Super Finding App

Chapter 1029: Serial case

Super Hidden Object app.

This is no secret for Cheng Yiping. The Super Hidden Object app has been completely put on the Internet.

It is no longer a secret when it is made public.

Cheng Yiping doesn't mind letting them know that they have a super finder app, becoming one of the many using the super finder app, this will greatly reduce the already mysterious sense, and Tong Yi will also be able to find people from magic Looking for things to go away, will not attract the attention of the people.

"It turned out to be that way. I said, how could there be such a magical person, you can find anything with your eyes closed, and you can find it with a little touch of your phone. It turned out to be a super finder app"

"Cheng Yiping, you're really not enough friends. Why don't you tell us earlier about something so magical? You also lied to us that you have the ability to find people and objects, and you are not enough friends."

Yang Tie came to Cheng Yiping and tapped Cheng Yiping's shoulder. Now there is only one person in the Super Hidden App. He doesn't need to find Yi Ping to find people.

Cheng Yiping laughed lightly, and shrugged his shoulders.

"If you have a super finder app, would you tell others?"

Yang Tie laughed, and then laughed.

"That's the case, I won't tell other people, by the way, does the God of Finding Things really exist? I have failed sincerely in searching for things several times. You talk about it. God? "

"I do n’t know if there is a **** looking for things in this world, but I did use a few devotion to find things."

"What's more, there is nothing strange about this world. No one can say for sure."

Cheng Yiping calmly uttered the most popular answer on the Internet. He managed to pull himself out, but it was not so easy to fall into it again.

"It's also said that if there is really a **** of seeking things in this world, wouldn't it mean that there is also a so-called Yin Cao Di Fu, there is a so-called Jade Emperor, Nezha, Sun Wukong and Pig Bajie? It is too far-fetched. Now. "

When he heard Yang Tie's speech, Cheng Yiping rolled his eyes and wondered if there were any immortals in the world. He didn't know if there was a Monkey King Qi Tian, ​​Marshal Tianpeng, Ba Bajie, Sha Wujing and Xiao Bailong Aoxue. , Even the jade emperor Chang'e and other messy things became level and did not know.

But he knew that in this world and truly possessing the gods, they were the legendary new gods.

"Okay, okay, don't be noisy, don't be noisy, start working, there are cases"

Speaking directly, Wang Yuting clapped her hands and walked in. She was still dressed in police uniforms, and was full of British spirit, nodding to Cheng Yiping.

Then put the file in front of everyone and said

"This time we received a big case, a serial homicide. So far, two women have been killed. We must catch this vicious outlaw."

Serial homicide.

Cheng Yiping and the six groups of serious cases couldn't help but take a breath of air. If anything is the most abhorrent in the homicide, it is definitely a serial homicide!

It is really rare, and the serial killer is either an impulsive one and will be caught soon, or it will be a criminal who will play with the police.

The main thing is that this type of criminals have a very strong sense of anti-investigation and anti-interrogation. It is definitely a metamorphosis. If it is not a metamorphosis, it will not be a serial murder case!

"The first case of serial homicide occurred on January 25, 2017. A woman, who was patrolled on the track of the high-speed rail, was found to have been killed by rape. It was originally just a case of robberies by the police. The killing case was handled, but after half a year, on July 25, 2017, another woman was raped and killed in another section of the high-speed rail. This case has attracted the attention of relevant departments. As of January 25, 2018, Another woman was killed, so far there have been three victims ... "

Wang Yuting said solemnly, while spreading the files, the six people in the heavy case could not help taking a breath of air. The photos above this volume were shocking. The victim was pulled into the bushes near the railroad tracks and died. The situation is terrible.

Wang Yuting said with a low expression

"This killer is very picky of time. There is a section of high-speed rail track that belongs to the wilderness and weeds on both sides. It can be said that basically even if there is a train in the past, it will roar and we will never find weeds on both sides of the railroad track. There will be homicides in between. "

"Moreover, I do n’t know if it ’s intentional or inadvertent. All three cases had heavy rains on the day, and the traces were basically washed away. The difficulty of this case is very difficult, but it is also our six major cases to show ourselves. When it comes to strength ... "

"Relax, head, we will definitely solve the case, don't forget that we all have super finder apps now"

Yang Tie and other members of the Sixth Group of Cases, with their eyes shining, raised the mobile phones in Yang's hands. At this moment, each of them has a Super Hidden Object app.

Cheng Yiping couldn't help but rolled his eyes and fell on the case. Looking at the pictures of the victims above, I can imagine what kind of pain and suffering these victims have experienced. I really don't know who can do this kind of sadness case.

"Enough, Yang Tie, Murphy, you don't always need to look at the super finder app. Although the super finder app is very magical, but this is not evidence to handle the case, even if you have caught the prisoner, if there is no evidence to send The court of the court will never admit it. All we have to do is find evidence. Only when the prisoner is found and he has the evidence can he bring the prisoner to justice. "

Wang Yuting said rightly that she has also used Super Finding App, and she understands this magic very well.

But Wang Yuting understands that arresting a prisoner is not only based on the super finder app, but on evidence. Otherwise, what if the super finder app is wrong?

The so-called police have to speak with evidence instead of relying on foreign objects such as the Super Hidden Object app.

The staff of the six major cases of the entire serious case began to work vigorously to gather evidence.

On the contrary, Cheng Yiping, the police consultant, touched his nose and was a little bit idle. He wanted to go to help but was kicked away.

After all, Cheng Yiping ’s status is now only a police adviser. As an assistant, it is okay. If you want to investigate the case together, do you really want to take the sixth group of Wang Yuting and others?

Time passed quickly to the end of work.

Cheng Yiping was bored and looked at the still-heavy heavy case. The six members of the group took a long breath and turned to leave. They just came out of the black car of Jiangzhen City Police Station and squeaked in front of Cheng Yiping.

The car door opens. Wearing a professional suit, her chest was looming, and Zhou Yi, full as a mountain, appeared in front of Cheng Yiping.

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