Super Finding App

Chapter 1032: arrival

CCID's bustling high-rise buildings are endless, and weird but also full of stylish buildings are lingering. Black extended cars are galloping on a wide road. Here is a paradise for the rich and a **** for the poor.

At the entrance of the Saidi Hotel, there are many people coming and going. Blonds, young people or young talents of various shapes. When successful people enter the door, their eyes will be involuntarily wearing white suits and uneven bodies. , Attracted by the charming and charming beautiful women, even a lot of men feel that they have a deep charm, organized their shirts, walked with a bright smile and wanted to talk to manager Bai, in exchange All of them are coming back.

"The charm of Manager Bai is simply unstoppable. I have to say that it is too attractive. Let me calculate. Just half an hour we are here, there will be one person on average every minute. I reckon again If this continues, Manager Bai will attract the men in the Saidi Hotel. "

Feng Jie, wearing a suit and leather shoes, said with amusement that his eyes fell involuntarily on the plump body of Manager Bai and swallowed a few slobbers. Honestly, if he did not know that Manager Bai had a deep background and could not climb, he would definitely Shot.

But looking at many other successful people, mature men returning one by one, Feng Jie knows that he must have no drama.

"That's for sure. The charm of Manager Bai is almost unstoppable. Even the great prince of Saidiguo was attracted by Manager Bai and he forgot to return. He repeatedly invited Manager Bai to dinner ..."

The youngest Zhou Hao nodded and said.

"Even if it is fancy, how can Prince Sedi threaten and force us in the face of no oil field ..."

The seven second-level members of the Discovery Club gathered at the door and talked. They couldn't eat, couldn't fall asleep, and were all scared these days. Although they went outside to look for the oil field, they were too busy to get dark, but they really found nothing. .

"It's okay, isn't it okay for Manager Bai to bring Cheng Yiping over? We believe that since Cheng Yiping is willing to help us find the oil field, then this area will definitely have perfect measures."

"We have to believe him, we still have a chance, Cheng Yiping, but we have found a cow who has completed the top ten impossible missions of the exploration club!"

"That being said, don't forget, now we still have the Super Hidden App, I guess this Cheng Yiping must have a Super Hidden App, otherwise how could it be possible to complete the top ten impossible tasks!"

"You can't say that. If you can find the oil field as long as you have a super finder app, Zhou Hao also has a super finder app. We also have a super finder app. But as a result, we can't find it at all ..."

"This is not necessarily, this is not necessarily the case. The Super Hidden Object app is very amazing. The reason why we ca n’t find it is because we do n’t have enough faith points. At least 10,000 points of faith points are needed. The most we have now is just More than a thousand points of faith cannot be found at all. Perhaps Cheng Yiping also has a super-hunting appv, and he has more points of faith! "

"It's possible, it's possible, this is entirely possible. Maybe Cheng Yiping also used pious search for things. Don't forget, as long as the pious search of things can be successful, maybe the **** of search comes, no need for faith. You can finish finding things! "

The seven second-level members of the Discovery Club chatted, and their conversation gradually changed from Cheng Yiping to the Super Hidden App. It seems that they are really interested in the Super Hidden App.

"God of finding things, do you say that this **** of finding things is true or false? Does it really exist?"

"Honestly, so far, I haven't really thought about the existence of a god. If the **** of finding things really exists, wouldn't it mean that there are many other gods above this world, even the Buddha Yes?"

"The Buddhas are all true? How is this possible? Please, if the Buddhas are true, it is possible that even God exists. Honestly, since the appearance of the Super Hidden App, I feel that the three views of life have completely collapsed."

"Not necessarily. If I say that there is no such thing as a **** in this world, this super finder app must be science, it must be science we don't understand, and it may be an alien civilization!"

The seventh-level and second-level members of the Exploring Club chatted violently, even the aliens appeared, and the white manager standing at the door waiting for his charming and touching body could not help but rolled his eyes and sighed faintly. With a sip, he looked at the seven second members of Tanyu Club slightly disappointed.

Although they are all second-level members of the Youyou Club, they can only belong to the second-class in terms of personality and ability. It seems that the upgrade system of the members of the Youyou Club will be modified in the future.

I am afraid that the members of the Discovery Club will never think that the membership system of the Discovery Club will change drastically in the next time, and in the final analysis, it is because of the mission of the Discovery Club in the Seedi country to find the oil field. The performance of the first-class members is actually disappointing to Manager Bai.

"Come here, come here ..."


There was a shout at the entrance of the CCID International Hotel. The black car stopped and sat in the front passenger seat. Zhou Yi, wearing a professional suit and full breasts, was ready to get out of the car. After greeting respectfully to manager Bai Opened the rear door.

Stepped out of the car slowly

"Cheng Yiping, turned out to be Cheng Yiping, I never expected him to come over"

"Is this Cheng Yiping? Cheng Yiping who completed the top ten impossible missions completed by the Discovery Club?"

"It just looks like this. I thought he had three heads and six arms. Now it seems that he is just an ordinary mortal."

Feng Jie, wearing a suit and leather shoes and wearing glasses, said lowly, to be honest, he was not convinced that Manager Bai Yicheng would come to him.

But he really couldn't find the oil field himself. Compared with his life, this kind of dissatisfaction can only be held in the bottom of his heart, but his face was still deeply hostile.

Feng Jie, wearing a suit, was also a very deep man in the city. The dissatisfaction flashed on his face, and then a calm smile stood behind Manager Bai until he looked carefully into Cheng Yiping as if hiding in Serpent in the dark.

"Cheng Yiping, welcome you, thank you very much ..."

The charming and charming Manager Bai showed a bright smile, stretched out Jade's hand, and shook hands, starting with silky silk, like an intoxicating and addictive lamb.

"Where, if I can help Manager Bai, of course I will not hesitate."

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