Super Finding App

Chapter 1129: Confusion (1)

"Help, help, what the **** is going on here? What the **** is going on? Why did the ship just turn over just now, help, help?"

"Save me, save me, save me, save me, save my life, I don't want to die, I don't die, save my life, save my life, save me quickly, save me ..."

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die, help, help ..."

Many tourists in the cabin of the luxury cruise ship Tianyin fled in embarrassment. If it was the side that was leaned to the wall, it would be better. At least they could catch some things and hang on the cruise ship. But it ’s very miserable and desperately struggling. Some rooms have been completely submerged by the seawater. They can only open the door and swim above the cabin. Many people make humble calls for help. of.

"Here, here, Zhang Xiaona quickly put on a life jacket, at least to ensure that we will not be drowned ..."

Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaona quickly ran on the Tianyin luxury cruise ship to find a place where the life-saving equipment was stored. He flew up and kicked the cabinet straight away. He took out the life jacket and stuffed it into Zhang Xiaona's body. Looking up, there was chaos everywhere. Many tourists saw Cheng Yiping's move and rushed over. Many people even wanted to **** the life jacket into a flat hand. The feet flew out.

Cheng Yiping is very clear that he is not the so-called Virgin Mary. It is taken for granted to save people under the condition of ensuring their own safety, but he can't even protect his own life and still save others. It is not called to do justice. Called death.

"Cheng Yiping, is there any way to rescue this Tianyin luxury cruise ship? In this way, the entire cruise ship will be sunk in an instant. By then, hundreds of people on the entire cruise ship will definitely be in danger of life ..."

Zhang Xiaona, full of knowledge, put on her clothes with the help of Cheng Yiping. Panic tourists were surrounded by panic and panic. The reason why people are called people is that they have reason and thought.

"I know, I know, but when you have problems with this luxury cruise ship, we are not clear at all, let alone if I find the problem, I will not repair the luxury cruise ship Tianyin, now the only thing I can do That is, we must quickly leave here for help. As long as we can spread the news of the crash of the Tianyin luxury cruise ship, I think the government will definitely send a rescue team to rescue. Now the most important thing is to spread the news and find the rescue at sea. team…"

After helping Zhang Xiaona put on the life jacket clothes, Cheng Yiping himself also put on a survival sign.

Suddenly the Tianyin luxury cruise ship made a crunching sound again, and even tilted again into the water. Under the action of gravity, Cheng Yiping and Zhang Xiaoliang fell off the cruise ship like dumplings and became flat. Immediately, he grabbed a railing and the other hand firmly grasped Zhang Xiao's suspended body. Many unlucky tourists not far below him fell into the sea like dumplings one by one, and became even and vigorous. Panting, a super-hunting app in my mind.

[Starting Super Finding App]

[Super Finding App Faith Finding Launching]

[Please ask the seeker to say the goal]

[Hunting Target: Escape Boat]

[Faith Pathfinding is starting ...]

In an instant

Cheng Yiping's mind started the Super Hidden App again, and the Super Hidden App that had been completed after the life jacket was launched again.

Chen Fan is very clear that wearing the life jacket with Zhang Xiaona can only save their lives at most. If you really want to save the entire Tianyin luxury cruise ship, the only thing you can do is to quickly send the news. Spread it out and find the marine rescue team. Only in this way can more tourists be rescued to the maximum extent. Otherwise, Zhang Xiaona and herself can only be self-insured at most, and they may not even be able to do so.

As for the repair of the Tianyin luxury cruise ship in Cheng Yiping's opinion, it is nonsense. Regardless of whether he will repair the luxury cruise ship, even if he wants to repair it, the Tianyin luxury cruise ship has tilted to 180 degrees and wants to repair It's just a crazy dream, the only thing you can do is to minimize the harm.

Find the escape boat, escape and look for rescue at sea!

This is the best strategy.

At the same time, in the mind of Cheng Yiping, a bright and rotating starry sky emerged, and a deep and distant one-eyed pupil appeared. Cheng Yiping's soul seemed to be divided into two again, and a chirped sound crossed the colorful channel, the whole figure It once again appeared on the sky of the entire Tianyin luxury cruise ship. Between the pupils, you can clearly see the status of the entire Tianyin luxury cruise ship and the route layout.

And several red dots flashed to tell Cheng Yiping that this is where the lifeboat is.

"Damn it, come in ..."

Hanging Cheng Yiping panted vigorously, the muscles between his hands twisted wildly, one side was dragging the railing arm, and the other side was holding Zhang Xiaona hanging, Cheng Yiping knew very well if he did not think of The way to escape, maybe it will really fall into the sea with Zhang Xiaona, and then it will be more difficult to find a lifeboat.

Cheng Yiping made use of the milk, grasped Zhang Xiaona's hand, and constantly swayed, using inertia to throw Zhang Xiaona onto the aisle of the Tianyin luxury cruise ship, and grabbed the railing little by little. On the aisle, I panted vigorously, sweating all over my body, and made a decision in my heart. After I escaped from this disaster, I must strengthen my physical exercise. Otherwise, I do n’t have enough energy, and I will be sad.

"Cheng Yiping, Cheng Yiping, are you okay? It doesn't matter, did you bump into it, is there anything ..."

Zhang Xiaona, full of knowledge, climbed up from the ground. Although she was hurt by the impact of inertia, she knew that Cheng Yiping was saving her. She ran to Cheng Yiping in two or three steps, her face was full. A worried look

Cheng Yiping was panting vigorously, because the excitement of his heart was beating fiercely, and the noise of many tourists came from his ears, as well as the crunching sound of the ship after tilting, looking up at the rain on his face Zhang Xiaona, with a worried face, seemed to have just disappeared in a moment, showing a faint smile.

"Zhang Xiaona, rest assured, I'm okay, help me up, I already know where the escape boat is, we will go to the escape boat now, as long as we find the escape boat, we can find the sea rescue team, and at that time we will be able to Not only can they be rescued, but also people from the maritime rescue team can come to rescue the tourists of the Tianyin luxury cruise ship ... "

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