Super Finding App

Chapter 1066: Found (1)

"What was found"

"Did you really find it? Cheng Yiping, you really found the killer in this serial murder. Who is it?"

"Awesome, it's awesome, I know Cheng Yiping you will be able to find it. Sure enough, although using the super finder app, the super finder app used by Cheng Yiping is completely different from ours. same"

"I said that this should be the relationship between seniors and newcomers. After all, we are all newcomers. Although the Super Hidden Object app is very amazing, but we do n’t have many beliefs, and Yiping should have been used for a long time. Only with the Super Hidden App has more faith points than ours, can I find things successfully. "

"Enough. Enough. Regardless of which person has the most faith points, the main thing now is to catch this perverted murderer Wang Ba Zhan. As long as we can catch him, we can crack the case. Will be able to let these poor victims Zhao Xue above, let the criminals get their due punishment "

Murphy and Yang Tie in the sixth group of Jiang Zhen's case said with gnashing their teeth. When he said this, his teeth were constantly shaking, making a crunching sound.

It can be seen that they really dislike and hate this serial perverted murderer, and can't wait to bring it to justice.

"It's true, this killer is indeed a pervert ..."

Cheng Yiping's eyes flashed inexplicable Guanghua. In addition to the complex sadness, he also had a disgusting look.

Indeed, through the belief of finding things and achieving one level, you can clearly understand everything that happened to Ling Yun in the past, and express sympathy for the experiences at home when he was a child. Body.

I'm sorry for his parents, not the young girls who were killed by him.

Killing is killing. Since he committed a heinous crime, he must be punished by law. Otherwise, what use is there for the police?

The most important thing is that Cheng Yiping has seen the scene of the avatar in the state of soul in this bush. The victim's girl is struggling in pain and shouting, but Ling Yun is excited and frantic Look, this is a real metamorphosis.

If he hadn't been brought to justice earlier, God would know how many young girls he would use to harm this way.

Unless Lingyun can be caught, otherwise. This Ling Yun will continue to kill like this, hunting young girls one after another and venting their perverted desire.

Although these women entering the night scene do not know whether it is good or bad, whether it is worth or not, but after all, it is a human life and cannot be a tool for Ling Yun to vent his pervert desire.

This is absolutely impossible.

"Pervert? Cheng Yiping, did you use the Super Hidden Object app to tell you that this serial killer is a pervert?"

"I know that such things can only be done by perverts. How can a real ordinary person be so mad?"

"Speaking of which, this Super Hidden Object app is really amazing. It can be found out even if the murderer is abnormal. It is too powerful. If we have enough faith, we can already pervert this. The killer gave him a hand "

"Yes, yes, we blame us for not having enough faith points. Otherwise, the murderer would have been able to catch it already, but now it is the same. With Cheng Yiping helping us to catch the serial murderer, we will Can bring this murderer to justice "

The six serious cases of Yang Tie and Mo Fei were full of emotion. Both eyes were black and red. It can be seen that the two of them have not closed their eyes for a few days and nights for this case. It would be nice to be able to catch the killer and know who the killer is.

It was only Wang Yuting, who was very handsome, and his face became dignified. He took the first two steps and yelled loudly at Yang Tie and Murphy.

"Do you know what you're talking about? The Super Hidden Object app is really amazing, but this is only a dead thing. We are the police. Everything is based on evidence. We ca n’t use the Super Hidden App to identify it. The evidence of the murderer and the evidence in court are useless. Remember, we are the police, so we should take the evidence as the basis and handle the case in our own capacity, instead of pushing everything to the Super Find App! "

"Yes, yes, head, we know, we just said that, we know that everything is handled by evidence, but if the super-hunting app now really can help us lock the suspects, it is equivalent to let us have I can save a lot of time by focusing on my specialty. "

"Yes, yes, every time you save a little time, you can know the movements of this perverted killer, lest he find an opportunity to kill again, then it will be worth the loss.

Listening to the six members of the serious case, I said one word to another. I believe that as long as he does not catch a perverted murderer such as Ling Yun, he will never give up his murder plan.

He is also a pervert, an abnormal antisocial personality.

Killing has become a way to vent his desires. He is already enchanted, he is addicted, and he will never give up.

Wang Yuting, in the sixth group of the serious case, looked at her team members with anger and amusement. There was a little anxiety and worry in her heart. Her worry was not only because the serial murderer's murderer would be found by the Super Finding App, but I was worried about this super finder app.

Everyone was a policeman who did n’t have a super finder app before. He cracked the case with his own intelligence and brought the prisoner to justice. Now that he has a super finder app, it ’s more convenient, but something frightening has emerged. .

That is, will the super finder app be used to designate the killer in the future. As long as it is the culprit found by the super finder app, everyone will not even find the evidence, and then they will be arrested directly as the killer and create false and false cases?

This is a very fine-thinking thing. After all, no one can guarantee that the success rate of the Super Find App is 100%. Even if the success rate of the Super Find App is 100%, there is no guarantee that the people who use the Super Find App will not. Bad minds use the super finder app to sway!

Wang Yuting shook his head thinking and thinking, showing a bitter smile, thinking that he thought too much, maybe this may become a reality, but for them now they are too far away.

After all, for the six major cases of the current serious case, there is only one thing to do, that is, earlier, to bring the perpetrators of this abnormal serial homicide case to arrest and arrest, so as not to have more victims appear.

Thinking of this, Wang Yuting took a deep breath and asked Cheng Yiping, who was holding his breath intently.

"That Cheng Yiping told us who was the murderer in this serial murder?"

"Who is he?"

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