Super Finding App

Chapter 1077: Super Hidden Object Studio

In a quiet small park in Jiangzhen City, just after the drizzle of Lili, the entire park was so clear that it seemed that even the courtyard was stained with fresh air.

Within a small quiet pavilion, Hong Lin carefully entered the small pavilion and looked up, but saw a young man sitting inside the pavilion holding a mobile phone in his hand and looking what he was looking at.

Is this the head of the Super Hidden Object Studio?

Hong Lin has some hesitations. After looking at the latest contact with Super Find Studio on the mobile phone, the address sent by the other party is indeed here. Hesitating for a moment, and asked one step forward.

"Hello, are you a Super Hidden Object Studio?"

The opposite man raised his eyes with a bright smile and nodded, smiling.

"Yes, I'm Cheng Yiping of the Super Hidden Object Studio. If I'm not wrong, you should be Mr. Hong Lin, hello, please take care of me."

"Really, really, really a super-hunting studio, Mr. Cheng, I didn't expect to be so young."

There was a look of disappointment in Hong Lin's eyes, and she quickly said

"Hello, Super Finding Workers are leveled, I need your help"

Cheng Yiping took the file handed over by Hong Lin, and carefully looked through it. On the periphery of this small pavilion, the trees just after the rain swayed in the wind, revealing a fresh breath.

Far away from the steel jungle of the city, occasionally taking a leisurely walk in the small park in the city will make people feel refreshed, and Hong Lin sitting opposite Cheng Yiping naturally did not have such leisurely elegance and nervousness. Looking at Cheng Yiping, he very much hopes that this Yiping will eventually help him find Mr. Qiao's missing vehicle.

Only in this way can he jump out of this pattern of people inside and outside, and to be honest, he has already made plans to resign.

If He Tianming, the business manager, really uses this method to make himself a brave man, he feels that he might as well quit his job and take the incident to the top. The big problem is to leave.

As for the drag word used by Brother Zhao, although it can be used in any way, but as an intern Hong Lin, he really can't stand the feeling of being intimidated every day.

I don't know when the business manager He Tianming came over for trouble. It is estimated that he did not get dragged to He Tianming to take back the order, and he would become mentally depressed.

So Hong Lin knew very well that he didn't have the time himself, nor the ability to play drag tricks.

He is just an intern. He Tianming is far apart in terms of status or network connections and business manager He Tianming.

And now the best way and result is to find the vehicle stolen by Mr. Qiao. If it is really a fraudulent behavior, as long as the stolen vehicle is found, the truth will be revealed. After all, the Tang Dynasty is ruled by law Country, do you really think that the police can't get enough food?

"Mr. Cheng, hello, I don't know if you can help me find the missing vehicle of Mr. Qiao. If I can find it, no matter how much money I can, although my money is not much, but you can rest assured that I will give you Satisfactory pay! "

Hong Lin suddenly remembered that the Super Hidden Object Studio was not free to help people find and find things, but was looking for a vehicle with a guaranteed 100,000 quota.

If the other party can help him find Mr. Qiao's lost vehicle, the reward will be considerable, and I don't know if he can afford it.

However, whether it is involved in fraud insurance or not is more cost-effective than compensation of 1 million.

"I see, Mr. Hong, please don't mind, the Super Hidden Object Worker is your best looking for helper. This is a simple case of vehicle theft. In this case, then charge 500 for Super Hidden Object Work. The purpose of the office has always been to find and pay first. Please rest assured that I will help you find this Mr. Qiao's car, and you can pay it later. "

500 pieces.

When Hong Lin heard it, he suddenly felt completely relieved. It was said that the money was not a panacea, but without money it was absolutely impossible.

If the other party really is a lion, Hong Lin may only be able to grit his teeth to find the lost vehicle of Mr. Qiao, but since the other party only has 500 yuan, this is not a large number for Hong Lin, and he nodded quickly Road

"That being the case, I really appreciate Mr. Cheng. I just don't know how long it takes for Mr. Cheng to find it. I don't have much time."

"Don't worry, it doesn't take long, this is just a simple case of losing your car, and using the Super Hidden App can help you find it in minutes"

Cheng Yiping laughed, shook his cell phone, and said calmly.

Hong Lin's surprised mouth was about to fall, and he said only halfway.

"Mr. Cheng, do you use the super finder app to find things? I have used it before, but I do n’t have enough faith points, so I failed."

"The Super Hidden Object app is amazing, but I ’m a devout believer. Every time I pray, I get a lot of points of faith. It can help you find the vehicle that Mr. Qiao lost. This vehicle is enough to find my point of faith. paid."

Cheng Yiping started to talk nonsense with his eyes closed. Compared with the previous twists and turns, he wanted to explain how the Super Find Studio can help people find things. Now using the Super Find app directly is quick and easy.

Although this makes people feel that Cheng Yiping has no ability at all, but just uses the Super Hidden Object App, but only has a lot of faith points, but Cheng Yiping doesn't care at all.

: "It turned out that Cheng Yiping of Super Hidden Object Studio is also a super Hidden Object app."

Hong Lin opened his mouth with a speechless expression, and his heart suddenly flashed with disappointment. He thought how amazing the super-find studio in the urban legend was, and he also used the super-find work app. The difference is that the other party seems to have a lot of beliefs.

"Nothing, I'm thinking about it here, no matter what method this Super Hidden Object Studio uses, as long as it allows me to find the car stolen by Mr. Qiao, and the other party only needs 500 yuan as compensation, all at all not much!"

Hong Lin quickly adjusted his mentality, sat on the stone steps, waited in a breath, and nodded suddenly.

"I see, Mr. Cheng, no matter what method you use, as long as it can help me find the car stolen by Mr. Qiao."

"Relax, just rest assured. I have used the Super Hidden App many times. As long as I have enough faith points, no matter what I can find, now I will take a look at Mr. Qiao's stolen. Where is the vehicle? And who stole it ... "

"Super Finding Studio is your best finder!"

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