Super Finding App

Chapter 1112: Dead people (1)

Wang Wei!

Appearing beside Qin Kexin turned out to be handsome, personable Wang Wei.

At the moment under the bright moonlight, on the deck of the luxury cruise ship Tianyin, under the light of the moon, Wang Wei looked handsome and personable like a prince. Looking at Qin Kexin's heart like a fawn jumping, I do n’t know if it was The role of alcohol still made Qin Kexin intoxicate in the atmosphere of this Luomantic.

"What's wrong with you? Don't drink too much if you can't drink it. What if you drink too much? Although this is a luxury cruise ship, all the people who come here have heads and faces, but Qin Kexin you are so beautiful and full of charm, Will attract the attention of many people. "

Wang Wei deserves to be a super dude. Even at this moment, all the words spoke are flattering and flattering, listening to Qin Kexin's face turning slightly red.

Women are indeed a group of creatures who like to listen to sweet talk. Even if Qin Kexin is married and has children, even if she knows that Wang Wei has an unscrupulous attempt to herself, she still listens to the sweet talk as if she had honey.

A cool breeze blew through, so that Qin Kexin's consciousness came slightly awake, and outstretched his jade hand slowly pushed Wang Wei away, shook his head, and revealed a bitter smile.

"You, don't lie to me anymore, I know I've been old for a long time, how can it make people like it? If it is really attractive, how can he never look at me. All of you, it ’s just Just teasing me. "

"Don't make a joke anymore. I'm old now, and people are old."

"Will no one like it again? No, no, no, no, you are only in your forties. It is really the most attractive time for a woman. How can it be that people are old and yellow, this is impossible, now You are full of infinite charm, even if I see it, I ca n’t help but want to be with you, I want to see you every day, I ca n’t forget you at all ”

Wang Wei was talking sweet words like a tsunami that constantly swept Qin Kexin's heart, gradually warming up her already dead heart, thinking of her husband in his mind, shaking his head, no longer paying attention.

But when I saw the handsome Wang Wei, the cold light appeared in his eyes, and he said calmly.

"By the way, I'll send you back. Your husband should be waiting for you. I just saw him. He seems to be with a beautiful woman. Is it to send the beautiful woman back to the room?"

With a beauty?

Qin Kexin's heart suddenly moved, and there were some drunken women who suddenly came clear.

How could her husband be with a woman?

How is this possible?

This is simply impossible.

There was an ominous feeling in Qin Kexin's heart. Although her relationship with her husband was on the verge of rupture, no matter what, the husband did not bring any small three, small four, small five, or small six to the house as the Internet said. It's just that I don't speak every time I meet.

How could it be possible for her daughter to be with a woman even on this luxury cruise ship?

Is this Wang Wei wrong?

Is it still nonsense?

Full of mature charm, Qin Kexin showed a hesitant look. Although she was very dissatisfied with her husband, she was not an idiot woman. She looked suspicious at the moment.

"Don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong. I'm telling the truth. I did see it just now. If I remember correctly, they should be heading in that direction. Will they meet any acquaintances? Or should I bring them? You go check it out "

The handsome and handsome Wang Wei frowned calmly.

"Maybe I read it wrong, maybe I read it wrong."

Although he said such a thing, while still supporting Qin Kexin, he calmly moved Qin Kexin in the direction he set.

"Here it is, here it is. If I remember correctly, I just saw your husband and a **** woman in a black evening dress entering this room. Isn't this your cabin?

Wang Wei calmly took Qin Kexin to the door of a cabin and asked carefully, his eyes flashed coldly.

This is a strategy that he and Tan Lili have already formulated. As long as he seduce Qin Kexin, at the same time, Tan Lili introduced Wei Chenyang into his room by turning corners, and did not need to make any radical actions. As long as it shows that the two have an ambiguous relationship, Qin Kexin may have doubts.

Wang Wei believes that the relationship between Qin Kexin and Wei Chenyang has been shattered. With a little bit of effort, it can definitely break the relationship between Wei Chenyang and Qin Kexin completely, and then they will harvest the fruits. time.

"Really? Really? Is it really here? It won't be fake."

Qin Kexin, full of the charm of a mature woman, has a look of worry and anxiety on her face. Although the relationship between her and her husband has reached the freezing point, it is undeniable that the relationship between them has not yet completely disappeared. ,

Wei Chenyang has never made an aggressive move to find other women, but now in the luxury cruise ship Tianyin, this time on the luxury cruise ship that her daughter took to end the college entrance examination, her husband actually found other women ?

This is simply an unbelievable thing.

Qin Kexin couldn't believe it at this moment. Uneasy, she thought that if she really found out that her husband Wei Chenyang was really derailed, she would definitely be trapped in bed, but at such a moment she stopped and some didn't dare knock on the door.

The cold light in Wang Wei's eyes flashed aside. He and Tan Lili made such a layout so that Qin Kexin could see this scene of her husband's derailment. How could he give up when he got close to the door? Take a step forward, knocking on the door violently.

"Let's knock on the door. Let's knock on the door. Maybe we misunderstood it. Maybe your husband Wei Chenyang and this woman only know each other. They are talking about official business. It is true or false. Just knock on the door and see It becomes clear ... "

After saying that Wang Wei didn't give Qin Kexin a chance to react, he kept knocking on the door violently, and the sound of knocking on the door was very strong, making a popping sound.

Wang Wei smacked the door of the cabin while flushing. He believed that as long as his companion Tan Lili pushed the door open, the relationship between Qin Kexin and Wei Chenyang would be completely broken.

And he can also take advantage of the imagination, in front of this beautiful beauty full of mature charm in his pocket.

Although Wang Wei's fancy is Qin Kexin's money, Qin Kexin's body full of mature woman's charm is quite pity.

Wang Wei's favorite is a noble young woman like Qin Kexin.

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