Super Finding App

Chapter 1056: Firearms (1)


On the spacious and prosperous street, it is already chaotic at the moment. The overturned vehicles around it have blocked the traffic behind. A large number of people started fleeing frantically. Dozens of people wearing special forces Soldiers with tightly-dressed faces, continuously firing with machine guns and heavy weapons.

Two explosion-proof cars overturned to the side, Cheng Yiping of Tanyou Club was considered a good climb out of the car. Members of Tanyou Club, the same vehicle as Cheng Yiping, climbed out carefully, coming in the ear It was the sound of machine gunfire.

Around Cheng Yiping, the escorts arranged by the Grand Prince of the Kingdom of Sadie fought back hard, depending on the situation, they were very optimistic.

"Damn, what the **** is going on? Is it really killing us out ..."

Cheng Yiping squinted his eyes. The instinct of life made him head cold and hide in the car, and then the sound of metal bullets bombarded the dust just from where his head had just retracted.

In the process of being shocked, Cheng Yiping clearly saw the white manager in the explorer club in front of them, and the vehicles used by Zhou Yi and other members of the explorer club had been beaten a long time ago. Manager Bai Hou and Zhou Yi were embarrassedly hiding behind the car, and two second-level members of the Exploration Club had been sieved on the ground, and the soldiers who had protected them had been defeated.

"Dead, dead, we must be dead, what should we do now? We must all be, dead"

"What the **** is this? We haven't offended anyone, why are there terrorists attacking us?"

"This is just killing us in broad daylight. This country of Cedi is too dangerous."

"That's right, that's right, if this is something that is impossible at all in our country, and it's not a horror film or a police bandit, what should we do now?"

"If I knew this, we should n’t have come to the country of Saidi at the beginning. I really miss Tiantang now. No matter how bad Tangtang is, at least the paradise is the safest and will not be treated like this with a machine gun. Fire

"What is a machine gun? Did you just see that? Your grenades are all out. What should we do now? Don't we all die here, I don't want to die yet?"

Several members of the Exploration Club behind Cheng Yiping showed despair, and to put it bluntly, they are after all just ordinary people. It is no problem for them to find people and things, but now they meet terrorists. !!

Holding a hot weapon and also equipped with a grenade, the terrorists are simply not a rank.

"Absolutely cannot go on like this ..."

Cheng Yiping was panting vigorously, and the sweat on his forehead was flowing violently. In his ears and his body, he could clearly perceive that he had been continuously bombarded by guns from the car as a barrier. God knew the car. When can't bear it, then a bang explodes, and all the people hiding behind the car are dead and injured.

"Can't continue to wait like this, otherwise it will be troublesome, and I don't know when the police of this country will come over. If it is really against us and terrorists are used, I am afraid it will all be Already in the enemy's calculations "

It is better to ask for oneself than to seek oneself.

It's better to ask others for help this year than to pin their hopes on the police in this country, rather than find a way to be rescued by yourself.

Then again, if the police in the country of Cedi are really so useful, how could it be possible for these terrorists to brazenly carry ambushes on the highway with hot weapons?

This is really exaggerated.

Breathing vigorously, he looked at the weapon next to the dead body of the soldier who was protecting him, carefully cated his body, took the weapon back, and then looked at the heavy weapon showing bitterness With a smile, Cheng Yiping suddenly found out that he would not use this weapon.

That's right, although this is this gun, Cheng Yiping doesn't even use it!

But it hurts too much.

no way.

In the Tang Dynasty, guns are controlled, let alone these real guns, even if they are sold or used, they are subject to sentencing.

"Hell, it won't work with a gun, what's the matter ..."

Cheng Yiping took a thick gun and took a deep breath. The people behind him who were exploring the club shuddered to the ground and shook his head.

Cheng Yiping lifted his eyes, and the brilliance shot in his eyes.

"I'm not an ordinary person, although I don't use guns, but I have the homing help of the super homing app!"

"Yes, instead of waiting here for the great prince of the country of Cedi to send soldiers to rescue or the police come to rescue us, the most important thing now is to rely on ourselves! I don't want to become like the reality series. It ’s over after the police pass. ”

"Instead of entrusting my life to others, I might as well control my own destiny. I do n’t use firearms, but I have a super finder app, I have finder."

"I don't want to die in Sadie for no reason!"

next moment

Cheng Yiping immediately mobilized the belief point in his mind into the super-hunting app. In Cheng Yiping's mind, numerous screens appeared like the same skill tree.

Each screen has a skill that you can learn by paying a thousand faith points.

Compared to previous ones who could only rely on constant upgrades to get help in finding things, belief in finding things is more powerful, but he also needs more faith points.

A thousand points of faith are not too much for Cheng Yiping. If you can protect your life, then it is simply not too cost-effective.

Without any hesitation, Cheng Yiping immediately paid a thousand points of faith, and chose to find help.

next moment

Cheng Yiping's will seemed to be drawn indefinitely, and paragraphs of text appeared in his mind.

[Roadfinding help is starting ...]

[Opening of consciousness space ...]

[Lookers ... Lookers help skills firearms ...]

[Wish the seeker, the prosperity of the seeker]

next moment

Cheng Yiping suddenly found himself on a vast plain, and the sound of planes whispered in the sky, and the planes passing down dropped bombs one after another.

Numerous soldiers in red clothes screamed at her around the sky, attacking constantly.

The enemies in front of it continued like a tsunami, bombs exploded, and the sound of smoke was shaking into a flat.

He was born on a battlefield.

How is this going?

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