Super Finding App

Chapter 1068: Arrest (1)

"Is it stockings, beautiful legs? It ’s true, Cheng Yiping, is this a hint from the Super Hidden App? If not, it seems that you guys all like beautiful stockings ..."

Yingzi Wang Wang Tingzai carefully looked at the victim's photos, and keenly discovered this common ground and laughed lightly.

Cheng Yiping involuntarily touched his nose, feeling a little embarrassed, took a deep breath, and continued.

"Before that, I also noticed a detail. When Ling Yun committed the crime, every time it was a storm, if it was like this every time, it would not be possible to find such an obvious target that meets the conditions every time. Therefore, only Can explain a problem, this Lingyun has a dedicated hunting ground, and whether it is summer, rain or thunder and wind, there are beautiful women, enough to let him choose hunting ... "

"Impossible, this is impossible. We have carefully investigated the interpersonal relationships of these victims and the place where they work and Ling Yun do not have any intersection at all. How could it be in such a place, if it is really in work or life? If the intersection meets, we will definitely find it out. This is impossible. "

The youngest Yang Tie frowned, questioningly refuting.

"Not necessarily, not necessarily, this is not necessarily, Cheng Yiping is completely justified. Otherwise, this cannot explain why Ling Yun can find a suitable target every time when he kills on a rainy night, once by coincidence and twice. It's a coincidence. A coincidence three or four times is not a novel, and there must be something we don't know about it! "

The heroic Wang Yuting, who raised her objections, carefully analyzed the picture carefully and looked at the creepy feeling of the miserable victim in the photo. It was full of backs and brains. This is Ling Ling. Too perverted, since he has such a feverish perverted hobby, he will never find a target casually. After all, when facing the storm, even a woman who loves beauty will not hang out on the road.

"Cheng Yiping's analysis is very correct. There must be some places we have missed. Yang Tie, Mo Fei, and Zhao Invention. Please look carefully and see what is what we have missed. Between Ling Yun and these victims There must be intersections, the chance to meet even in the storm ... "

"Head, what you said makes perfect sense, but I don't think it's possible. If it's an acquaintance, it's fine. But if it's a stranger, how could they come out and meet in the storm, and it's a wild country. It's too dangerous, I think it's unlikely. "

Mo Fei said, frowning at Cheng Yiping's analysis, he was affirmative and doubtful.

"Ahem ..."

Cheng Yiping coughed twice, preventing the discussion and quarrel of Wang Yuting and others in the six serious cases. He took a deep breath, and his eyes flashed cold. Under the state of belief in the soul-seeking soul, he clearly saw these How exactly did the victim meet the victim, and was finally brutally killed by Ling Yun.

Even now, the avatar of the soul is still next to Ling Yun, watching his diligent work in the company, the honest appearance and the scene of his crime were almost judged as two, taking a deep breath.

"I think you both ignored a problem"

"what is the problem"

Wang Yuting, who was in the sixth serious case, frowned and asked.

"That is, Cheng Yiping, if you think of something, hurry up and tell us, this is not the time to sell offense."

Yang Tie, Group 6 of the heavy case, Mo Fei, and others inquired anxiously, their heads were turning quickly, and they did not know what problem they had lost. Did they really have nothing to consider?


Cheng Yiping did not sell Guanzi, took a deep breath, said righteously, and took the pictures of the various victims on the file, starting the flicker mode.

"Although there are a few women in these pictures who are terribly dead, and the murderer Ling Yun's methods are extremely cruel, it is simply heartbroken, but according to Ling Yun's possible targets, they are all long-legged beauties, wearing stockings, and Nowadays, the main duty of girls going out in stockings in addition to banquets is going to nightclubs, and watching these women ’s dresses and home tastes are also frequented by nightclubs, in other words "

"It is possible that these victims met Lingyun at the nightclub and took them out to kill them!"


Cheng Yiping's words, like the same flash of lightning, instantly split into the hearts of the six groups in the serious case. The youngest Yang Tie flushed and slammed his thigh.

"Yeah, yeah, why didn't I think of it, nightclubs, girls now like to go to nightclubs to relax themselves at night, even if it is stormy outside, the nightclub can still be in full swing. It is possible that Lingyun is in the nightclub. These victims knew each other and then brought them out to kill.

"No, no, impossible, impossible. Although I have no shortcomings, but I also know that the girls in the nightclubs are dressed in beautiful fashion, and they also have a high eye for people. Even if you want Gao Fushuai, at least you have to play. Come on, you look at Ling Yun ’s dress and dress, it is completely a otaku, even if you go to the nightclub and look at it, it is a person who does not often come to play. If you ca n’t let go, how can you play with girls, let alone It was said that asking a girl to go out was totally inconsistent with Ling Yun's usual personality. Impossible, impossible, I think this nightclub is a little overhanging! "

Yang Tie, the sixth group of the serious case, raised an objection. He looked at the picture of Ling Yun as a otaku at all. Even a otaku like this to a nightclub is definitely not the type that women like. Come out?

This is totally inconsistent with facts and logic.

"Yes, yes Yang Tie, that's exactly right, but there is one thing you have forgotten."

He nodded slightly into a chapter, and the dignified color flashed in his eyes, confirming once again that Ling Yun was indeed a deep-hearted generation, and also how successful Ling Yun's usual disguise was.

"What forgot?"

Wang Yuting, Mo Fei, Yang Tie, and others in the six serious cases frowned and asked.

"You forgot that people can learn to camouflage. Indeed, Ling Yun in this picture looks like a otaku, but who can guarantee that Ling Yun in reality is really like a otaku, and change clothes after work. Dress up a little, and people change completely ... "

"If you don't believe it, I think we can investigate the nightclubs around here, investigate the nightclubs based on the addresses and activities of the three female victims, and then the truth will be clear ..."

"We can check out the most famous nightclubs in Jiangzhen, and we will definitely gain something."

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