Super Finding App

Chapter 1115: Dead people (4)

Wei Chenyang, who was originally in a suit and leather shoes, was sitting in a corner like a snoring rabbit at the moment. He was wearing a simple pajamas and had a headache. She looked up at Tan Lili who was dying in fear. , I could not help but had a violent feeling in my heart, almost spit it out, looked up at the frosty wife Qin Kexin could not wait to explain

"You have to believe me, you have to believe me, wife, you really have to believe me, I really don't know her, I really don't know her at all, I don't know her before today"

Wei Chenyang didn't explain. It was okay. As soon as he explained, his voice had just fallen, but he saw that his wife Qin Kexin, who was full of charm with mature women, turned pale instantly and said with a gritted tooth.

"" No, can you be sure you don't know? If you do n’t know, how could you get into the bed with her. Wei Chenyang, I know that the relationship between you and me has come to an end, but you do n’t want to do such an excessive thing. Today, we are traveling with our daughter on a luxury cruise. Do you want to be on top of your daughter ’s trip? Do such a disgusting thing? Don't you think it's too much? Is there anything else you can say? "

Wei Chenyang with a pale face could not help but snored, opened his mouth open, quite a few dumb words, still clenching his teeth and said

"I didn't lie to you. I didn't lie to you. Before the party today, I didn't know her at all. She said he knew me, so I drank a few drinks with her. I do n’t know. I will be in bed when I react again. She is dead by my side. What I said is true. I mean it. Wife, you have to believe me. I am absolutely Will not kill, I will never kill "

At this moment, Wei Chenyang really wanted to cry without tears, heaven and earth conscience, he really did n’t know why he was suddenly comatose, and then woke up in this cabin. It is quite possible to know that his alcohol consumption is quite acceptable, absolutely It is impossible to get drunk with just one or two drinks, and the only explanation is to take medicine.

Thinking of this possibility, Wei Chenyang said quickly

"Applying medicine, applying medicine, applying medicine, it must be that I have been prescribed medicine, it must have been that I have been played. Fairy Jump, it must be so."

"Enough. Enough. Don't talk nonsense here. If it was a fairy dance, how could she die? Don't tell me that her companion killed her. This is simply impossible. , You have to make a slightly more appropriate reason. "

Qin Kexin, who has a feminine charm, said with amusement that if it is really a fairy dance, what she sees at this moment should be that this woman is shirtless with her husband, and then a group of people came to threaten their husbands, not like What he saw in front of him was his naked husband and a dead woman. "

This is simply impossible.

The captain of the Tianyin luxury cruise ship, Wang Hao, was sweating, his face was pale, and the conscience of the heaven and earth was full. He knew everything about the operation of the Tianyin luxury cruise ship, but he could n’t solve the case. Watching the atmosphere in the room suddenly freeze and persuade

"Calm, calm down, everyone calm down. Now things haven't been investigated clearly. What is said is false. I will give you a simple investigation now. Do you really not know this woman, gentleman? Does anyone here know the dead lady, who is she? "

With the words of the captain of the luxury cruise ship Tian Hao, Wang Wei's pupils shrank suddenly. He knew very well that he knew the woman, but this was absolutely something that could not be said, and he was silent.

Qin Kexin and Wei Chenyang said quickly

"We don't know at all, heaven and earth conscience, I really don't know"

Before speaking, the door of the cabin was opened suddenly, Qin Kexin and Wei Chenyang's daughter Wei Xing rushed in with a look of panic, and the first sentence could not wait to say

"No, my father can't kill, my father can't kill, wrong, wrong, you must be wrong."

In an instant

Inside the cabin, it was just like a loud noise, and shouted loudly. The captain of the luxury ship Tian Qian touched the sweat on his forehead and said carefully

"Calm, calm, calm, calm, calm, calm down, of course we know that it is only assisting the investigation now. After all, this woman did die on your father's bed. It does n’t matter if it ’s unrealistic, The main thing now is to find out who this woman is? What is her true identity? Only by knowing this may we be able to know what exactly happened? "

"First mate, immediately investigate what is going on? At least you must find someone who knows this woman in this cruise ship. After all, this time it is a tour group, so someone will definitely know the true identity of this woman What exactly is it?"

The captain Wang Hao of the Tianyin luxury steamship apparently immediately thought of a solution, and the chief officer on the side nodded and ran out. After all, this time all the participants of the Tianyin luxury cruise ship were travel agencies. The files of its tourists must know who this woman is!

There is a way to escape the monk, not the temple.

The chief officer of the Tianyin luxury cruise ship nodded, and quickly ran out to find the person in charge of the tour guide.

After all, as a luxury cruise travel agency, it is natural to arrange staff guides to follow in order to deal with various problems arising between these luxury cruises.

After a moment, the chief officer of the luxury cruise ship Tianyin hurried over, holding a document in his hand. Behind him, a young and beautiful tour guide ran over with a panic on his face.

"Is it really a dead man? How is this possible? I thought it was just a joke. I didn't expect to be really dead. How is this possible? How could there be a murder case, this is so terrible, how could there be Homicide "

The guide of Parkson Travel Agency shuddered, her conscience, she just came to bring luxury tour groups, and really did not expect that there would be a dead incident, and she was really at a loss.

Wang Hao, the captain of the Tianyin luxury cruise ship, shouted aloud

"Okay, hurry up and find out who she is? What is her true identity? Did you come with friends? Does anyone know her?"

Parkson's beauty guide nodded heavily and checked the list with anxiety and fear.

"I found it. His name is Tan Lili. She went to the group by herself and didn't come with the others ..."


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