning back, he was very afraid that if he saw Manager Bai's euphemistic and pitiful expression, charming and begging, he might be soft-hearted.

Manager Bai opened his mouth behind him, shouting that the Prince Saidi had just thought of getting up, but was persuaded, but the guard behind him stopped him, and looked at the charming and charming Manager Bai, saying,

"Dear Manager Bai, the words of His High Prince are very clear. You only have to find an oil field within a week, even if it is a small oil field, but you must find it, otherwise you will find it in the high seas. Your position, please believe that there are no problems in burying a few people in the high seas of our country. "

The charming and charming Manager Bai exudes a little cold sweat on the exquisite face, sitting on the leather sofa with one buttock, exuding a mature and moving breath all over the body, and the man could not help but embrace it, but there was no one in this scene Appreciate it.

"No, it's troublesome this time ..."

Manager Bai knows that he is really very troublesome this time. Rules and laws are for the strong to formulate and control the weak. In the whole country of Saidi, playing the prince in Sadie is a symbol of power.

The death of Guan Tian was simply worthless to him. He said that he had thrown them into the high seas in the eyes of the Grand Prince of Seddi, and finally he was crowned with theft of information. The crime of suicide was just a breeze.

"It seems that the problem of the great prince of the country of Sadie, otherwise, we will not be so forced to find an oil field. Is it related to what he called other people to find an oil field?"

"Not good, if it is really what I imagine, then this thing is troublesome ..."

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