Super Finding App

Chapter 1092: Thoughts (1)

At the gate of the Tang Dynasty Emperor Capital Police Station, Fang Li, an elderly couple, a young girl, her father, and a middle-aged man with a teenage child took the police to investigate and recover, belonging to their deceived money. Paragraph, excited, thank you constantly.

I have to say that things are dead, but people are alive. After Fang Lili used the super quest to find the **** of homing, and found the location where the fake doctor in the black clinic hid the money, the police immediately launched A special investigation was launched to easily identify the fake doctor.

Therefore, it was once again determined that the money in this safe was definitely the money that the black doctors and fraudulent doctors defrauded the patients, and based on the principle of special handling, the police knew that Fang Li and other victims urgently needed the money. Help, immediately returned the deception money belonging to them. As for the other deceived persons who were deceived by the fake doctor, they will return their money uniformly after a detailed trial of the fake doctor.

"Great, great, the money is back, and finally I have the money to see a doctor. I will have to go to a regular hospital to see a doctor in the future. I will definitely not listen to these medical rhetoric anymore. I will toss a few times and I ca n’t look at the disease , Xiao Ming will be tossed, and he will be furious if he is not sick! "

The elderly couple held the money they lost and recovered tightly, and tears flowed, and they continued to thank the police.

"That's right, if I knew this, I would rather have no treatment, it wouldn't matter. At least the money I got would be able to spend the last moments with my family at ease. After being cheated like now, not only the condition It ’s not getting better, and it ’s a mess in the whole house.

The father beside the young girl sighed and sighed. At this moment, she even didn't want to heal the disease. Instead of spending money in the hospital to cure the disease, you might as well keep the money and eat what you want. Drink whatever you want, anyway, one will die sooner or later.

"Father, what are you talking about blindly? As long as there is any hope, we will not give up, and I will not be happy to say that again."

The youngest girl carefully put the money from the police association in her bag, and glared at her father with a cold eyebrow. Although she was very dissatisfied with her being deceived, she was her father, and her blood was soluble in water. .

Looking at his father's white hair and his pale and pale appearance, the young girl seemed to recall the happy time when he was on his father's neck when he was young, when the sky was so blue, the water was so clear, and life It's so beautiful.

Maybe it's because of this beautiful moment that they converge bit by bit to become a relationship, and the relationship is enough to make people face any difficulties.

For a young girl, as long as there is any hope that can cure his father, she will never give up.

The way is based on raising and being away. This is just the biggest sadness in life. Now that her father is still alive, she must cherish every moment she spends with her father, and she must save her father with her life.

"There was rescue, there was rescue, and my son's illness was rescued. We will go to the regular hospital, and we will definitely take care of your illness, and you must not go back and tell your mother about this today, otherwise , Your dad, I guess I'm going to sleep in the living room for a few more months ... "

After taking the teenager's father carefully to collect the money, he turned to look at his son. The money on his body was his wife and all the belongings. Even now the wife is still working at home and wants to make money for his son. Running for medical bills.

If you know that you almost fooled all your hard money, it is definitely not a matter of sleeping in the living room for a few nights.

The look of a teenage father is like the restraint of a bad thing after being caught. The expression on the face is not the majesty of the father, but the weakness of ordinary people.

The father who is the head of the family has again lost his child's medical expenses in this way, and still shows a determined expression, but from the bottom of his heart, he can show a little worry and anxiety autonomously.

After all, men are still not gods.

Carefully held her child in her arms, and the returned money was a personal collection of Fang Li, watching the second-hand mobile phone given by the young girl reluctantly returned to the young girl.

In a short time, she has completely become a devout believer in the Super Hidden App. At this moment, her expression is exactly like a devotee worshiper who goes to the temple. And this short mobile phone, for Fang Li In short, this is the token of the **** who is close to the object seeker, just like the wooden fish of the monk in the temple.

Fang Li made up her mind that even if it was too economical, she had to go to the second-hand market to buy a smart phone to download the Super Hidden App, because only in this way can she get closer to the God of Hidden Objects.

"Everyone, we meet when we meet is a fate, but now this matter has been resolved perfectly, and now all of your money has been taken back, I am going to take my child to the First Hospital of Tiantang Kingdom for a good treatment, I do not know What are you going to do? "

The father with his teenage boy showed a hearty smile. This smile was so brilliant. Compared to the black clinic, which was just discovered that the fake doctor brought a sense of hopelessness like the end of the world, everyone ’s hearts now seemed to have experienced life and love. The rebirth of death is filled with hope for the future.

"I am going, I am going, Tiantang International Hospital is the most famous in the Imperial Capital. This time I will not be fooled by the medical care in the hospital. I do n’t believe anyone, and I only trust my doctor. if!"

The young girl carefully helped her father up and determined that after this period of time her father's illness must be taken care of by herself. After all, the father is already old. If he encounters a few wise doctors, I'm afraid they will really be deceived.

"I'm going, I'm going ... I'm going ..."

"Everyone is a doctor, so go to Tiantang First Hospital in Tiantang Kingdom together. We can also take care of each other. After all, we all come from Tiannandibei. There is a way to rely on parents at home and go out to friends ... "

The elderly old couple echoed with their voices. This old couple is already a master, but their life experience is far beyond. young people.

"Sister Fang, this time we really can find the place where the black fake doctor hides money. You really have contributed to it. If you did not find the place where the fake doctor hid money with the devotion of the super finder app, I'm afraid we It wo n’t be so fast to get our cheated money back. Why not go with us ... ”

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