Super Finding App

Chapter 1059: Sweep (two)

At the Youyou Club, the youngest Zhou Hao shuddered and shook his head, and everyone else beside the Youyou Club shuddered, not knowing how to heal, only a violent attack came from his ear.

Zhou Hao was surprised to find that Cheng Yiping on the side actually went out. He opened his mouth and tried to dissuade him, but he was afraid of being timid. I'm afraid he knew that a leveling in his heart would rush out without doubt. Stone, there must be no doubt at that time.

But I don't know when the sound of gunfire coming from the ears is getting less and less, and it gradually turns into a silence.

At this moment, the charming and charming white manager's face was pale behind the other car. Even as a manager, she rarely saw such a scene of guns and bullets, with a pretty moving panic on her face. If a man looks at it, I'm afraid he can't help but hold her in his arms to comfort him, while wearing a professional suit and full breasts, Zhou Yi's frightened complexion turns pale, and his chest is full of fear because of intense movements. The plumpness of the **** is definitely noticeable. Even at the most dangerous moments, the two people's beautiful and charming appearance still exudes the charm of women.

This is why men like to see women's grievances, it can really arouse men's desire to conquer.

It's a pity that this kind of beauty was watched by Manager Bai and other members of the Youyou Club beside Zhou Yi without any thought. They were trembling with fear and wondering what to do.

I want to run away, but when I look at the body that just emerged, my companions who were sieved into a sieve are cumbersome and go back, crying without tears, I can only pray for someone to come to the rescue.

"Wait, calm down, calm down, don't be afraid, did you find out? There have been fewer gunfire outside. Could it be said that the terrorists have withdrawn?"

Manager Bai deserves to be the white manager of the Explore Club. Even in this case, he still maintains a keen mind. Although he was trembling with shock, his ears were very sensitive. He could clearly hear the shots that were originally tsunami-like outside. The voice gradually became hurried, as if fighting someone, and then the gunshots became less and less.

"Is Manager Bai real? What's going on outside? Could it be said that the great prince of the country of Cedi has sent someone to rescue us? Or has the police come over?"

Zhou Yi, dressed in a professional suit and full of breasts, said with surprise.

If the police really come to the rescue, that's great. After all, they are just ordinary people. They have no ability to resist in the face of terrorists holding equipment.

"No way. This is simply impossible. If the police came over, they would definitely hear the siren, but until now, there was not even a police car. It seems that this time the other party is really trying to deal with it. We, it seems that we are finally involved in the throne battle in the country of Sadie. "

"How can this be? How can this be? You said that we just wanted to help people find people and find things to make some money. Is this the case? Being the emperor in the country of Sadie has no meaning to us at all, we Not from the country of Sadie! "

"Don't talk anymore, don't talk anymore, it's useless to say what's the use of these now, it's best to think about living."

"I hope this vehicle is a little bit stronger now. Don't be penetrated by enemy bullets. Otherwise, all of us will have to die."

"Calm, calm, now that the gunfire has stopped, no matter how careful you are, I believe that even these terrorists dare not be so brazen."

"Even if it is delayed, it will not take too long. After all, this is the country of Sadie. Letting them drag on the street for too long to kill people is to hit the face of Sadie."

"Help, help, I don't want to die yet, I don't want to die yet."

The remaining second-level members of the Exploring Club shouted in a panic, their faces tangled with ugliness.

Manager Bai saw the loss of sight in the eyes of several second-level members who are still alive in the club. Maybe they have a little ability to find people and things, but their willpower is too poor when they are in danger.

The thought of Manager Bai took a deep breath, and his eyes fell on an iron rod coming from the ground because of an explosion. Hesitantly, he held the iron rod firmly in his hands.


The sound of footsteps came from the ear, and slowly approached. Manager Bai took a deep breath and held the iron rod tightly, leaning his body on the edge of the overturned car and waiting quietly, wearing a full suit Zhou Yi clearly wanted to understand what Manager Bai had to do, carefully followed behind him, his heart was beating fiercely, and his chest was violently undulating.

Step on, step on, step on ...

Hearing the footsteps getting closer and closer, Manager Bai held his breath and sweat sweat dripping from his forehead. He couldn't help shaking as he held the steel pipe. Only the sound of footsteps slowly approaching the ear came. As the black figure slowly approached from her side, Manager Bai smashed the steel pipe in his hand.


The steel pipe was sturdyly caught by one's hand. Manager Bai's face was terrified and desperate, but a slightly helpless voice came from his ear.

"I said, Manager Bai, don't let it go. If I hadn't been killed by a terrorist with a gun, but I had been killed by this steel pipe, then I would have been wronged ..."


Cheng Yiping.

The charming and charming White Manager was dumbfounded, watching as the steel pipe in his hand was taken over by someone who came over, and the people who came over were not terrorists, but leveled.

How is this going?

When Manager Bai was aggressive, Cheng Yiping threw the steel pipe to the ground, rubbed his slightly red hands and chuckled.

"Rest assured, it's okay, the terrorists have already been dealt with, and I think no matter what, or hurry up and leave here, because we don't know how many terrorists there are. This country of Sadie really It's getting more dangerous ... "

After all, the movie is a movie. After the chaos shown in the movie is almost over, the police come over again.

However, what shocked and puzzled Cheng Yiping was that no police car has come up since the appearance of the terrorists, which undoubtedly illustrates a problem. This group of terrorists have definitely planned in advance or the police have been blocked by certain things. It is not possible to rescue in time.

But no matter which one, it illustrates a problem. This country is quite dangerous.

"What? Cheng Yiping, have you eliminated the terrorists?"

How is that possible!

Dressed in a system and full of breasts, Zhou Yi's mouth opened wide, and other members of the Explore Club behind her were incredible.

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