Super Finding App

Chapter 1095: Guide

At the moment in Cheng Yiping's home in Jiangzhen City, Cheng Yiping had a look of ecstasy on his face. This look was like a person who had been thirsty for a long time, suddenly drank the sweet water, and it seemed like Zhu Bajie ate the fruit of life. It's wonderful, it's a very wonderful feeling.

[Success in finding things]

[Acquire Faith Points: 2000 points]

[Current belief points: 12500 points]

"Sure enough, it ’s true. The number of faith points obtained by cult followers after their pious devotion is very common. The number of belief points given by common believers is completely different. When ordinary devouts pray, cult followers can already obtain a large number of prayer pages. "This time, I helped Fang Li find the place hidden by the fake doctor in Heixin Clinic with pious finding, and completed the one-time belief point given by the faith finding object to thousands of points!"

Cheng Yiping's eyes revealed Jing Guang, and he carefully looked at the super faithfulness app in his mind. The faith points he obtained after the successful faithfulness of the object seeker really surprised him. A look of surprise appeared.

He didn't expect to help Fang Li complete the faith finding and only gave more than 2,000 points of faith at one time. The number of these more than 2,000 points of faith finding was completely comparable to the shallow believers and ordinary believers for a week. Faith Points.

"Water Blue Star has billions of people. Even if everyone gave me a little faith point, I was able to get billions of faith points. I did think so before, but now it is too naive to want to come here. The belief points given to religious believers by prayerful prayers at most are only a few points. Some people can only give 0.00 points, while ordinary believers can give about one point a day. "

"In other words, even with a huge population as the base, it is not easy to obtain hundreds of thousands of faith points. In contrast, fanatics are very worthwhile. Praying will enable me to get close to dozens of points of faith and even hundreds of points, and once they help complete the pious search of things, they have more points of faith, even thousands of points of faith ... "

"It seems that in the future, I will go to find things religiously. I will choose a lot of believers who are close to fanatics ..."

Cheng Yiping squinted his eyes. It is not too difficult for Cheng Yiping to distinguish between shallow believers, ordinary believers and fanatics, only by looking at the line of faith in his mind.

"But this is not a perfect countermeasure. After all, the backup system of the Super Hidden App is uploaded to the network. All people need a point of faith if they want to use the Super Hidden App. I also started to work on the point of faith. It can be said that they use their own belief points to find things for themselves. I only need to divide them. This is a business that earns money at no cost, but the pious search of things is completely different. Come directly to me for help "

"Although I am the authority of the Super Hidden App, I can use the faith of the Super Hidden App to find things, but even if I use it, I also have to abide by the rules and pay the belief points. In other words, this is a In the transaction, the difference between the faith-seeking and faith-seeking I paid for and the faith points given by the success of the god-seeking, is the faith points that I can earn, which may or may not be profitable. "

"But in general, this is not useless and unavoidable. As long as the line of faith is found to be brighter, as long as you find pious objects close to fanatics, you should basically be able to make steady profits without losing ..."

The TV program at Cheng Yiping's home in Jiangzhen City is showing a TV program. This was originally Cheng Yiping's favorite program. But at this moment, Cheng Yiping doesn't care about it at all. Compared with the programs broadcast on TV, Cheng Yiping is more The focus is on the super finding app and belief points in the mind, and more attention is paid to how to quickly accumulate the belief points, and then find the other two pieces of the super finding object app. Only in this way can it become a new god!

"In any case, it is indeed a good thing that the devotion to find things this time can earn 2,000 points of faith. It seems that in the future, the request for devotion to find things should be checked carefully by myself. It can't be the same as before. Depending on the mood, or just leave it alone "

Cheng Yiping was in a very good mood, went directly to the kitchen, poured himself a glass of water, drank it, and sat down on a soft sofa with his mouth slightly raised.

Suddenly, in her mind, Fang Li's line of faith erupted again, and her pupils suddenly lighted up.

"No, Fang Li is starting to seek things reverently, so do I need to help them? Does this Fang Li fail to be the goddess of the super-finding app as a goddess with a request?"

Looking at the news coming from my mind, Cheng Yiping frowned slightly. This line of faith that burst out with golden light really belongs to Fang Li, so do you want to help Fang Li to seek things again sincerely? If you help again, will Fang Li be susceptible to dependence?

Then suddenly one day I didn't help her to find things reverently, and she suddenly changed her resentment from fanatic?

After all, the mind is fickle.

Although Cheng Yiping ’s super homing app is devoted to finding things, it ’s amazing, but Cheng Yiping has never thought of becoming a **** who has everything to ask for.

Cheng Yiping's mood at this moment is like having just eaten a delicious meal. Adding a mosquito and flies to this delicious meal was disgusting.

"Not necessarily. This Fang Li has not yet reached the rank of a fanatic. Is it because I just gave up on her and changed her psychology?"

Cheng Yiping felt hesitant, but Cheng Yiping's belief in the line of faith of this super-hunting app has become thicker and brighter than before, with a golden light, which shows that Fang Li doesn't have any thoughts. Change, and faith has become stronger.

"If that's the case, then let me see what your devotional finding of the Super Finding App is for again?"

Cheng Yiping frowned, receiving the stronger line of faith from Fang Li than before, and his mood suddenly changed. His body stood up like a spring from the bed, and carefully looked at the information coming from his mind. The news flashed in my mind.

"Fang Li turned out to be a god-seeking method and doctor to treat his son?"

"Is this okay? How come I didn't expect that the Super Hidden App can find anything and find a solution to the problem? Is this possible?"

"It's possible, it's entirely possible. Although it's illusory, I can find both the Buddha's Light and the Northern Lights in Xiling Mountain, so help Fang Li find a method and doctor to treat the child ..."

"Absolutely no problem!"

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